45srbest replied to the topic Hello everyone in the forum Welcome Mat 4 years, 8 months ago
Welcome! Unbelievable amount of great information on this forum. Great people with a lot of knowledge that they are more than happy to share.
45srbest replied to the topic Disinfecting Customers Knives in the forum Sharpening as a Business 4 years, 9 months ago
I generally don’t work on other people’s knives, but I always have 91% isopropyl alcohol in a spray. I’m not an expert, but I would think giving them a spray with that and wiping them down would be a good disinfectant.
45srbest replied to the topic Shout-out in the forum Main Forum 4 years, 10 months ago
I second Terry’s thank you to Marc. He’s been extremely helpful to me personally with trying to better my technique. Thanks Marc!
45srbest replied to the topic Denatured Alcohol Question… in the forum Basic Techniques and Sharpening Strategies 4 years, 10 months ago
I use 91 percent Isopropyl Alcohol.
45srbest replied to the topic Micro-Adjust Question in the forum Welcome Mat 4 years, 10 months ago
I also had the problem you are experiencing with my WE130. As airscapes has pointed out, there are several items offered by forum members that make the sharpening both safer and more enjoyable. Check out the link he suggested and I’m sure you will find useful information.
45srbest replied to the topic Weird Angle Issue… in the forum Basic Techniques and Sharpening Strategies 4 years, 10 months ago
If you know what angle you want to set at, and your sure your knife is set correctly in the WE clamp I would utilize an angle cube to verify my settings. You didn’t mention which model wicked edge you were using or if you used an angle cube.
45srbest replied to the topic "Big Rig" Dual-Vise Multi-Carriage Modular Set-up in the forum MODS 4 years, 11 months ago
That is whats called extreme engineering! Love the concept Marc and it would indeed make it easier and more precise on my kitchen knives.
45srbest replied to the topic Vice Jaw and Cam Lobe Wear in the forum Sharpener and Accessory Maintenance 4 years, 11 months ago
I did use bicycle dry lube on the “cam”. Doesn’t seem to make any great difference. In lieu on the small piece of foam, I use a piece of the blue tape, folded back on itself and trimmed to fit between the jaws. Works great! Better than the foam.
45srbest replied to the topic Some opinions on a good Fillet knife please . . . in the forum Knife Specific Discussion 4 years, 11 months ago
I share you folks direction issue. I grew up on the Jersey shore. My dad had a boat in 1957 and I stayed until I sold my last boat in 1988. I moved to Utah in 2015 and figuring direction is tough without my bearings on the ocean! (Maybe I need my old LORAN!). It seems to me we use to use the Rapala filet knives and a Gerber Musky. They served the…[Read more]
45srbest replied to the topic Hindered half track spanto grind questions in the forum Tips for Specific Knife Grinds and Styles 4 years, 11 months ago
I’m going to try what you said Marc. Should be interesting. I just have to put my wide blade clamp in and give it a shot. Gives me something to do on what looks like a rainy Monday coming up.
45srbest started the topic Hindered half track spanto grind questions in the forum Tips for Specific Knife Grinds and Styles 4 years, 11 months ago
The spanto grind on the half track doesn’t look like it needs to be handled in two different areas of the blade. It looks like it can be done in one continuous sweep (like more or less normal blades). Just wondering if anyone has done one of these and if so what position on WE did you use.
45srbest replied to the topic Whats your experience with magnetic knife holding strips? in the forum Sharpener and Accessory Maintenance 5 years ago
The magnetic one we use is made by Holtz. It’s wood so there is no problem with it scratching the knives. The magnets are strong enough to hold 8” chefs knife (wustoff ikon)no problem.
45srbest replied to the topic Whats your experience with magnetic knife holding strips? in the forum Sharpener and Accessory Maintenance 5 years ago
I share your concern about grandchildren. Not sure about over the stove. It would certainly seem likely they would get some kind of buildup on them if not used. But I’m sure they’re used often enough to make this a non issue. Would long term it affect the handles? I do think the strips are the best way to protect the knives.
45srbest replied to the topic Newbie in the forum Welcome Mat 5 years ago
Welcome to the forum Mark. I purchased my 1st Wicked Edge a few months ago. I got the WE130 and believe it was the best choice for me. Extremely flexible and if you add some of the items folks on the forum make, it’s even more enjoyable.
45srbest replied to the topic Spyderco Para 2 in the forum Knife Photos 5 years ago
I’ve been sharpening my paramilitary 2 (cpm s30v) at right on lower line 6 with tip right in the left lower corner of C with the AAG. This is using the lower holes of the AAG and the wE130. Interested to hear what settings other people are using with this knife. I also have a new m390 Para 2 sitting in the box looking at me. It’s probably ask…[Read more]
45srbest replied to the topic Not Sure What I Should Buy in the forum Main Forum 5 years ago
I purchased my WE130 about 2 months ago. No regrets, MarcH is right on all he said about easy to use. I’ve added most of the items offered by the good folks on this forum, and don’t regret any of them. They have made it more enjoyable and easier to use. I suggest you also purchase an angle cube, very helpful.
45srbest replied to the topic What strokes do I use for cross hatching? in the forum Main Forum 5 years ago
Thank you Marc. Information was very helpful!
45srbest replied to the topic What strokes do I use for cross hatching? in the forum Main Forum 5 years ago
It seems that I need to clarify what I’m trying to understand. I see references where one way to verify that you have removed the previous grit marks is by utilizing a cross hatch pattern with the next grit. I understand what a cross hatch pattern is, just unsure what you use for example after an edge trailing stroke to obtain a cross hatch. Cr…[Read more]
45srbest started the topic What strokes do I use for cross hatching? in the forum Main Forum 5 years ago
what are the general strokes used to obtain cross hatching. Couldn’t find by searching, thank you for helping a new user!
45srbest started the topic Thanks to MarcH,airscapes and NotSharpEnuff in the forum Main Forum 5 years, 1 month ago
These folks have made it MUCH more enjoyable to use my WE130. From MarcH I obtained One of his Rack its for 18 stones and it’s great for easy access and keeping my table organized. From airscapes I got his stone stops and they take a lot of the concern off of scuffing your blade or cutting yourself (now I need your strop covers!). Last but not l…[Read more]
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