Dwight Glass
Dwight Glass replied to the topic Calculating the Sharpening Angles for Blade Positioning in the forum Thoughts/Theories/Science Related to Sharpening 2 years, 8 months ago
Welcome Tom G And thank you for the thought provoking question.
You want to be able to get a formula for the sharpening angle at any position on any blade.
I like the idea
A) You are right on time. you are not late for the Party, we are trying to get this right or make it better.
B) I am not looking for wrong in your approach (the…[Read more]
Dwight Glass replied to the topic "Steeling" a knife blade in the forum Thoughts/Theories/Science Related to Sharpening 2 years, 12 months ago
Timm the “Hot Glue” did not hold up to the “Neatsfoot Oil” that I use on the “Kangaroo Strops”, I replaced the Hot Glue with “Flex Glue”.
When I test the edge on the “Bess PT50A” the “Tungsten Carbide” dose improve sharpness.
I no longer “steel” with the same angle as the sharpening stones, I go just “hair” more acute or steeper angle, but that…[Read more]
Dwight Glass replied to the topic New user in Utah in the forum Getting Started 3 years ago
Welcome Randy I sent a “Private Message” with my “E-Mail Address” it is good to have you on the Forum.
Dwight Glass replied to the topic Ballpark expected Bess scores for different stones in the forum Main Forum 3 years, 1 month ago
Welcome to the Forum JackStraw
600 grit is about as fine as I go most of the time with my Diamond stones, then Kangaroo Leather.
Some times I can get down to 200 grams on the Edge On Up PT50A, usually closer to 240.
My unit is battery powered so I need to occasionally put “Gram Scale Weights” on the scales to check to see if the batteries are week.
Dwight Glass replied to the topic Can I Save A Strop? in the forum Abrasives 3 years, 2 months ago
Have you tried “Saddle Soap” some places that sell horse supplies have it, and some shoe stores.
Dwight Glass replied to the topic Microscope Test aka the Scope Showdown! in the forum Pass Around 3 years, 3 months ago
I have A “Celestron” hand held microscope.
I put tape over the focusing mechanism to keep it from wasting my time.
Dwight Glass replied to the topic New Owner WE130 in the forum Main Forum 3 years, 5 months ago
Welcome James
Enjoy and be safe.
Dwight Glass replied to the topic Help choosing strop in the forum Stropping 3 years, 5 months ago
Welcome to the forum Kjosn.
If you have “not” used leather on the “Wicked Edge” before I recommend “Cow Leather” to learn with.
The regular leather or Cow Leather is the lower priced leather.
It is common when learning how to use the strops to cut the leather.
That is what I did when I started using leather strops on the “Wicked Edge”, yep cut…[Read more]
Dwight Glass replied to the topic Miyabi Birchwood Chef’s Knife Sharpening Tips for Newbie??? in the forum Tips for Specific Knife Grinds and Styles 3 years, 11 months ago
It dose not matter what your good, valuable or important knife is.
Make your honest learning mistakes with knives that have low value.
I was sharpening a long time before I got my first “Wicked Edge” sharpener.
I did not learn any of this fast and I might still be doing some things the hard way.
Some people think we should sharpen 10 or 20…[Read more]
Dwight Glass replied to the topic Laser Engraver in the forum Main Forum 3 years, 11 months ago
Not me. I went to a “Jewelry Shop” to have knives engraved. I needed put “Painters Tape” on the edge and “Blade Guards” on the knives to do my part for safety.
Dwight Glass replied to the topic Stone storage in the forum Main Forum 4 years ago
I used the “Wicked Edge” “Protective Covers” that are no longer sold by “Wicked Edge” they were made out of smooth Plastic, not corrugated.
The protective covers made out of smooth plastic take less room than the protective covers made out of corrugated plastic.
When “Wicked Edge” sold their “Protective Covers” they were sold under “Accessories”…[Read more]
Dwight Glass replied to the topic First Use! in the forum Getting Started 4 years ago
For now cut two fingers off an old glove, poke A hole in the end of those two fingers and slide one down each “guide Rod” to cover your “Ball-Joints”.
Put a hole in a rag that fits the base of the vice at the “Numbered Angle Settings” blue plate.
Then put two more holes in that same cloth or towel for for the “Guide Rod Post” or “L-Bracket” that…[Read more]
Dwight Glass replied to the topic Sharpening as a business in the forum Sharpening as a Business 4 years, 1 month ago
Kenneth the best Information we have about running a business with Just the “Wicked Edge” Is right in this thread with “kyle Kaplan’s” teachings.
I have a knife sharpening business but I should really call it a hobby because it takes me to long to get the edge the way I want it for the customer.
I have Powered sharpening equipment, but I keep…[Read more]
Dwight Glass replied to the topic Convex Edge in the forum Advanced Techniques and Sharpening Strategies 4 years, 1 month ago
I use 2 step increments but then I use “Kangaroo Leather” to help blend the steps together.
Dwight Glass replied to the topic 2016 Pro Pack 1 in the forum Getting Started 4 years, 1 month ago
Steve asked How big of an issue is the dust.
The issue is at its worst when all the Diamond stones are new.
I do not see people in “Wicked Edge” videos wearing face mask. but there is nothing wrong with being safe and wearing a face mask.
I use a small fan with the air moving to my left or to my right so the dust can not just hang in the air…[Read more]
Dwight Glass replied to the topic 2016 Pro Pack 1 in the forum Getting Started 4 years, 1 month ago
When you get your sharpener cover the “Ball-Joints” with something like the cut off finger of a glove, to protect the “Ball-Joint” from diamond dust and metal dust.
Dwight Glass replied to the topic High Angle Issues – Large Cleaver in the forum Basic Techniques and Sharpening Strategies 4 years, 1 month ago
You could try putting the “Guide Rod” and “Ball-Joint” on the out side of the “L Bracket”.
If the “Guide Rod” or “Ball-Joint” are then hitting the the “L Bracket” before you get to your 30 degrees.
Then contact “Ed K.” Known hear as “NotSharpEnuff” to get a “Micro Adjust” that can move the “Ball-Joint” out further.
To do these things you may…[Read more]
Dwight Glass replied to the topic Using simple green and a brush to clean stones in the forum Sharpener and Accessory Maintenance 4 years, 2 months ago
I have used “Bar Keepers Friend” and an old tooth brush.
I do not use “Simple Green” on any thing from “Wicked Edge”.
Dwight Glass replied to the topic 50/80 Grit Diamond Stones = Great Time Saver in the forum Basic Techniques and Sharpening Strategies 4 years, 4 months ago
I See Kindness in your Response. I do have a sharpening style that is high risk, just by using 50/80 grit stones. A lot of Damage can happen quick.
The experience with knife sharpening that I had, is what I shared and is what I do.
Dwight Glass replied to the topic 50/80 Grit Diamond Stones = Great Time Saver in the forum Basic Techniques and Sharpening Strategies 4 years, 4 months ago
My customers usually bring knives to me that have been sharpened by the customer. That means the owner of the knife and I talk about what angle that should be put on the knife and I usually put a convex edge on it.
When the knife comes back for the next sharpening if I can see with out magnification a reflection off the edge or it is dull I set…[Read more]
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