Dale Wachholz
Dale Wachholz started the topic Simple Green: Dissolves Adhesive in the forum Sharpener and Accessory Maintenance 7 years ago
In my ‘welcome mat’ thread I mentioned that I have a ceramic with the stone mounted very unevenly. Since I was going on a mini-vacation to the warm temps of Tampa for a week, I put my ceramic an a solution of mostly Simple Green to soak. I needed to add a little water to get the level up past the tape.
It soaked for 6 days. Yes, Simple Green…[Read more]
Dale Wachholz replied to the topic Hello From S.E. Wisconsin in the forum Welcome Mat 7 years ago
I had just enough simple green left over to give the one poorly mounted ceramic a soak. (Not both ceramics)
I will let you know the results of a simple green soak in a few days.
Dale Wachholz replied to the topic Running laps in the forum Techniques and Sharpening Strategies 7 years ago
This is a good thread for a noob like me to watch.
Dale Wachholz replied to the topic W.E. Rack-Its Stone Holders for Sale in the forum Want to Sell 7 years ago
WOW those are NICE!
Dale Wachholz replied to the topic Hello From S.E. Wisconsin in the forum Welcome Mat 7 years ago
Thank you sksharp, that is very sound advice.
I have a whopping 6 or 7 knives under my belt now. On the last two I really tried to keep my thumbs on the second indent from the bottom, this seems to force me to use lighter pressure. I went slower, checked with the loupe more often, and these two turned out the best so far. The apex on these tw…[Read more]
Dale Wachholz replied to the topic Hello From S.E. Wisconsin in the forum Welcome Mat 7 years ago
Thanks MarcH. I don’t see me taking pictures with it. But the way I am going now I am liking the camera just for visual inspection. I do get a kick out of checking the bevel for sure when changing grits, and sometimes while doing a grit. I have slowed the sharpening w a y down, and producing better results. That said, I still need to take…[Read more]
Dale Wachholz replied to the topic Hello From S.E. Wisconsin in the forum Welcome Mat 7 years ago
Thank you all,
This is good information. I did buy my WE pre-owned and very lightly used. So it is a few years old.
My ceramics have black (coarse) and red (fine).
If I understand sksharp & MarcH, that 1500 diamond might be a good stone to use after the 1000 and before I go to the ceramics.
After the ceramic, Then do I use the glass pla…[Read more]
Dale Wachholz replied to the topic Hello From S.E. Wisconsin in the forum Welcome Mat 7 years ago
Thanks sksharp!
Funny you should call it the fray. I have bee searching all over the forums, and I fee like a cat chasing the laser dot on the floor. Too much good stuff for me to focus and stay on task.
I’ve been trying to see if I can get a more mirror edge. My pro pack two comes with the 800-1000 diamond stones, then the ceramic stones la…[Read more]
Dale Wachholz replied to the topic Hello From S.E. Wisconsin in the forum Welcome Mat 7 years ago
Sheboygan County?!? We’ll be travelling thru this weekend on our way to visit the in-laws in ‘Trivers.
MarcH had asked what system I decided on. I ended up with a pro-pack II, and the Nanuk Hard case.
For anybody that has not pulled the trigger yet, the quality of the all the components in crazy. For me, putting the tools away at the end of…[Read more]
Dale Wachholz started the topic Hello From S.E. Wisconsin in the forum Welcome Mat 7 years ago
Hello there everybody. My name is Dale. Before I blather on about myself with an intro, I’d like to make a few comments. I’ve been scouring these forums for a few days now and I have noticed:
The level of politeness is AWESOME.
There are some very passionate people here that are willing to share their knowledge.
Love that Clay often vis…[Read more]
Dale Wachholz became a registered member 7 years ago