Marc H (Wicked Edge Expert Corner) replied to the topic Question: Default setup to achieve matching guide rod angles in the forum Techniques and Sharpening Strategies 3 years, 10 months ago
KMe, if you are simply trying to determine how close to equal the guide angles are from side to side. That is to determine if your WE130 is square. You can position the guide rods how you described in your original post using the same indent hole positions with the micro-adjuster screws backed-in all the way on both sides.
Then with something l…[Read more]
Marc H (Wicked Edge Expert Corner) replied to the topic Question: Default setup to achieve matching guide rod angles in the forum Techniques and Sharpening Strategies 3 years, 10 months ago
Welcome to the W.E. forum, KMe.
To calibrate the guide rod angles is to position them so their positions correlate with the readings of an instrument. In our case the instrument is a properly zeroed-out digital angle cube. Then the guide rods are calibrated “relative” to this instrument, this angle cube.
What you’re describing is simply p…[Read more]
Marc H (Wicked Edge Expert Corner) replied to the topic New to using belt sanders in the forum Abrasives 3 years, 10 months ago
Joshua, There are many YouTube videos that you can watch that may help you.
Here’s a Knife Sharpener and a Wicked Edge user you might check out:
He has many worthwhile videos including knife sharpening with belt sanders/grinders.
Marc H (Wicked Edge Expert Corner) replied to the topic Schroefdraad stelblok kapot in the forum Main Forum 3 years, 10 months ago
John, we houden dit forum in het Engels, maar ik zal proberen te helpen. Allereerst zou ik willen voorstellen dat u een lokale Wicked Edge-dealer in Nederland zoekt voor hulp bij een reparatie of vervanging.
Als u geen lokale W.E. dealer in uw buurt, neem dan contact op met de Wicked Edge-klantenservice. Ze kunnen u helpen met uw probleem. Het is…[Read more]
Marc H (Wicked Edge Expert Corner) replied to the topic 1500/Platens Vs Ceramics in the forum Abrasives 3 years, 10 months ago
Your whole premise is wrong…The diamonds aren’t performing. They’re inert. They are simply sorted somewhat by size then attached on a steel flat bar with a nickel plating. Then they are dragged across the knife’s steel alloys in order to scratch the bevels. The diamonds don’t do anything. The steel matrix that is being scratched and goug…[Read more]
Marc H (Wicked Edge Expert Corner) replied to the topic 1500/Platens Vs Ceramics in the forum Abrasives 3 years, 10 months ago
I did prove it… to myself. That’s all the proof I need. I do not have to prove anything to you, 000Robert. The way something “seems it should be”, to you, is not necessarily how it is in reality.
I’m a solutions guy. When I have difficulty sharpening a knife with the W.E. diamond stones, first I try to change up or adapt my sharpening tec…[Read more]
Marc H (Wicked Edge Expert Corner) replied to the topic How to sharpen blades greater than 59HRC in the forum Abrasives 3 years, 10 months ago
Welcome to the Wicked Edge forum, Bryce Herbst.
I’m a proponent of using the sharpening medium that will sharpen your knife’s steel the best. Your fears of damaging those steels are well founded and based in real experiences. Harder steels such as you related, harder than HRc 59-60 can be more on the brittle side and may suffer damage in th…[Read more]
Marc H (Wicked Edge Expert Corner) replied to the topic How to Sharpen The Benchmade Mini Adamas in the forum Benchmade 3 years, 10 months ago
Making use of blue painters tape allied to the knife’s sides will protect the blade steel from unwanted scratches that can and will happen during sharpening. Also wrapping the knife’s slot and the hinge mechanism will keep steel dust and diamond abrasive out the works.
New stones as you use then during the break-in period will slough off loose…[Read more]
Marc H (Wicked Edge Expert Corner) replied to the topic How to Sharpen The Benchmade Mini Adamas in the forum Benchmade 3 years, 10 months ago
Welcome to the Wicked Edge forum Wetworx:
For the new users of Wicked Edge Precision Sharpeners, (WEPS), it’s recommended you start learning to sharpen with your WEPS while shatpening your beater knives or junk knives. It’s best to save your good knives like your edc, you mentioned above, until your sharpening stones are broken in. This is u…[Read more]
Marc H (Wicked Edge Expert Corner) replied to the topic resin bonded diamond stones? in the forum Abrasives 3 years, 10 months ago
Here are photos from the end of working with each grit when I was ready to move up to the next finer DMR stone.
Here is the 80 Grit:
This is the next grit in the sequence, 250 grit:
I’d say this DMR 250 grit scratch pattern is very similar to the a well broken in W.E. 200 or 400 grit stone.
This next photo is the DMR 650 grit:
I find t…[Read more]
Marc H (Wicked Edge Expert Corner) replied to the topic Super Hold Micro-Adjuster Enhancement in the forum MODS 3 years, 10 months ago
I finally used these friction disc on my micro angle adjusters last night. It was the first real sharpening test. The discs hold and lock very tightly. When the thumb wheel is locked down on the disc it grabs tight and holds fast. There’s no noticeable travel, rolling or sliding against the disc as the thumb wheel locks the adjuster set…[Read more]
Marc H (Wicked Edge Expert Corner) replied to the topic resin bonded diamond stones? in the forum Abrasives 3 years, 10 months ago
I finally made the time to use the Resin Bonded Diamond Matrix Stones for the first knife, last night. I hadn’t made the time to use them yet. My barter guy who trades me Gulf of Mexico fish, (snapper and grouper) for sharpening knives showed up with an awful knife and two bags of fresh frozen delight.
The knife was an absolute disaster. Fr…[Read more]
Marc H (Wicked Edge Expert Corner) replied to the topic Super Hold Micro-Adjuster Enhancement in the forum MODS 3 years, 10 months ago
Thats what I was looking to do. To add that little bit of friction and maybe some compressibilty between the flat surface. When you tighten the thumbwheels finger-tight you can feel the grab. When you twist the knob to release it you can feel how well it holds. I would expect the material should last a long time too. There’s no rota…[Read more]
Marc H (Wicked Edge Expert Corner) started the topic Super Hold Micro-Adjuster Enhancement in the forum MODS 3 years, 10 months ago
I had been kicking around this idea for quite some time. I tend to do that with most of my new concept/ideas. I had thought this was a perfect place to put to use something like a fishing reel drag washer to enhance the locking hold on Ed K’s (NotSharpEnuff) micro-adjuster adapters. I use Ed’s Micro-Angle Adapters on all of my Wicked Edge Set…[Read more]
Marc H (Wicked Edge Expert Corner) replied to the topic Need Angle of 45 Degrees in the forum Techniques and Sharpening Strategies 3 years, 10 months ago
I believe most recent version W.E. square bar has 3 holes through it. A pair of holes on the outside from the center and a single hole offset to the left from the center. These holes insure the one square bar is compatible with the WE110, WE120 and WE130 models, and all the upgrade kits with their attachments or installations methods.
Marc H (Wicked Edge Expert Corner) replied to the topic W.E. Rack-Its Stone Holders for Sale in the forum Want to Sell 3 years, 10 months ago
This Large “Rack-It” is 56 Posts (28 W.E. stone pairs). It is 8 posts wide and 7 rows deep. It was one of my personal Rack-Its. I outgrew it’s capacity. I just refurbished it so it’s like-new condition. I am asking $65 + postage. This price is better than 50% off the new price for this size and model. Please private message me if intere…[Read more]
Marc H (Wicked Edge Expert Corner) replied to the topic Help me choose a WE package in the forum Main Forum 3 years, 10 months ago
private message sent to you
Marc H (Wicked Edge Expert Corner) replied to the topic Help me choose a WE package in the forum Main Forum 3 years, 10 months ago
My preference is the granite. It’s larger, heavier but also more expensive. I like how it looks too. I do have a WE120 on the W.E. Aluminum base. That base is nice also, though it’s a little smaller. The aluminum base is quality made and appearing like everything associated with W.E.
I have made bases out of large wood cutting boards. A big…[Read more]
Marc H (Wicked Edge Expert Corner) replied to the topic Miyabi Birchwood Chef’s Knife Sharpening Tips for Newbie??? in the forum Tips for Specific Knife Grinds and Styles 3 years, 10 months ago
I use alternating sides, left-right-left -right, edge leading strokes. That is down and onto or down and against the edge first, as my very last strokes with each grit I use in my sharpening progression. These edge leading strokes remove any burr remnants before you move on to your next finer grit.
Marc H (Wicked Edge Expert Corner) replied to the topic Need Angle of 45 Degrees in the forum Techniques and Sharpening Strategies 3 years, 10 months ago
There are too many different cutting implements to make a one size fits all sharpener set-up. Hence adaptations and modifications to broaden your tools usefulness to better fit your personal needs.
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