keith replied to the topic Changing Strop Leather in the forum Stropping 4 years, 9 months ago
I think my strop stroke is very much like yours, Marc. My Forschner blade is 12″ long, so I have to break up the stropping procedure into three smaller segments. I start at the heal of the blade and work toward the tip. I made a test polish to double check myself. I think, therefore, that my left hand gets lazy, and the away movement isn’t q…[Read more]
keith replied to the topic Changing Strop Leather in the forum Stropping 4 years, 9 months ago
Thanks for the tip, Marc. It’s my left hand that will give me problems with cut leather. My cutting problems come and go. I think I need to slow down and concentrate on making a better stroke like yours. I think it’s my pull away at the end of the stroke that needs improving.
keith started the topic Changing Strop Leather in the forum Stropping 4 years, 9 months ago
I just changed the leather on my stropping paddles. I didn’t see much written about it on the forum, so I thought I’d submit a few lines to help take the mystery out of a simple task.
Place a paddle end against an immovable object. At the paddle end nearest to you, place the edge of a gasket scraper (any similar tool will work) at the leather’s…[Read more]
keith replied to the topic My WE experience in the forum Main Forum 4 years, 9 months ago
I checked all my stones for parallel, which was very good. However, there is variability in the distance from stone face to stone face among the stones. So, when I switch grits, I must check/reset the angle before cutting. This factors out the gradual o.10 degree angle change provided by grit progression. I could adjust my reset angle tha…[Read more]
keith replied to the topic My WE experience in the forum Main Forum 4 years, 9 months ago
ME: When I wrapped them in tape, they grew 0.05″ in diameter.
TOM: One quibble….the tape thickness probably is .005″ and not 50 thou.
Thanks, Tom. You are correct. I missed a decimal point.
keith started the topic Bob Kramer Knife in the forum Main Forum 5 years, 4 months ago
Does anybody have a Bob Kramer kitchen knife, something like a 10″? If so, is it as good as all of its marketing? Does it really justify its cost?
keith started the topic Love the WE website. in the forum Main Forum 5 years, 5 months ago
The only thing better than my WE is the new website. The forum is loaded with valuable skill building and problem solving information. I really appreciate somebody taking the time to write those great technical articles for the benefit of all. I really devour them. Everybody is so generous with their knowledge and experience, and they’ve pr…[Read more]
keith started the topic Forschner Restoration in the forum Main Forum 5 years, 9 months ago
I’ve had my WE for 14 months now. This past weekend I finally decided my Forschner’s edge needed restoration. Using it daily on a hard maple board to cook for myself, I watched the edge slowly accumulate microchips. My sweetie was cutting just fine; I just thought about a dozen chips were enough. Plus, half her edge was no longer responding to…[Read more]
keith replied to the topic the official WE t-shirt in the forum Suggestion Box 6 years ago
I love the chef idea. You’re right, we’d need a few different designs, based on one’s occupation. Another could be of an executioner’s axe. Or Lizzy Borden’s. (joke) A Halloween specific shirt can show a vampire sharpening his fangs with a WE.
keith started the topic the official WE t-shirt in the forum Suggestion Box 6 years ago
We need a quality made t-shirt. I have the perfect idea for the graffic. I wish I could submit a sample image, but I don’t have the artistic/computer ability.
The image should be a large capital WE, using WE’s lettering style. The bottom horizontal bar of the E should be a human finger, dangling as if nearly severed, blood dripping from the cut…[Read more]
keith replied to the topic My kitchen knife edges tend to roll to left side? in the forum Basic Techniques and Sharpening Strategies 6 years ago
I dunno, guys. My two cents here probably isn’t worth two cents. A cheetah and a lion: which is the better cat? There is no better cat. Both are fine products of fine engineering. The observer may favor the lion’s power over the cheetah’s speed, and vice versa. So it is with knives, it seems to me. If we assume two knives are of the finest…[Read more]
keith replied to the topic My WE experience in the forum Main Forum 6 years, 1 month ago
I forgot to mention that my rods’ diameters measure 0.254″, the same as yours. So they must the new type. When I wrapped them in tape, they grew 0.05″ in diameter.
keith replied to the topic My WE experience in the forum Main Forum 6 years, 1 month ago
That’s very true, and I think about that. I wonder how accurate those angle finders are. So, when I set my stone/edge angle, I measure the angle two or three times. It’s a simple matter of rocking the instrument back and forth. If the angle readouts are the same, I begin to sharpen. Sometimes the readout bumps back and forth by 0.5degree. I’ll a…[Read more]
keith replied to the topic My WE experience in the forum Main Forum 6 years, 1 month ago
Gadzooks! How could I forget this source of error? When switching grits of stones, the stone/edge angle can change, corrupting your sharpening effort. Therefore, I check my angles with each grit change. I noticed that moving from stone pair to stone pair makes the biggest angle change. That tells me there is variability in the stone d…[Read more]
keith replied to the topic wusthoff in the forum Thoughts/Theories/Science Related to Sharpening 6 years, 1 month ago
Wow. Very good stuff, guys. Thanks for the heads up. I’ll have to reconsider the Wusthoff.
keith started the topic wusthoff in the forum Thoughts/Theories/Science Related to Sharpening 6 years, 1 month ago
Now that I have my sharpening process under tight control, I’d love to get #4582 Wusthoff 12″ chef knife for my kitchen. the #4586 is an even better fantasy. I salivate when I shop them, as I’ve always wanted one. But it’ll blow a hole in my piggy bank. I strike me as rather odd, for look what I spent on the sharpener!
As an aside, people g…[Read more]
keith replied to the topic My WE experience in the forum Main Forum 6 years, 1 month ago
I didn’t know those improvements occurred, Marc. WE’s new enlarged rod diameter is right in line with the rod enlargement I made. I admire WE’s desire to perfect their product. It’s a very clever thing to do, keeping the sharpener fiercely competitive. I can’t say that about every company. My ideas, perhaps not new, I hope, ought to help the…[Read more]
keith replied to the topic Installing new leather strops in the forum Main Forum 6 years, 1 month ago
Thanks, Marc. Can you tell me what the substrate is under the leather? Is it aluminum?
keith replied to the topic My WE experience in the forum Main Forum 6 years, 1 month ago
My WE is a user, so I don’t know her exact age other than it had the 2017 L bracket. It was pretty much a Propack II kit. It was in new condition, so I made out like a fat rat. I added the micro adjustment fittings and later the glass platens.
keith started the topic Installing new leather strops in the forum Main Forum 6 years, 1 month ago
Hey guys, I bought some replacement leather for my strops. My are getting pretty nicked up. My questions is how do I change them out? I have no idea how the leather attaches to the base. I don’t want to do anything until I understand how to go about it. Does anybody know the procedure?
Many thanks, Keith.
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