Henry replied to the topic Dealing with paddles of different thicknesses ??? in the forum Basic Techniques and Sharpening Strategies 3 years, 2 months ago
Hi Mark et Al.
unfortunately the setup is put away so I can’t take a cell phone shot. And yea… the pix are too close up to make sense of this without my secret decoder ring interpreting my writing; as I wrote:
2. These show the same moment in time but the rest of the blade (will not fit, even on low power, into a single photo. One is of the b…[Read more]
Henry replied to the topic Dealing with paddles of different thicknesses ??? in the forum Basic Techniques and Sharpening Strategies 3 years, 2 months ago
Yes I’m getting a bit OCD, and yes my career is involves nanometer level precision. I get this is a knife sharpener and on a hobby budget. But I’m going crazy chasing that apex / flat shenogi on this blade!
My take away is to suck it up and micro-adjust on every sharpening medium (as long as it matters – aka in the case of a large…[Read more]
Henry replied to the topic Dealing with paddles of different thicknesses ??? in the forum Basic Techniques and Sharpening Strategies 3 years, 2 months ago
Very Interesting observations:
I discovered with the help of a sharpie that I needed to sharpen now at 13.8 deg to best hit the full 50/80 grit scratch pattern shenogi s that’s what I did.
After re-calibrating and chasing the Apex using the 100/200 grit stone, I started getting a better shinogi, but had a devil of a time chasing the apex for…[Read more]
Henry started the topic Dealing with paddles of different thicknesses ??? in the forum Basic Techniques and Sharpening Strategies 3 years, 2 months ago
Happy Holidays!
This thread provides some paddle thickness measurements and observations on the effects on the shenogi. It also asks for feedback how everyone deals with the below described observations to allow the WE to get a “close-to-perfect” edge / shenogi.
The observations come from sharpening a single bevel Japanese knife at 14.0 degrees…[Read more]
Henry replied to the topic micro bevel to eliminate tear-out -Spyderco Paramilitary CPM-S110V in the forum Basic Techniques and Sharpening Strategies 3 years, 3 months ago
To Shapton glass or not at this early stage of my journey. That is the question. <i>Whether ’tis nobler in the mind to suffer The slings and arrows of outrageous outlay, Or to take arms against a sea of perhaps troublesome steels, And, by trying the Glass, have another tool to try.</i>
Lol, ok, I’m leaning towards using my diamonds on sub 61 is…[Read more]
Henry replied to the topic Microscope Test aka the Scope Showdown! in the forum Pass Around 3 years, 3 months ago
No disrespect taken… again…..
and your have no idea how many prior threads I’ve read or reread and bookmarked or copied bits out of and consolidated into a “Notability” note ( like Evernote).
I’m humbled by your wisdom and acute recognition of the rabbit hole of wanting better/ easier.. just because… You are spot on in th…[Read more]
Henry replied to the topic Microscope Test aka the Scope Showdown! in the forum Pass Around 3 years, 3 months ago
Good stuff here and I’m replying to simply resurrect this thread to see if anyone has any updates.
Edge-leading, trailing, and -parallel strokes.. hmmmm good stuff.
my $20 scope and my $50 is Celeste on vs 500-100 Dyno lite . hmmmm…. Makes me ponder the next scope… for science sake… I’d love to have a wireless scope with good DOF and magnificat…[Read more] -
Henry replied to the topic micro bevel to eliminate tear-out -Spyderco Paramilitary CPM-S110V in the forum Basic Techniques and Sharpening Strategies 3 years, 3 months ago
The Jende vid is good. It’s consistent with all other all good vids on lapping whetstones.
and yes, you’re right about keeping the whetstones flat. Always. I follow your frequent process on my larger stones pretty religiously and that am for the tip/reminder to do the same in the WE.
Nice hint on 1- use the longer rods. – chec…[Read more]
Henry replied to the topic micro bevel to eliminate tear-out -Spyderco Paramilitary CPM-S110V in the forum Basic Techniques and Sharpening Strategies 3 years, 3 months ago
Yes I get the all stones and diamonds scratch! It’s the level f scratches that county, and your fingernail test is semi- akin to a “cut a pice of paper – phone book or copier – and if it cuts smooth, Irish hi good enough.
yes Mark seems to have Japanese knife experience and I’ve learned a lot from reading his posts and blog. Looking forward to re…[Read more]
Henry replied to the topic micro bevel to eliminate tear-out -Spyderco Paramilitary CPM-S110V in the forum Basic Techniques and Sharpening Strategies 3 years, 3 months ago
Ps. It’s kind of fun. I’ve learned to save the usb scope pix to a Dropbox director on my Laptop and can now grab from my phone and drop in here after saving to my camera roll. The journey indeed continues !
Henry replied to the topic micro bevel to eliminate tear-out -Spyderco Paramilitary CPM-S110V in the forum Basic Techniques and Sharpening Strategies 3 years, 3 months ago
I think j I still like microbevels as it makes sharpening or touching-up so much easier and for me, on some knives and tools (like my Marples chisels), it provides a very nice edge at least in my humble experience. AND, as I said, it makes sharpening so much faster,
I do completely follow your concept of grinding with the lower grits to…[Read more]
Henry replied to the topic micro bevel to eliminate tear-out -Spyderco Paramilitary CPM-S110V in the forum Basic Techniques and Sharpening Strategies 3 years, 3 months ago
I’ve got an interesting twist / update to the theme of microbevels….
Be careful what you decide to micro-bevel. It may be a permanent geometry.
So, as I progress and get more experience and confidence as well as broken in stones, I’m moving to some of my better knives while still avoiding the powdered steels… I decided to go at my Shun Yanagib…[Read more]
Henry replied to the topic micro bevel to eliminate tear-out -Spyderco Paramilitary CPM-S110V in the forum Basic Techniques and Sharpening Strategies 3 years, 3 months ago
Thanks for all the commentary in this topic which has taken a left turn down a rabbit hole of files and determining a steel actual hardness. All the above moments are fabulous!
My biggest takeaway is that I whole heartedly agree with Mark that we really can’t blame the steel so quickly for what’s most likely user-error or let’s rephras…[Read more]
Henry replied to the topic micro bevel to eliminate tear-out -Spyderco Paramilitary CPM-S110V in the forum Basic Techniques and Sharpening Strategies 3 years, 3 months ago
Thanks Robert.
It’s funny you mention chasing the simple things firs. My career is precision motion control. Think robotics. I’d say that 85% of all problem we / I’ve seen over the decades is cable related! Chase the simple things first! Yes Sir!
YES to the too much pressure!
Interesting conflict you mention on edge leading vs edge training…[Read more]
Henry replied to the topic micro bevel to eliminate tear-out -Spyderco Paramilitary CPM-S110V in the forum Basic Techniques and Sharpening Strategies 3 years, 3 months ago
As I promised, here are a few photos of the edge POST blending the microbevel on a series of strops (down to .5 micron). I did a series of about 4 progressive angle increases stopping 2 deg. above the final microbevel angle.
In this one you can see the “rough” scratches that indicate to me anyway a LACK of fully polishing with each and every…[Read more]
Henry replied to the topic micro bevel to eliminate tear-out -Spyderco Paramilitary CPM-S110V in the forum Basic Techniques and Sharpening Strategies 3 years, 3 months ago
Robert, Tc, and Mark,
Thanks for the guidance!
I’ll be the first to admit that user error and a learning curve are likely the root cause of the observed symptoms.
I’ll give the stones more time to break in and see how it goes.
Yes Marc, I need to do a better job taking and posting consistent photos. Heck, I’m happy I was even able to get the p…[Read more]
Henry replied to the topic micro bevel to eliminate tear-out -Spyderco Paramilitary CPM-S110V in the forum Basic Techniques and Sharpening Strategies 3 years, 3 months ago
Time to put on a micro-bevel WITH OUT diamonds. Ceramics – films- strop… hummm, will this work???
1600 ceramic – 2 deg mico-bevel .. SUCCESS! But why are the diamonds tearing out the edge?
So I progressed to DLF and stropping (2 deg out from the micro-bevel)
I’m generally pleased with the edge, but want to understand / learn about the e…[Read more]
Henry replied to the topic micro bevel to eliminate tear-out -Spyderco Paramilitary CPM-S110V in the forum Basic Techniques and Sharpening Strategies 3 years, 3 months ago
3000 – shiny, but the edge still “micro-grabs” when slicing paper – photos
1200 then 1600 ceramics…
Lapped with diamond film (1.5 micron pic shown) – still have tear-out!
Stropping (at 2 deg. less ) still didn’t help … duhhhh
To be continued ( size limitations ???)
Henry replied to the topic micro bevel to eliminate tear-out -Spyderco Paramilitary CPM-S110V in the forum Basic Techniques and Sharpening Strategies 3 years, 3 months ago
So the formatting looked good. Photos came in where and how I expected, so here are a number of sequential photos.
The set-up ( after the final passes of micro beveling and a “happy knife” on a messy kitchen counter.
100 grit – starting point
200 grit – not any better tear
Skipping 400 and 600 progression photos – 800 grit is showing n…[Read more]
Henry started the topic micro bevel to eliminate tear-out -Spyderco Paramilitary CPM-S110V in the forum Basic Techniques and Sharpening Strategies 3 years, 3 months ago
Hello all and thanks for bearing with me through this probable pic-intensive thread.
I’m both sharing a newbie to the WE experience, AND looking for guidance on preventing tear-out of the edge.
I bit the bullet and bought a WE Gen 3 pro. It arrived last week and I broke in all diamonds, mostly, on some beater knives, probably did about a dozen…[Read more]
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