Marc H replied to the topic Oops, how did I just make these scratches? in the forum Basic Techniques and Sharpening Strategies 5 years, 9 months ago
If it is a knife you really want to protect from any accidents, I’d recommend covering the knife steel sides with some kind of tape. Blue painters tape works fairly well. Nothing replaces proper careful sharpening technique and experience. I do employ stone stops, both upper and lower, to limit the stones travel to across the knife edge, on…[Read more]
Marc H replied to the topic Stones Rubbing My Jaws in the forum Main Forum 5 years, 9 months ago
My riser blocks are Wicked Edge parts, no longer made or used, repurposed, from previous hardware upgrades we used in the past, during the evolution of the WEPS models over the years to the current version models. So in short, they are obsolete used W.E. parts. It is my understanding that W.E. does not sell these or any other parts.
Marc H replied to the topic Which Strops to start with? in the forum Stropping 5 years, 9 months ago
I use the cow leather for the 4µ/2µ and the 1.0µ/0.5µ. (Diamond Emulsions)
I bought the nanocloths for the finer grits; 0.25µ/0.125µ. I have not yet loaded or tried these strops.
I have never used Kangaroo. I have heard good things about it from those who have. Thin and stiff, less angle reduction required. Just the same experience in realit…[Read more]
Marc H replied to the topic New from Georgia in the forum Welcome Mat 5 years, 9 months ago
The bar stock is a good way to accelerate the stone break-in. I suggest first you work with some junk or beater knives to learn how to clamp and position knives. Also, how to set guide rod angles and lock the positions, and then how to employ the various sharpening strokes. This way while gaining the muscle memory from practicing your knif…[Read more]
Marc H replied to the topic Stones Rubbing My Jaws in the forum Main Forum 5 years, 9 months ago
I own and make use of all of these three, : A) riser blocks, B) L.A.A., (low angle adapters) and C) the Tormek Small knife holder. Each one has it’s place and it’s value. My preference is the W.E. vise on the riser block but that doesn’t always hold a small knife. Then I’ll try Plan B and if that fails, Plan C. All three are worth ownin…[Read more]
Marc H replied to the topic New From Pennsylvania in the forum Welcome Mat 5 years, 9 months ago
Welcome to the Wicked Edge Forum and sharpening community Michael Labus.
This is one of the best video’s I’ve seen to breakdown the different Wicked Edge sharpening stokes and explains the techniques in detail, well. Ignore the title it really doesn’t reflect the subject matter. In the second video of the two part series he goes on to use Ch…[Read more]
Marc H replied to the topic Stones direction? Uniform or circles? in the forum Techniques and Sharpening Strategies 5 years, 9 months ago
I do each and every grit the same procedure or routine as you wrote you did with the 100 grit. I do not count strokes. I do enough strokes to reach the results I’m looking for, then move on up a grit. I start with 100 grit only as needed. If I can get by starting at a higher beginning grit, (say 400 grit), I will.
Marc H replied to the topic Stones Rubbing My Jaws in the forum Main Forum 5 years, 9 months ago
Here are photos of my modified, (modded) Wicked Edge Set-ups:
Gen 3 Pro:
Marc H replied to the topic 1000 grit – impressed. in the forum Techniques and Sharpening Strategies 5 years, 9 months ago
Be very safety conscious when bring your fingers down onto exposed sharpened edges. I suggest no-cut-gloves or Safety shields to “save the digits”.
Marc H replied to the topic Strop compounds? in the forum Stropping 5 years, 9 months ago
I sometimes mist my strops with Isopropyl Alcohol. The mist seems to affect, (improve), the paste compounds more then the emulsions.
Marc H replied to the topic New to me in the forum Main Forum 5 years, 9 months ago
Welcome to the forum Dnjiemor, I wipe my guide rods, from time to time with a silicone rag like one used to wipe down guns and fishing reels. I also pull a small swab of the same cloth through the sharpening stone handle bores, with a thin cord. I drop a small paper clip, acting as a weight, down through the bore, then pull the silicone wad thr…[Read more]
Marc H replied to the topic Stones Rubbing My Jaws in the forum Main Forum 5 years, 9 months ago
The Low Angle Adapters, (LAA) allow for angles as low as 10º-12º. You are not excluded from setting wider bevels when using the LAA.
Marc H replied to the topic Strop compounds? in the forum Stropping 5 years, 9 months ago
Welcome to the forum PowerHouse. The vehicles whether it’s the paste compound or the emulsion are just the delivery system to apply the diamond abrasives to the strop. I wouldn’t be concerned about the vehicle. Only the grits. I wouldn’t want to contaminate the strop surface with mixed grits of a large size difference. Mixing 3.5µ and 4.0µ p…[Read more]
Marc H replied to the topic Base Material? in the forum Techniques and Sharpening Strategies 5 years, 9 months ago
Here’s another worthy light solution. I use this LED light with the weighted base. The weighted base allows me to place it anywhere I choose to. It is a costly lighting solution but it works very well and can be positioned and aligned directly over the knife clamped for sharpening. It can be positioned so it doesn’t shine in my eyes. It illu…[Read more]
Marc H replied to the topic New from Georgia in the forum Welcome Mat 5 years, 9 months ago
Richard, for the new users it’s often not one thing to single out, that you may be doing wrong. First, as you know, the stones take time to break-in. Then the stones will continue to give improved results as your technique and skills improve.
Often, I believe the new user stops short of bringing the two knife sides together at the apex, that i…[Read more]
Marc H replied to the topic Are you guys this nuts, or is it me? Angles and burrs in the forum Advanced Techniques and Sharpening Strategies 5 years, 9 months ago
For me the DLFs are to smooth and polish the bevel to be mirror reflective. Since the two smoothed bevel sides intersect at the knife edge, the knife edge may become narrower, too.
The strops I use to refine and smooth the cutting edge and add just that extra bit of sharpness. By refine, I mean smooth out the rough, draggy or edge catching fe…[Read more]
Marc H replied to the topic Strop Mounting in the forum Stropping 5 years, 9 months ago
Leather strops are directly mounted to the new handles. The nanocloths appear to have a backing plate of some sort, possibly a hard plastic plate.
Marc H replied to the topic Are you guys this nuts, or is it me? Angles and burrs in the forum Advanced Techniques and Sharpening Strategies 5 years, 9 months ago
They both use the same edge trailing strokes, that is up and off the knife edge. The different mediums behave differently. The microfine abrasives are affixed to the films, just like the other sharpening stones. The abrasives are embedded in the strops but can and do roll between the strop and the edge steel leading to the burnishing ef…[Read more]
Marc H replied to the topic Are you guys this nuts, or is it me? Angles and burrs in the forum Advanced Techniques and Sharpening Strategies 5 years, 9 months ago
phillyjudge: the stropping process is more flexible then the sharpening process. We back off the strop angle 2 degrees or so to avoid rounding off the edge. Some of us have found 1.5 degrees works best for us. Others use 2 degrees and still, others may use only 1 degrees. My point it is that it’s subjective and influenced by technique. Ther…[Read more]
Marc H replied to the topic We need your help! – Wicked Edge Learning Experience Survey in the forum Off Topic 5 years, 9 months ago
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