Dale Wachholz
Dale Wachholz replied to the topic Plugable USB 2.0 Digital Microscope in the forum Main Forum 5 years ago
Thanks Brandon,
I’ve been absent from the forums for quite some time.
But just recently I had to sharpen my son’s EDC. I’d been using a loupe. It works (worked?) ok, but now the batteries for the LED are dead.
I came back to the forums to find tcmeyer’s recommendation on a usb microscope that he had given me some time ago. While I co…[Read more]
Dale Wachholz replied to the topic Gen 3 vise and carrying case in the forum Main Forum 6 years, 1 month ago
Jon, I wish I had an answer for you. Somebody will come along with an answer. I am in the same boat. I want to purchase a gen-3 vise, and keep it mounted to the base and use my carry case.
What I may end up doing is get me a piece of granite, and put my gen-3 vice (yet to be ordered) on that second piece of granite. That vice/base combo will…[Read more]
KCS and
Dale Wachholz are now friends 6 years, 1 month ago
Dale Wachholz replied to the topic Interested in WE in the forum Pass Around and Buy / Sell / Trade 6 years, 2 months ago
Welcome aboard Jpack. Every now and again you’ll see a pre-owned set for sale here, or on eBay. I’d suggest getting the gen-3 vice.
Dale Wachholz replied to the topic UFFDA Minnesota Dontcha Know in the forum Welcome Mat 6 years, 4 months ago
Welcome Aboard.
Yeah, yer gonna get hooked. Any knife with a wicked edge is just such a pleasure to use.
Dale Wachholz replied to the topic New from Virginia in the forum Welcome Mat 6 years, 6 months ago
Welcome aboard and Thank You.
Good job on joining the forum and asking question before buying. I have an older PPII that I purchased pre-owned. I love taking a dull knife and turning it into a crazy sharp and useable tool. I am with Pinkfloyd. The gen 3 vice is the way to go. If I had it all to do over again, I’d get that vice from the s…[Read more]
Dale Wachholz replied to the topic official owner of a Wicked Edge sharpener in the forum Getting Started 6 years, 7 months ago
Yep, welcome aboard. This is a good place to be.
I like to take a black sharpie to my clamp when needed. That way I can tell right away if the stones have been kissing it.
Keep reading. The amount of good information here is crazy.
Dale Wachholz replied to the topic New Member, Loving the WE, Want to upgrade? in the forum Welcome Mat 6 years, 8 months ago
Welcome aboard fellow Wisconsinite!
The suggestion of the adjustable ‘L’ brackets was good. I am glad my pre-owned set had them. I purchased a cheep 40x loupe and while it works, I got what I paid for. There are several threads suggesting an affordable USB microscope. That is next on my list. Or maybe the Tormek small blade hold…[Read more]
Dale Wachholz replied to the topic Hillfolk shop vac in the forum MODS 6 years, 8 months ago
Drew, thanks for sharing. I think making jigs, fixtures, and tooling is part of the fun.
Depending on your house/shop set up, could you cannibalize any old vac, upright, canister, shop, etc but put the motor in the basement where you don’t have to hear it run, then use a long tube for suction?
Dale Wachholz replied to the topic Knife database (user-submitted settings) is back in the forum Task Specific Knife Sharpening 6 years, 8 months ago
Thank you Chris!
Dale Wachholz replied to the topic ? light scratch removal on polished Titanium . . . in the forum Knife Specific Discussion 6 years, 9 months ago
That’s no rant! That’s good entertainment for my first few minutes here at work. Oh man the image you stuck in my head! I really liked my Spyderco Tenacious at first, until I found how miserable soft the Chinese steel in that model was. My mistake, I bought it. Sold it for what I paid, so I guess it was a free learning experi…[Read more]
Dale Wachholz replied to the topic A new youtube video in the forum Off Topic 6 years, 9 months ago
That was a very well done video. Thank you for posting it. Simple things, like the brush, are good to share.
I find myself doing a lot of work (maintenance and repairs) on family owned toys, such as ATV, motorcycles, and yes, cars. It’s not like a I know a lot about these things, I just enjoy figuring things out. Youtube is a great reso…[Read more]
Dale Wachholz replied to the topic Christmas is Early: Gone boi! in the forum Off Topic 6 years, 9 months ago
Organic nailed that one on the head.
Dale Wachholz replied to the topic Hello Everyone in the forum Welcome Mat 6 years, 9 months ago
Welcome aboard Joe.
I suspect you’ve been doing some reading here. There is a LOT of good information. Mentioned many times is the suggestion that new WE owners practice on um shall we say ‘practice knives’. I have done a lot of practicing on my wife’s Chicago Cutlery kitchen knives. And as luck would have it, in no time at all I can pract…[Read more]
Dale Wachholz replied to the topic New member from Memphis in the forum Welcome Mat 6 years, 9 months ago
welcome aboard two dogs. you’re going to love that WE130 vice.
I have the old old old style, and while it works, I have the itch to upgrade.
My system (older pro pack 2) has a carry case. I need to make sure the taller vice can remain installed on the granite and still fit in the case.
All in due time.
Enjoy your system. you’ve made a good…[Read more]
Dale Wachholz replied to the topic Wifi Microscope ($99 Amazon) my quick review in the forum Techniques and Sharpening Strategies 7 years ago
That’s my price range! I looked at the reviews on Amazon. Seems good for me.
Some people use this mscope to view cannabis trichomes. What are those? heh heh
Dale Wachholz replied to the topic Wifi Microscope ($99 Amazon) my quick review in the forum Techniques and Sharpening Strategies 7 years ago
Thank you for the current review Expidia. I have a USB scope on my wish list. But with summer coming I’ll likely be busy on other projects.
I recently bought the 1500 diamond & glass platen set of paddles. To my old naked eye, the edges look perfect. But then I pull out my 40x loupe and see all the scratches.
For me, I am thinking a USB s…[Read more]
Dale Wachholz replied to the topic New member from Texas! in the forum Main Forum 7 years ago
Welcome Aboard Roger! I am a fairly new member too. Marc already beat me to my own reply on you getting the better deal.
I am finding that I really enjoy spending time putting a beautiful edge on a knife. And I’ve done it once! Point is, and you’ve read this, give yourself time to learn. Be patient and slow. Practice on knives that you…[Read more]
Dale Wachholz replied to the topic New member from London UK in the forum Welcome Mat 7 years ago
Welcome aboard Mark. I joined not too long ago too. I recently got my 1500 diamond/glass paddles. Man do I like those. All depends on what you want to accomplish.
By all means spend some time reading around in the forums. There is an amazing amount of information here for you.
Dale Wachholz replied to the topic Simple Green: Dissolves Adhesive in the forum Sharpener and Accessory Maintenance 7 years, 1 month ago
Good advice!
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