William replied to the topic New from Kentucky in the forum Welcome Mat 6 years, 6 months ago
Welcome Rob! The WE is just plain fun to use. Anyway, you’re going to like it around here. Folks are friendly and knowledgeable.
William replied to the topic Sharpening critique in the forum Basic Techniques and Sharpening Strategies 6 years, 6 months ago
Thanks Tom and Organic! I’ve got the knife on the clamp again and now employing some suggestions and techniques and they are starting to pay off. I now change direction on each grit, use a Sharpie and check my angles to be sure I’m still on target. 👍
Speaking of angles. Is it basically Dealer’s Choice in deciding angles? Say you have k…[Read more]
William replied to the topic Sharpening critique in the forum Basic Techniques and Sharpening Strategies 6 years, 6 months ago
Thank you! I see several things right off the bat that I can improve upon with my technique. In my other responses, I believe the biggest culprit is <i>knowing</i> <i>when to change grits. </i>After reading yours and the other responses, I am better informed on how to proceed in that progression. Now it’s putting it to practic…[Read more]
William replied to the topic Sharpening critique in the forum Basic Techniques and Sharpening Strategies 6 years, 6 months ago
Hi Pink Floyd,
Thank you! I thought I was using gentle pressure. But perhaps not light enough? I’m hoping scratch patterns will be easier to decipher after gaining some more experience.
In my post, I mentioned about the strops leaving behind residue on the bevel. Would hitting that residue with the strop paddle again, without cleani…[Read more]
William replied to the topic Sharpening critique in the forum Basic Techniques and Sharpening Strategies 6 years, 6 months ago
Hi Organic,
Thank you for chiming in! I appreciate it. I must admit that I was not checking the angles with each grit change. Or at least as thorough as I should’ve been. I’m embarrassed to say that I winged it. Checked the edge, felt sharp. Looked under the 10x loupe for a quick scan and the scratch patterns appeared to be consisten…[Read more]
William replied to the topic Sharpening critique in the forum Basic Techniques and Sharpening Strategies 6 years, 6 months ago
Hi Marc! First, thank you! Please ask all the questions you feel the need to. I have not been saving my clamping data until this last sharpening. I wanted to learn how to find “The Sweet Spot”. Practice by repetition I guess.
Used my Sharpie on the right. Put the cube on it, 21 degrees. Sharpied the left, cube said 24. I’m not su…[Read more]
William started the topic Sharpening critique in the forum Basic Techniques and Sharpening Strategies 6 years, 6 months ago
I want to offer my recent sharpening for critique. Maybe this will help, not only for myself but others. I have a beater knife, practice knife if you will that I have put to the clamp 3x and the sharpness is not quite there yet.
It’s a tanto style knife. Premier Knife is all the markings I could find. A google search came up with very littl…[Read more]
William replied to the topic official owner of a Wicked Edge sharpener in the forum Getting Started 6 years, 6 months ago
Marc, you read my mind! I was going to post on this particular knife for critique so I may improve. I will be posting in Techniques and Strategies. I dont want to hijack Bob’s thread. 🙂
William replied to the topic official owner of a Wicked Edge sharpener in the forum Getting Started 6 years, 6 months ago
Thanks! Bob at Oldawan is top notch. If something isn’t right, he will make it right. I too, looking for knives to sharpen. I think I’m on the 3rd sharpening of the same knife. It’s a beater and isn’t quite right yet. So, I will keep at it or until there is no more steel! 🤣
Several things I learned here that’s been a great help so fa…[Read more]
William replied to the topic official owner of a Wicked Edge sharpener in the forum Getting Started 6 years, 6 months ago
Welcome aboard! I recently joined the club myself. The knowledge here and the willingness to help is beyond top notch. Who knew sharpening a knife could be fun and rewarding? 🙂
William replied to the topic After the 1500/6u in the forum Abrasives 6 years, 6 months ago
Hi Marc! Actually just the opposite. My apologies on my wording. 🙂 I am contemplating the purchase of the 9 and 3 micron DLF. To use after my 1500 (which also has the 6u DLF]. What I was wondering, if there would be anything negative after using the 3 micron DLF, moving to the 4 micron strop? Then the 2 micron strop. That’s what I was…[Read more]
William replied to the topic After the 1500/6u in the forum Abrasives 6 years, 7 months ago
Marc and Tom thanks. Good stuff! So if I finished with the 3 micron DLF and then went to the 4/2 Strop, no harm done in going back a little bit and moving forward with the strops.
William started the topic After the 1500/6u in the forum Abrasives 6 years, 7 months ago
Along with my 130 stone set, I have the 800/1000, 1500/6 micron DLF and 4/2 strops. I read the grit progression article in the Knowledge Baseand I have almost all of the suggested series for a nice polish except 9 and 3 micron DLF. So thinking about that set.
Would it be considered counterproductive to end with the 3 micron DLF and then fi…[Read more]
William replied to the topic Creating a Burr…Mixed Message in the forum Basic Techniques and Sharpening Strategies 6 years, 7 months ago
Thank you Marc. Like Clay said, excellent post! I kind of got what you were trying to say in your original post.
I do have a USB microscope on the way to help me at each step. I think it will be invaluable. Loupes are ok for a quick scan, but not keen on wretching my back and sticking my face close to a clamped blade 🙂
William replied to the topic First knife in the books with 130! in the forum Techniques and Sharpening Strategies 6 years, 7 months ago
Thank you!! Just to be clear on what I should be doing. Work one side, no matter how long it takes to establish the burr. It should be clearly evident all along the edge. Work the other side, trying to keep things equal until the burr forms again. Then work both in an equal manner, alternating strokes.
William replied to the topic First knife in the books with 130! in the forum Techniques and Sharpening Strategies 6 years, 7 months ago
Thank you for the tips!! I certainly did record my position using the AAG. 🙂 I will be putting the knife back under and trying again. Learn by doing I guess. This time, as Marc stated above, ensuring that burr is evident from heel to tip. Also attending to other mistakes/omissions as well.
William started the topic First knife in the books with 130! in the forum Techniques and Sharpening Strategies 6 years, 7 months ago
Learned quite a bit from the Forum even before starting in on the Wustof 8” Chef. First what I learned; I had some rubber bumper feet that I drilled out and now serves as stone stops. Not one extraneous scratch on the knife or 130 clamp. If anyone is looking for easily gotten stops. Go to Home Depot and pick up a pair of Everbilt 7/8”…[Read more]
William replied to the topic Why Wicked Edge? in the forum Getting Started 6 years, 7 months ago
Yikes!!! Definitely some lessons to be learned from the experiences. Great idea on the folded towel. We don’t have any fleas running around but a towel over the blade would be smart.
William replied to the topic First up an 8” Wustof Chef’s knife in the forum Basic Techniques and Sharpening Strategies 6 years, 7 months ago
First, thank you for your detailed reply. I do appreciate it. I will definitely start learning to navigate WE Forums and utilize the search functions. I’ve read How to Fnd the Sweet Spot and intend to read it again prior to my WE 130 arrival. That seems to be THE basic starting point where everything will follow. This is going…[Read more]
William started the topic First up an 8” Wustof Chef’s knife in the forum Basic Techniques and Sharpening Strategies 6 years, 7 months ago
So I can hit the ground running when my WE 130 and extras get here (day or so), looking for guidance. My first victim is a neglected, 8” Wustof chef’s knife. Got to use my 10x loupe 🙂 and there are nicks about an inch from the heel on up. You can feel them as well with the fingernail. Not sure if this is true or not, but I looked it up and…[Read more]
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