Tom, I am only interested in the edge, I can manipulate the software anyway I like… from viewing a portion of the blade, to the whole blade. Because of your video, I made it my mission to get my microscope to work, or get one that does work with Windows 10 / 64 bit. I am not using the software that came with the microscope ( even though it says compatible with WIN and Mac… the software also only came with the Chinese version of user manual ) it does not work for Windows 10. What do you want for 20 dollars. LOL…
I did however spend 2000 dollars so I could learn Chinese ( Mandarin ), just to get my 20 dollar scope to work…. 🙂
感謝湯姆,鼓舞人心的視頻,使用顯微鏡使變得容易最好刪除 toothiness 法案 aka ET 的問候
I am actually using the software that came with my windows 10 / 64 bit Logitech webcam… but using the 20 dollar microscope as the device. It also does capture stills and video. I use it to check the burr, and to remove the toothiness with as little steel removal as possible… it works great on my High Def. 24 inch Monitor.
Thanks again for your inspiring video.
Bill aka ET