tcmeyer replied to the topic Japanese High Carbon in the forum Cooking 3 years, 9 months ago
Agreed, Marc, this is very interesting reading. I’ve never gotten into the whetstone process. All my sharpeners are diamond, ceramic or oilstones.
How do you deal with changes in stone thickness changes after lapping? Do you check angles with each grit change, or do you use the Variable Stone Thickness Adapter (which doesn’t work on the Gen 3…[Read more]
tcmeyer replied to the topic Dual grit edges? in the forum Techniques and Sharpening Strategies 3 years, 9 months ago
A long time ago, to help me understand what made for a really sharp knife, I studied shaving razor blades and scalpels. I talked my dentist into given me a few of his old scalpels, which turned out to be junk, so I Googled it and found you can buy scalpels right off of Amazon, so I bought a bunch.
I had really been curious as to how scalpels…[Read more]
tcmeyer replied to the topic Preventing Micro chips while sharpening in the forum Techniques and Sharpening Strategies 3 years, 9 months ago
TL;DR Which I think stands for “Too long, didn’t read.” which I’m sorry for, but I’m way behind on my forum reading, so I’ll jump in here, not knowing if what I have to add has been discussed or not.
Serious chipping is a problem that nagged me for the first two years of WE sharpening and it changed my approach entirely. It popped up again t…[Read more]
tcmeyer replied to the topic Rod ends for creating an new pair off pieces in the forum Main Forum 3 years, 10 months ago
If you’ll send me your e-mail address via private message, I’ll forward to you all the information you need. I assume you want the parts as shown in your third photo, correct?
From your name, I’m guessing that you are in Europe, maybe Netherlands?
tcmeyer replied to the topic Freshening kitchen knife edges. . . . in the forum Basic Techniques and Sharpening Strategies 3 years, 10 months ago
I’ll concur, taking exception where a user whose skills are well developed wants to break in a new set of stones. I use a piece of plate glass, begged from a local glass shop. It’s about 6 inches long, 2 inches wide and 1/4″ thick. I think it speeds up the break in process about ten-fold. This is what I use, but I don’t necessarily rec…[Read more]
tcmeyer replied to the topic Sharpening Scissors in the forum Techniques and Sharpening Strategies 3 years, 10 months ago
From my experience, (which is to say not much) one of the problems I’ve seen with scissors is the material being cut tending to slide away from the point of shear. This suggests that a “toothier” edge might be better. I’d stick with the 1000 grit.
tcmeyer replied to the topic Sharpening as a business in the forum Sharpening as a Business 3 years, 10 months ago
One example I’m aware of said he started by setting up a web site advertising his services. Most of his jobs were managed by mail. Meaning that customers shipped their knives to him and he returned them via same way. I gathered that happy customers spread the word.
Another fellow set up a table at flea markets and such. He also worked a dea…[Read more]
tcmeyer replied to the topic Convex Edge in the forum Advanced Techniques and Sharpening Strategies 3 years, 10 months ago
I see you have a Gen 3 Pro. I did a Youtube video a while back that shows one method of doing convex edges on a Gen 3 Pro. In the video I use half-step increments to produce the convex edge. After subsequent tests, I found you can do full-step increments with pretty much the same results. See the video here.
tcmeyer replied to the topic Since I cannot find a low angle adapter in the forum Want to Buy 3 years, 10 months ago
Which vise do you have? Is it the Gen 3 type with the crank arm? I have an extra, older LAA that only works with the older vise models.
tcmeyer replied to the topic Sharpening as a business in the forum Sharpening as a Business 3 years, 10 months ago
Hi Kyle:
If you’d like the ability to adjust to differences in angle from one side to the other on your Gen 3 Pro, you might try the micro-adjust parts I sent to Clay for him to test. If I recall correctly, on my Gen 3 Pro, I was able to get +/- 2.5 degrees by adjusting one relative to the other. From adjusted all the way in on one side and a…[Read more]
tcmeyer replied to the topic Using an ultrasonic cleaner clean stones in the forum Sharpener and Accessory Maintenance 3 years, 10 months ago
I’ve never tried the ultrasonic route but do remember someone stating that there was a solvent used in ultrasonic cleaners that degraded the mounting tape. Should be a non-issue if you use soap and water. I keep a spritzer of alcohol handy to clean diamond lapping film and have found that it works great on the diamond stones too. A little ag…[Read more]
tcmeyer replied to the topic Minimum Blade Width for 12 to 15 degree per side in the forum Getting Started 3 years, 11 months ago
I have a rancher friend in NE Wyoming who carried a small Case folder which he used to convert bulls to steers. The blade was really slender, looking more like a Texas tickler after many, many sharpenings.
This would be one of those applications which would benefit from a toothier edge, maybe 800 grit.
tcmeyer replied to the topic Minimum Blade Width for 12 to 15 degree per side in the forum Getting Started 3 years, 11 months ago
I hadn’t heard of a “Spey” blade until now, so I Googled it and found this very interesting page at AGRussel.
tcmeyer replied to the topic Minimum Blade Width for 12 to 15 degree per side in the forum Getting Started 3 years, 11 months ago
For really narrow knives, even the LAA won’t solve the problem. The only solution to my knowledge is the Tormek Small Knife Adapter, which leaves the blade suspended in mid-air above the vise, where it is easily accessible. One of our senior members is Josh at RazorEdgeKnives. He once posted about how he used a Tormek SKA on top of a LAA. Wit…[Read more]
tcmeyer replied to the topic Using the Depth Key in the forum Basic Techniques and Sharpening Strategies 3 years, 11 months ago
Marc’s comments are spot-on, as usual. The “5/8″ above the vise” rule is only to give you a correlation to the angle bar settings. If you use a digital angle protractor, they’re completely irrelevant and you are free to mount the blade in the vise any which way you think is appropriate.
BTW, I have a 3/4″ riser block installed below my Gen 3 P…[Read more]
tcmeyer replied to the topic Howdy! in the forum Welcome Mat 3 years, 11 months ago
Ditto, Russ!
My best advise for a newby is to stick with this forum. There’s a lot of good info and good people willing to share. Feel free to ask any question. WE is the host, but they’re wide open about the content, as long as it’s respectful. Check out the oodles of videos here and on YouTube. Avoid those which are “reviews” as they’…[Read more]
tcmeyer replied to the topic Very frustrating. First EDC knife in the forum Basic Techniques and Sharpening Strategies 3 years, 11 months ago
I’d sharpen the knife at whichever angle you think is appropriate for its intended use. For an EDC, I’d use 20 dps on both sides, taking fewer strokes on the wide bevel side each time . Try to move the apex toward the center, but don’t remove more steel than necessary to achieve sharpness. For instance, you might take 10 strokes on the narrow b…[Read more]
tcmeyer replied to the topic Pointers for my Tips? in the forum Basic Techniques and Sharpening Strategies 3 years, 11 months ago
I infer from Matt’s post that he is looking for tips on how to avoid rounding off the tip as he moves the stone beyond the end of the blade. This is as opposed to producing a sharp edge along the last half inch of the blade. For me, the key here has always been to “follow through.” As you move through the area of the blade tip, do not allow th…[Read more]
tcmeyer replied to the topic Very frustrating. First EDC knife in the forum Basic Techniques and Sharpening Strategies 3 years, 11 months ago
I think it needs to be said that a 13/17dps knife isn’t necessarily ground that way on purpose. I’ve seen knives with as much as 8 degrees difference from one side to the other. Such differences are a product of “eyeball” sharpening by the last fellow on the production line. His instructions may be to try for equal bevel widths, with sh…[Read more]
tcmeyer replied to the topic Sharpening as a business in the forum Sharpening as a Business 3 years, 11 months ago
I don’t think I made it clear that in the case of steak knives and similar applications, dull tips do not normally need to be sharpened, unless the serrations are very fine. In this case, I’d sharpen the knife as I would a non-serrated knife. If it’s a knife by a manufacturer who offers free sharpening, like Cutco, you could send it to the m…[Read more]
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