Justin Fournier
Justin Fournier replied to the topic Mutiframe Sharpening Shots in the forum Knife Photos 7 years, 1 month ago
Cool pics, I am gonna suggest gloves or guards.
Justin Fournier replied to the topic Yet another warning about gloves. in the forum Off Topic 7 years, 2 months ago
My finger is getting better, no more scab but still missing some flesh. In that pic there seems to be bumps on my finger and one person asked if that was a flap of skin from the cut. However, those bumps are actually drops of blood running down my finger, so you can see how much it was bleeding. Pic was taken about 30 minutes after the cut, after…[Read more]
Justin Fournier replied to the topic My Son's Sharpening Adventure in the forum Welcome Mat 7 years, 2 months ago
Good luck to you both, very cool. Tell him it’s best to stick to easy and ideally cheap knives till he’s very confident in his process. Nothing is going to curb his enthusiasm like the scratches posted on a $650 knife not long ago.
Justin Fournier replied to the topic Yet another warning about gloves. in the forum Off Topic 7 years, 2 months ago
There are a million types of cut resistant gloves out there, I am currently going through 6 different variations of the Ansell HyFlex, which all fit next to skin so they are tight and have many models made for industrial applications such as sharp edged metal and glass.
Here is a pic to give an idea of one that is next to try:
Justin Fournier replied to the topic Mark76 in the forum Off Topic 7 years, 2 months ago
Ah, this is sad news indeed. I wish only the best for yours Mark, thank you for all you have done to help so many of us here.
Justin Fournier replied to the topic The Microbevel…. yes or no and why?! in the forum Techniques and Sharpening Strategies 7 years, 2 months ago
I used to do micro bevels on my EDC folding knives. Then I picked one up with a 23 dps close to FFG. And it cut really good as it has a thin stock. Now most of my knives are just more obtuse. I find I remove almost no metal when sharpening them, and for my tasks perform no worse.
Kitchen knives… I prefer the most possible effortless glide…[Read more]
Justin Fournier replied to the topic Easiest way to clamp FFG blades in the forum Tips for Specific Knife Grinds and Styles 7 years, 2 months ago
I had tons of trouble with FFG and distal taper folders, so I went to the WE130. I can’t suggest foam, but was told that a small piece of an authentic leather chamois for vehicle detailing will do the trick on the 100/120. I think you will just need to carefully monitor it.
Justin Fournier replied to the topic Chef’s knife w/ convex factory grind (Mac Mighty) in the forum Tips for Specific Knife Grinds and Styles 7 years, 2 months ago
I often listen to YouTube or music when sharpening, and have not had issues with vibrations though I have powered Bookshelf speakers on my desk which are obviously way bigger than they should be, and an 8″ sub under my desk and I’m using the Floureon DLX360S. I am not sure the S is necessary, but for the cost of upgrade compared to what I have…[Read more]
Justin Fournier replied to the topic Can a Wicked Edge sharpen an axe? in the forum Techniques and Sharpening Strategies 7 years, 2 months ago
Sounds awesome Clay. What is a SWAT jig?
Justin Fournier replied to the topic Chef’s knife w/ convex factory grind (Mac Mighty) in the forum Tips for Specific Knife Grinds and Styles 7 years, 2 months ago
The one pics looks like part of it was, to me at least. The differential scratch pic. If the same hone was used, I would expect the same scratch pattern though slightly different orientation.
Justin Fournier replied to the topic Thanks to all, a few questions… in the forum Getting Started 7 years, 2 months ago
I have the same model Marc linked, and a couple versions of the AccuRemote which I sometimes use to confirm the primary cube but they are not nearly as good.
I think you can get a shaving sharp edge with the 1000s on some steels, but not necessarily all. Depending what task you are using your knife for, it might be somewhat of an artificial…[Read more]
Justin Fournier replied to the topic Had my system a few months–but a REAL amateur in the forum Welcome Mat 7 years, 2 months ago
Welcome and sounds like you are on the right track, minus the cut which I have recently done as well.
My suggestion for keeping the primary grind even is to start off by correcting it without focusing on the burr. Just take note of everything (literally helps for me as I get interrupted often by kids), and go about getting it as correct as you…[Read more]
Justin Fournier replied to the topic Chef’s knife w/ convex factory grind (Mac Mighty) in the forum Tips for Specific Knife Grinds and Styles 7 years, 2 months ago
WRT the Trizact, I call it sandpaper as AFAIK it is automotive sandpaper, I believe I saw it one time while searching for 2500 grit paper to wet sand a paint blemish from an animal strike. I’m a vehicle hobbyist as well. Apparently that is not what you have, but sounds like you have a good understanding of how it might work so you might as well…[Read more]
Justin Fournier replied to the topic New Member in the forum Welcome Mat 7 years, 2 months ago
Trying to keep it short and simple…
The WE130 is a much better for folders and many fixed blades (particularly thicker ones) in my opinion. First of all it centers the blade, that’s important. Second, it’s much easier to mount a knife with a full flat grind, or a distal taper into it. That’s something many folders have. So setup is easier, more…[Read more]
Justin Fournier replied to the topic Thanks to all, a few questions… in the forum Getting Started 7 years, 2 months ago
No need to get new stones if you don’t want to, though I only recently picked up the 1500/Glass handle set with 6 micron lapping film and I am thrilled with the results. Absolutely worth it.
There are a couple reasons it could happen.
First, if you check you may find the edge is not exactly centered along the center line of the knife. Or you…[Read more]
Justin Fournier replied to the topic New Member in the forum Welcome Mat 7 years, 2 months ago
Welcome to the forum. If you are mostly into folders, I would recommend going with the 130. It’s much better for distal tapers and full flat grinds. Keep in mind you will likely need the 1/4″ jaws if you do.
Justin Fournier replied to the topic Chef’s knife w/ convex factory grind (Mac Mighty) in the forum Tips for Specific Knife Grinds and Styles 7 years, 2 months ago
The pics are great actually. I think you did a great job there. They give a ton of insight into what is going on at the apex and I’m really happy you shared them. I do believe you are correct when you say they were of value in getting guidance.
The complexity I mean is adding the sandpaper and blanks, all that. It’s extra cost, extra time and…[Read more]
Justin Fournier replied to the topic Thanks to all, a few questions… in the forum Getting Started 7 years, 2 months ago
Was your bevel noticeably different from side to side before you sharpened it? If they were, and you use the sharpie method you are basically working with what you have. If you want to get into correcting problems like that, you should get a version of the angle cube, I have a few now.
By the sounds of it your stones are new, so still breaking…[Read more]
Justin Fournier replied to the topic Some recent work in the forum Knife Photos 7 years, 2 months ago
Radius’d wheels, I believe is what Josh said.
Justin Fournier replied to the topic Some recent work in the forum Knife Photos 7 years, 2 months ago
Awesome Josh!
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