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  • #52907
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    Since I make and sell a couple of custom accessories and I am friends with other members who do the same, I thought I would post a list of items and links to the appropriate posts that describe the products so new users could find all the offerings that are currently available.

    This is probably not a complete list, just what  I know of at the time of writing:  If anyone is interested in these items please contact the maker via the forum private message system.

    Stone Storage: ” Rack-it “ Info can be found in this long running thread, I have linked to the most recent page that has pictures of some of Marc’s current builds.

    Micro Adjusters with thumb wheel locks and spring loaded lock downs:

    NOTE: The below Stone Stops, Strop covers, Whetstone covers, and Finger guards are now also offered by Ed K. with the purchase of the above shown Micro Adjuster Kits.  Should you be interested in his adjusters along with my accessories when buying Ed’s, this way you can save on shipping costs.

    Stone Stops: These keep your stone from dropping below the bevel or coming off the top of the bevel.

    Non Magnetic  Stone/Glass/Strop angle cube adapter: Allows the use of magnetic angle cube without having to hold the cube while setting the angle

    Strop Covers: Will fit new and old WE handles

    WhetStone Covers : Will fit new and old WE handles equipped with Shapton Whetstones to keep them clean in dirty envrionments.

    Finger Guards: These guards drop down over the platen and fit up against the outer ear of the handle behind the stone to keep your finger out of harms way.  A second unexpected advantage is the added stability and control with more surface area between fingers and handle

    Maker Contact Info:

    NotSharpEnuff  Ed (Micro adjusters)

    Airscapes Doug (Stone Stop, Strop Covers, Whetstone Covers, Finger Guards, and Angle Cube adapter)

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    I would like to thanks ChrisB for finding and fixing the issue that was moving posts to moderation that had links in them, as well as Clay for allowing us to post our home grown accessories on this forum!!

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    Marc H (Wicked Edge Expert Corner)
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    The three of, Ed, Doug and I, just put together product brochures.  If anyone is interested please contact us via the forum private messaging feature providing your email address and we’ll gladly send you one.


    (MarcH's Rack-Its)

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    I have 3 new accessories in Beta Testing with Marc and Ed All three were request from Marc and Ed 🙂

    Slide on Finger Guards, Water Stone covers and a rubber protection ring for the Plugable brand USB microscope.  More info and pricing after the results are in and reviews posted.  Will update top of this thread at that time.

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    Finger Guards and Whetstone covers are now available.


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    Just want to give a shout-out to Clifton Byrd, who has purchased a long list of accessories from myself, Marc and Ed.

    Thanks for the support and have a great holiday!

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    For a new user buying a Pro Pack 3:   What would be the most essential/important accessories to get started?   For example, should I get a set of the rubber boots like this one to protect the ball joints?  Should I get longer guide rods (PP3 includes the 10″ ones) for when I’m using the Low Angle Adapter?

    Marc H (Wicked Edge Expert Corner)
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    Lee, welcome to the W.E. forum.  I too use a Pro Pack.  Mine has been modified and accessorized.

    The boots do work well to keep the steel dust out of the ball ends.  I make use of them.  They are what I call a maintenance item because they just sit there.  Once they’re in place you don’t touch then or think about them.

    Now the safety shields even though they do just sit there, they are used for every knife I sharpen.  They place a physical barrier between the knife edge and my fingers.  I don’t sharpen any knives without using the safety shields.  They are very important to me for my safety.  I have not cut myself again since I started using them years ago.

    The micro-angle adjusters are an accessory I use with every knife I sharpen and with every grit I change.  The adjusters improve adjustment ease and enhance locking.  They really make the sharpening experience easier, more pleasurable and more consistent.

    I also use stone stops, both upper and lower, to position my stone range up and down along the guide rods.  They prevent scratches to the knife sides from the stones going too far below the knife edge and damage to the knife edge from the stones that slid up and off  above the edge.

    The micro-angle adjusters and stone stops are great time savers and effort savers.  They help the quality of my sharpening  and keep the results consistent.

    Other accessories I always make use of with every knife I sharpen are a USB microscope, and longer guide rods.  I also use a more precise and accurate digital angle device.


    (MarcH's Rack-Its)

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    ^Thank you, very helpful to have a ‘short list’ of items to get started!  Versus all the goodies which will be tempting to add later. 🙂

    Marc H (Wicked Edge Expert Corner)
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    Just to be clear…they are helpful accessories.   None of them are necessary to produce extremely sharp, mirror polished knife edges with the Wicked Edge sharpeners.  They help those of us who have learned how to use our W.E. sharpeners to use them more easily and efficiently.  Only after you’ve learned how to produce a sharp knife edge with your W.E., will using of these accessories become helpful.

    (MarcH's Rack-Its)

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    Hi Lee, not sure what all you got with your system but my first  upgrades were longer rods and the angle cube.  If you do only folders the long rods are probably not that important but long or tall kitchen knives the make things a little nicer.

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    ^Thanks, I haven’t actually gotten system yet but planning tomorrow to pull the trigger on a PP3.  So everything that comes with that, and otherwise, just want to start with the short list of things I’d need for safety, basic functionality, and sharpening all my knives (including large FB’s/machetes up to 15″.   I’ve been sharpening a long time so I have some things I’d need already, like an angle cube.

    Besides PP3, based on what’s been said, will probably start with:  12″ guide rods, safety shields, axle boots for the ball joints.

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    I Just wanted to thank everyone who as purchased accessories from myself, Ed and Marc, and to let new folks know we are still making all of the accessories.  I have had several messages from the last couple of member looking for accessories start with “Not sure you are still making these”  The answer is Yes We ARE!

    Just noticed that the shipping rate is higher than listed in some of the old posts that I can  no longer edit and a few other prices may have changes slightly  so please check with me if you have any questions. I can email a doc with all of the accessories and prices..

    Thanks again!


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    Hi everyone!  Just want to pass on some info, just hear from Ed and he is moving.  He wanted me to let you know he will be out of the Micro Adjuster business until probably January.    If you want any of my accessories please contact me directly.  Hope everyone is having a safe and healthy summer!

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    Hi there – not sure if you or any folks you know are interested by I’m selling my pro 1 and just posted about it. Not sure how active these forums are anymore but figured I’d reach out. Have a good one!



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