tcmeyer replied to the topic Larger Right Bevel in the forum Techniques and Sharpening Strategies 8 months, 2 weeks ago
Sorry for jumping in here without reading the previous posts (TLDR), but I have the following to share:
Uneven bevels usually mean that the apex is off-center, assuming that the angles are the same, although I’ve seen it knives I ground rather badly, where the flats are not truly flat.
To correct the differences, simply take more strokes on the…[Read more]
tcmeyer replied to the topic Found an easy way to clean your Diamond Stones in the forum Sharpener and Accessory Maintenance 8 months, 2 weeks ago
The slickest method I’ve used in the past is isopropyl alcohol with a battery-powered scrubber.
The fact is that I haven’t cleaned my diamond stones in years. The swarf simply does not accumulate to the point where it’s a problem. But I don’t use my sharpener on the dining room table, like some users.
tcmeyer replied to the topic Bevel Widens at the Tip in the forum Techniques and Sharpening Strategies 8 months, 4 weeks ago
A bigger reason may be that the factories don’t want to taper the tip to match the primary grinds, as it would leave the tip subject to breakage. The wider bevel doesn’t mean necessarily that the angle is more obtuse. Trying to find a sweet spot that gives you a constant bevel width at the tip will drive you nuts, unless it’s a very thin b…[Read more]
tcmeyer replied to the topic Wicked Edge Buyer's Guide – Fall and Holiday Season 2023 – WE60, WE66 & Gen4Pro in the forum Product Announcements 11 months, 2 weeks ago
I have three WE rigs: A Gen 3 Pro with a 3/4″ riser block added and the SS aftermarket micro adjusts (my design), a WE130 with the same type microadjusters and what would called a WE120, with the original vise and on which I use the rods/microadjusters from the WE130 rig.
The Gen 3 Pro is a very nice rig. I especially like the incremental…[Read more]
tcmeyer replied to the topic Wicked Edge Buyer's Guide – Fall and Holiday Season 2023 – WE60, WE66 & Gen4Pro in the forum Product Announcements 1 year ago
I can’t imagine not using the micro-adjust on every knife I sharpen.
The main purpose is to match the angle of the edge of the knife you just mounted. If you know what that angle is, you’ll want to be spot-on to avoid starting a major profile job. If you don’t know what the angle is, you’ll want to use the micro-adjusts to zero-in on the c…[Read more]
tcmeyer replied to the topic Carbon Fiber Guide Rods in the forum MODS 1 year ago
Mcmaster Carr sells carbon fiber rods which you could thread yourself if you get a 1/4″-28 die and die handle.
Carbon fiber rods are quite expensive at $50 plus shipping for a 48″ length.They also sell rods in Garolite, which I believe is the equivalent of G10 and has some lubricity to it. It sells for $16 per 48″ rod.
I made my rods from…[Read more]
tcmeyer replied to the topic Discordant micron ratings in the forum Main Forum 1 year ago
I’ve been using a micron/mesh chart that was published by Advanced Abrasives about 10 years ago. It’s always worked for me and seems to match up very close to the chart on the WE grit/micron list taken from the WE support list.
I think it’s important to note that we’re not publishing a set of standards for the industry – just a guideline to use…[Read more]
tcmeyer replied to the topic Annoying purchasing experience in the forum Welcome Mat 1 year, 1 month ago
I’ve run into this problem of abnormally large clusters of diamond grit a few times before. In instances where the cluster is aligned parallel to the stone, they are really hard to knock off and the normal process of breaking them in doesn’t do it. On particularly hard steels like my ZDP-189’s, they can produce some really nasty chips. I fo…[Read more]
tcmeyer replied to the topic 3D printed Custom handles in the forum Want to Sell 1 year, 2 months ago
Sorry I’m late on this one, but here’s one tidbit I have to share:
If the long bore diameter is larger than the rod diameter, you’ll want rods which are extra long. If you slide the handle high enough to have the rod drop out of the upper bushing, you’ll see some angular error and if the bushing are a tight fit, you’ll see some binding between…[Read more]
tcmeyer replied to the topic Gen 4 Pro release soon in the forum Product Announcements 1 year, 5 months ago
Hi Marc:
How do the micro-adjusters work?? What are the internals?
tcmeyer replied to the topic "Wings" in the forum Main Forum 1 year, 6 months ago
I used the VSTAs quite a bit and with good success when I was using custom stones which varied in thickness by more than 0.010 – 0.015 of an inch. They take only a few seconds to make an adjustment, as compared to using an angle cube with each grit change. Like Mark says, they never really caught on and users simply found it easier to either u…[Read more]
tcmeyer replied to the topic Gen 3 V2 Jaw in the forum Main Forum 1 year, 7 months ago
I had to look at a few of the new product photos to see what you meant. The new version has only one pair of holes for the height position key.
I don’t know how different the hole height position is from the previous version, so can’t say for sure, but my experience is that there’s only a small change from one position to another, whether you…[Read more]
tcmeyer replied to the topic Any tips on sharpening a Sandrin tungsten carbide blade in the forum Techniques and Sharpening Strategies 1 year, 8 months ago
Which stroke direction works for each user is a subjective thing. For whatever reason, one might work better for you than others and that’s fine. Clay did some tests awhile back and found that under higher magnifications, edge leading strokes seemed to leaved a less jagged apex. I had argued this point for several years as I had experienced s…[Read more]
tcmeyer replied to the topic Thick blade mounting in the forum Main Forum 1 year, 8 months ago
Seems to me that 5/32″ is less than 1/4″ (8/32″). It ought to fit in the 1/4″ jaws. In fact it ought to fit in the standard jaws. Are we miscommunicating or is this another case of me being too old? Seems to happen a lot lately. Maybe you meant 5/16″?
tcmeyer replied to the topic Any tips on sharpening a Sandrin tungsten carbide blade in the forum Techniques and Sharpening Strategies 1 year, 9 months ago
I bought a WorkSharp 3000 for sharpening plane blades, thinking that it would also speed up the process of sharpening ceramic knives as well. Haven’t tried it yet, but the principle of higher grits and low pressure makes a lot of sense. Thanks guys, for reminding me of a lesson learned five years ago. I’ll have to give it a try.
tcmeyer replied to the topic Convex Wicked Edge in the forum Main Forum 1 year, 9 months ago
I’ve been Wicked Edging for about 12 years and I have both the Pro with the Gen 3 vise as well as an older setup with the Gen 1 vise and I’ve found solutions for every knife I’ve been asked to sharpen, from itty-bitty little pen knives to 12″ jerky knives to an Alaskan Ulu. Some have required the assemblage of some gadgetry, but I’ve never…[Read more]
tcmeyer replied to the topic Long & flex knife mount in the forum Main Forum 1 year, 9 months ago
Here’s how I do it, using RAM mount gadgets:
tcmeyer replied to the topic convex edge idea in the forum Tips for Specific Knife Grinds and Styles 1 year, 10 months ago
I replied to Rob’s post, but apparently the OP was moved to a different Forum topic and my reply was lost in the transfer. Just in case, I’ll copy it here:
Using strops is certainly another way to do it and would probably do it a lot faster once you work out the progression. I’ve drifted away from strops because of their tendency to get c…[Read more]
tcmeyer replied to the topic Convex Edge in the forum Advanced Techniques and Sharpening Strategies 1 year, 10 months ago
Using strops is certainly another way to do it and would probably do it a lot faster once you work out the progression. I’ve drifted away from strops because of their tendency to get cross-contaminated. Once a strop is contaminated, there’s almost no way to return it to its prior condition. Diamond stones and films can usually be cleaned to r…[Read more]
tcmeyer replied to the topic Vertical vs Horizontal in the forum Main Forum 2 years ago
If I understand your question correctly, I believe that flipping the horizontal knife holder rotates the vise on the same plane (or axis) as the rod centerline, so there should be no change in the relationship between the shape of the edge and the rod’s rotational axis. It will be reversed but not otherwise altered.
As a side note, I see two…[Read more]
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