NotSharpEnuff replied to the topic Friends ZT in the forum Knife Photos 5 years ago
@Lay, I’ve sent a text to find out what model he bought. I do remember him saying that he ordered it with “custom” scales. I’ll know more later. I’m also not a fan of the flipper style or EDC’s with liner locks.
@Modernflame, that sharpener is what I call the “Big Rig.” Totally the idea and implementation of forum member MarcH. I don’t reme…[Read more]
NotSharpEnuff replied to the topic Friends ZT in the forum Knife Photos 5 years ago
Friends ZT – last pic!
NotSharpEnuff replied to the topic Friends ZT in the forum Knife Photos 5 years ago
Friends ZT part II
When I took the 122219 pic, I realized I forgot to tape the pivot area.
I got the vacuum out and taped it up before I started the 200 grit stone.
NotSharpEnuff started the topic Friends ZT in the forum Knife Photos 5 years ago
Haven’t been doing much sharpening lately so I thought I would post some pics of a friends ZT knife. Forgot the model but it really is a “Beast” of a knife.
Factory edge wasn’t great as you can see from the BESS score and goniometer.
I profiled it to 18DPS up to 1500 diamond, and then put a 800 grit micro bevel at 20 DPS.
BEES scores much…[Read more]
NotSharpEnuff replied to the topic Commercial Setup in the forum Main Forum 5 years ago
What model do you have? Can you add some pictures of your setup?
Ed K.
NotSharpEnuff replied to the topic Friends Kukri in the forum Knife Photos 5 years ago
it is a MarcH invention. Works great on longer flexible knives as well since it provides two clamping points.
For EDC knives, I use my Gen3 pro. Super quick to setup and adjust.
Ed K.
NotSharpEnuff started the topic Friends Kukri in the forum Knife Photos 5 years ago
Things are a bit slow on the forum. Just some pics of a friends Kukri I sharpened yesterday.
I did 20 DPS 100/200 grit and a 22 DPS micro bevel at 800.
Ed K.
NotSharpEnuff replied to the topic MODS!!! Lets see em!! in the forum MODS 5 years ago
Thanks for the detailed write-up. I would like to add comments as to why I chose the adjuster rod lengths and the L screw.
During Ed’s and my email exchange we chatted about longer adjusters. He included them with my kit and I gotta say, I really like the extra room to dial back the stanchion jam knob, fine tune with the longer bolt, the…[Read more]
NotSharpEnuff replied to the topic Hindered half track spanto grind questions in the forum Tips for Specific Knife Grinds and Styles 5 years ago
Personally, I would sharpen in two separate areas. The drop at the tip versus the flat portion of the blade is pretty significant. It’s not that the edge will be less sharp but the width of the bevel will be different. If aesthetics of the bevel aren’t a concern, then sharpening with the single stroke will work fine.
P.S. I’m de…[Read more]
NotSharpEnuff replied to the topic MODS!!! Lets see em!! in the forum MODS 5 years ago
The strop and stone covers are made by Airscapes as well as the guide rod stone stops. I use them on my strops/Chosera stones as I work in the garage and they sit in the open on MarcH’s custom Rack-it. I have the Rack-it hanging on the wall but it also has foldable legs to sit on my work bench.
I keep Airscapes’ products on hand in c…[Read more]
TKC and
NotSharpEnuff are now friends 5 years ago
NotSharpEnuff replied to the topic Sharpening Cutco Serrated Knives in the forum Advanced Techniques and Sharpening Strategies 5 years ago
I use the DMT diafold files. I have the course, fine, and super fine.
Ed K.
NotSharpEnuff replied to the topic Spyderco Para 2 in the forum Knife Photos 5 years ago
45srbest, Jeff,
Here are the Pics I sent MarcH so he has a reference on how I’ve been clamping the S110V PM2. I didn’t sharpen it, I just clamped it for the reference pics.
The blue lines are where I took the BESS measurements. The knife has been in use for over 2 months since the last touch up.
Ed K.
NotSharpEnuff replied to the topic Spyderco Para 2 in the forum Knife Photos 5 years ago
MarcH – I will send a pic or two with the knife clamped as I sharpen it as well as an outline of the vise jaws. I won’t sharpen it beforehand, it will arrive in the condition I’ve been using it.
I will also check the bevel angle and current sharpness scores before I mail it. I’ll put this information on the blade as well.
Looking forward to y…[Read more]
NotSharpEnuff replied to the topic Spyderco Para 2 in the forum Knife Photos 5 years ago
I have tried both the Chosera and the Shapton stones and the edge still is ragged under the microscope. It is to the point that I’m willing to mail it to you for a second opinion – on my dime – if you want to experiment. I’m not ruling out my technique might be the problem.
Ed K.
NotSharpEnuff replied to the topic Spyderco Para 2 in the forum Knife Photos 5 years ago
That is the sharpest (keenest) edge I have ever gotten on a knife. I tested it 3 times in the same general location and got scores in the 60s. It took 2.5 hours and there are still some faint scratches barely visible to the naked eye in the mirror polish. I rarely get a perfect mirror edge so I’m good with how this one turned ou…[Read more]
NotSharpEnuff replied to the topic Spyderco Para 2 in the forum Knife Photos 5 years ago
Here are the pics after sharpening.
NotSharpEnuff replied to the topic Spyderco Para 2 in the forum Knife Photos 5 years ago
I’ve had a Para2 with S110V for a year or more. Sharpened and touched it up about 10 times trying bevel angles 18-16. It came with a 20 DPS edge. Never have been happy with how the steel sharpened. Best BESS scores were mostly between 120-150 and the edge seemed to chip out at 1000-1500 grit.
I bought a Kershaw 1776 with M390 and was imp…[Read more]
NotSharpEnuff replied to the topic How far do you drop back in grits when renewing an edge ? in the forum Basic Techniques and Sharpening Strategies 5 years ago
Readheads, Expidia,
I am impressed with your methodical note keeping. I started the log when I got my first WE100 2016 but got lazy and started to use my phone to take pictures. Since I only do 5 or 6 knives on a repetitive basis this works for me.
Ed K.
NotSharpEnuff replied to the topic MODS!!! Lets see em!! in the forum MODS 5 years ago
I ordered and received this table earlier this week based on your post. Very solid and easy to setup/store as needed.
I needed a shorter table when I cement the threaded rods into the ball joint for the micro-adjust kit. I have to be very careful not to contaminate the ball with the liquid metal epoxy.
All of my work benches are t…[Read more]
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