sksharp replied to the topic Sushi knife challenge in the forum Main Forum 2 years ago
OK so you are the authority on all types of sharpening and sharpeners. I’ll have to remember that in the future. I mean you even had to point out that there is a very tiny amount of steel at the apex. What a revelation! You don’t think there are ways to sharpen different edges differently? The WE is the only answer? You do realize they make belts…[Read more]
sksharp replied to the topic Is the WE130 overkill for me? in the forum Main Forum 2 years ago
Welcome to the search for the “perfect” edge. lol
Good luck, hope you are as happy as I’ve been with my decision.
To the pleasure, sksharp
sksharp replied to the topic Sushi knife challenge in the forum Main Forum 2 years ago
Professionals have been using belt sanders, wheels, or the like in one form or another for hundreds of years. with the right material and in the right hands, so you don’t ruin the heat treat, you can make edges very, very sharp with convex edge and no limitation on blade width. You can also polish the daylights out of the knife if you want it…[Read more]
sksharp replied to the topic WE66 Obsidian vs WE130? in the forum Main Forum 2 years ago
I also own a WE60, pre purchased when it first came out for $150.00. With the deluxe case and an extra set of stones(800/1000) and 14/10 leather strop, it’s a pretty complete system for personal use on certain knives, but it has limitations. For portability and ease of set up there’s nothing close though. Perfect for hunting and vacation trips.…[Read more]
sksharp replied to the topic Struggling with getting sharp edges in the forum Techniques and Sharpening Strategies 2 years ago
There is a lot in your post. Providing your stones are all broke in, I find the higher(or finer) grits like 1500 take longer to break in than lower grit stones, diamond stones always have a “toothy” edge. The strops are a great way to get rid of the “tooth” on your edge. The edges I’ve made with expensive wet stones are the only ones that don’t…[Read more]
sksharp replied to the topic Greetings from Columbus — and request for posting helplp in the forum Welcome Mat 2 years ago
Can’t help with IT problems, but welcome.
sksharp replied to the topic Any tips on sharpening a Sandrin tungsten carbide blade in the forum Techniques and Sharpening Strategies 2 years ago
What has worked for me on very chip prone material, in my case ceramic blades, use finer stones than you normally would and very light pressure. To much grit and they chip, to much pressure they chip. I like the idea of the whetstones, the softer stones will help prevent chipping. Take your time because it will take longer to sharpen than normal knives.
sksharp replied to the topic Smaller case for WE 130 in the forum Main Forum 2 years ago
I have the case for the pro-pack 3, purchased together six years ago or so. I have a complete set of stones in the case and a newer set on March’s rack its. I just cover the extra rack-it just to keep dust off. I’m not sure I would even consider a smaller case though. I can take that case on the road and have everything I need, and then some most…[Read more]
sksharp replied to the topic Sushi knife challenge in the forum Main Forum 2 years ago
I have run into a similar problem sharpening knives with what I was told was a Swedish grind. Some people around here use them for hunting knives. Because of the amount of metal to be removed I put a 15 degree standard edge on them and the hunters loved it. I know that doesn’t help you but my experience with that particular grind is they are not…[Read more]
sksharp replied to the topic WE66 Obsidian vs WE130? in the forum Main Forum 2 years ago
While I trust and have talked to staff at WE, keep in mind this is their new sharpener and it is what they will push. I am not saying that the person you talked to is incorrect. I do not own or have not ever used the 66 but I have sharpened over 1000 knives with my 130 and I love it. It does sound to me that the new sharpener is easier to use…[Read more]
sksharp replied to the topic Is the WE130 overkill for me? in the forum Main Forum 2 years ago
I have not been on this forum for some time now…so how is everyone? I have owned my WE130 for 6 or so years now and I added to it for the first year or 2. I now have all strops, all lapping films, almost all stropping compounds, scissor att. ect ect ect. Even have a set of expensive wet stones and I can say without reservation that I love all of…[Read more]
sksharp replied to the topic Thumbscrew tightening/loosening on the Go in the forum Wicked Edge GO 6 years ago
I’ve had a GO since it came out and I use it 30% of the time or so(also have a 130). I check the tension on the screws on every stone just like I’m setting it up for the first stone. I use an angle cube and re-adjust the angle to the desired degree. Doing this I don’t have any issue with the screw loosening since I’m checking the tension on every stone.
sksharp replied to the topic Christmas is Early: Gone boi! in the forum Off Topic 7 years ago
We’ll look forward to hearing from you in a month or so when you can pull away from your sharpener long enough. lol
sksharp replied to the topic Blaino from Australia in the forum Welcome Mat 7 years ago
Welcome Blaino , your scale for sharpness is going to change very quickly Sir.
sksharp replied to the topic Hello Everyone in the forum Welcome Mat 7 years ago
Hello Joe! Organic, MarcH, and TCMeyers are your go to’s for kitchen knives. I know MarcH has a lot of experience with high end kitchen knifes and is always willing to help. Look forward to your experiences and advise.
sksharp replied to the topic numbers indicating each stone's grit already wearing off? in the forum Suggestion Box 7 years ago
Amen brother!!!
sksharp replied to the topic New member from Memphis in the forum Welcome Mat 7 years ago
What’s up Two Dogs! WE 130 yes yes yes! My weapon of choice as well and I think the most versatile of the lot. Best of luck man and don’t forget to share.
sksharp replied to the topic numbers indicating each stone's grit already wearing off? in the forum Suggestion Box 7 years ago
I’m not to sure the writing coming off the handles of the stones is a concern of mine in the least. After you’ve used them a bit they are colored coded, and that hasn’t changed, so mixing them up isn’t an issue to me at least.
However the blank handles and strops are not color coded and do need to be identifiable.
sksharp replied to the topic Quality control query in the forum Suggestion Box 7 years ago
Shelley I’ve had a few things that needed attention and WE has went the extra mile to make it right.
The first time I noticed the issue that you had was a year or so ago when they changed the rod sizes. I had purchased the longer (12″) with my original machine and they were a larger diameter rendering 4 or 5 sets of my stones and strops useless.…[Read more]
sksharp started the topic sksharp in the forum Off Topic 7 years ago
I got the news a while ago that a friend and fellow knife enthusiast Robert Barber pasted a couple months back. Robert and his wife Kim are known to many as “Stropman” and “Stropwoman”. Robert made some of the best strops in the world and he really cared about his products being tailored for each individual. I’m proud to own two of Roberts strops…[Read more]
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