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  • #53134
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    O.K. so who do we talk to about this set up for a WE 130?? lol

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    I ordered and received this table earlier this week based on your post.  Very solid and easy to setup/store as needed.

    I needed a shorter table when I cement the threaded rods into the ball joint for the micro-adjust kit.  I have to be very careful not to contaminate the ball with the liquid metal epoxy.

    All of my work benches are too high to sit comfortably and rest my elbows for stability inserting the rod into the ball.

    I just made up some more kits and this table worked perfectly.


    Ed K.

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    Glad you like it.  It worked perfectly for me as well.  I just stuck a switched power strip to the under side, so now I have switched power.  The fact that it’s easy up and easy away is everything for me.

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    I recently started using the black plastic knob replacement microadjuster kit from Ed K (NotSharpEnuff) on my Gen3Pro. It works great and Ed was very helpful and responsive. Finally things stay put. Thanks Ed.

    Howard Schwartz
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    I have use the micro- angle adjusters from Ed, as well and it absolutely is worth every single penny. An absolute must have, accessory.

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    Dave Migliaccio
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    Hi Ed,

    Got your info from Marc; I’d like to order the Gen 3 upgrade micro adjuster kit with stainless steel knobs with stainless steel lock arms at  $145.00. I don’t have a Gen 3, but rather an older WE100 that I upgraded with a Gen 3 vise (<span style=”color: #000000;”>WE300UP), </span> <span style=”color: #000000;”>along with a WE130 degree bar and mini L-bracket upgrade, with the WE100up4 hinges. Marc says what I need is for WE130: model “A” for Stainless Steel and style #2 for the mini “L” brackets. If that sounds right, let’s go ahead with the order. I can do PayPal.</span>


    Marc H (Wicked Edge Expert Corner)
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    Dave, I sent you an email, and a forum private message, also.  Please email Ed directly to place an order


    (MarcH's Rack-Its)

    Dave Migliaccio
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    I’ve installed the stainless steel replacement micro adjuster kit from Ed K (NotSharpEnuff) on my Gen3Pro; it’s brilliant! It’s really nice to be free of micro adjustment with Allen wrenches and tiny knobs. My only regret is not getting it sooner. Ed is a pleasure to deal with, ships promptly and accurately, and offers great support.

    Also, I got some of his strop and stone covers for my leather strops and Chosera stones. The fit is perfect, they look great, and protect strops and stones from cross-contamination and damage. Well worth the money.

    Folks like Ed and Marc are doing a great service by making an excellent product better.

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    The strop and stone covers are made by Airscapes as well as the guide rod stone stops.  I use them on my strops/Chosera stones as I work in the garage and they sit in the open on MarcH’s custom Rack-it.  I have the Rack-it hanging on the wall but it also has foldable legs to sit on my work bench.

    I keep Airscapes’ products on hand in case a user wants them with an adjuster kit.  Which saves on an extra shipping charge.

    Ed K.

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    just ordered the micro-adjusters for my 130. Looking forward to trying them.


    Order received. This is a great kit. Very well thought out and produced.  Fast shipping.


    Thanks Ed

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 11 months ago by Mark.
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    Adrian Johansson
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    Need help, need micro adjustable to we50go possible? Have we50go with gen 3 clamp

    Adrian Johansson
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    Pic on it

    Marc H (Wicked Edge Expert Corner)
    • Topics: 82
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    The microadjusters are not available for a WE GO model, at this time.  The WE GO guide rod arms, as designed, are essentially infinitely adjustable simply with that sliding guide rod positioning system design.

    Please post photo of your WE GO with a Gen 3 Vise.

    (MarcH's Rack-Its)

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    I purchased Ed’s Stainless Steel Micro adjust mod for my Gen3 Pro, very nice!

    I did make a mod to them though (hope Ed doesn’t mind me posting). When i installed i noticed my range of sharpening motion and max angle had decreased, found out it was due to the all thread rods threads hitting on the outer rim of the ball joint. At first i made new rods and used the edge of a flat 1/8″ fine file to remove the threads. I was also able to file the threads away on Ed’s Micro Adjusters also. I have attached pics of what i did1

    1. Shows Micro Adjust mod installed on left, OEM on right. Shows range of motion with coares adjust at 24.5.
    2. Shows Micro Adjust mod installed on left, OEM on right. Shows range of motion with coarse adjust at 27.0.
    3. Shows how much thread was removed.
    4. Shows All thread rod i made.

    Will have to add other pics in a second post

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    5. Shows modded Micro adjust installed.
    6. Shows incresed range of motion with both modded Micro Adjusters installed.
    7. Shows setup for working on one of Ed’s Micro Adjusts.
    8. Shows difference between Ed’s original, my mod.


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