Marc H (Wicked Edge Expert Corner) replied to the topic How I find the "Sweet Spot" (4 Parts) in the forum Basic Techniques and Sharpening Strategies 4 years ago
I’d start by centering the Billy’s curve with the jaws centerline, and rotate the handle down and tip up slightly.
Marc H (Wicked Edge Expert Corner) replied to the topic Benchmade Vector 496 in the forum Benchmade 4 years ago
Understand that Josh is a professional sharpener. What’s acceptable to Clay or me may not be acceptable to Josh. He’s at a whole ‘nother level then most of us home W.E. users.
Marc H (Wicked Edge Expert Corner) replied to the topic multiple problems with wicked edge gen pro 3 in the forum Main Forum 4 years ago
My knives are a mix of stainless steel and high carbon non-stainless steels. They are many different steel types and hardness. I like variety. I wanted to experience using the different steels types, how well they cut or slice, held their edges and how easy or difficult they were to sharpen.
By utility knife do you mean Japanese Wa petty kn…[Read more]
Marc H (Wicked Edge Expert Corner) replied to the topic multiple problems with wicked edge gen pro 3 in the forum Main Forum 4 years ago
I too have several Yaxell knives (Gou). I have heard of Eden Kanso…I do not own one. It looks like a nice knife. There are hundred of brands of very good Japanese Knives.
Here are the brands of some I have pictured: Yu Kurasaki, Sukenari, Fu-Rin-Ka-Zan, Kagayaki, Masamoto KS, Takeda NAS
Marc H (Wicked Edge Expert Corner) replied to the topic multiple problems with wicked edge gen pro 3 in the forum Main Forum 4 years ago
You are making this assessment based on very limited experience. What, one larger chef’s knife and one smaller knife?
The shorter knives are easier to pull your sharpening stones across them. Often you can do that in one continuous sharpening stroke. The larger longer knives may require that you sharpen the length in two or three sections wi…[Read more]
Marc H (Wicked Edge Expert Corner) replied to the topic Benchmade Vector 496 in the forum Benchmade 4 years ago
I wouldn’t know why a flat diamond stone and a flat ceramic stone would be any different. They’re shaped the same, just different sharpening mediums. Unless someone who tried it didn’t experience the quality results they expected.
It sure looks to me that Clay was using a ceramic stone in the video I shared.
Marc H (Wicked Edge Expert Corner) replied to the topic Reprofile angles don’t match in the forum Basic Techniques and Sharpening Strategies 4 years ago
I will add this…I believe the bevel angle setting is slightly dynamic. By that I mean if it changes as Joe is suggesting as steel is removed, over time. By using a cube to check and micro-angle and adjust with each new grit used you will be starting again with the desired bevel angle setting. If any variation was caused as a result of the pr…[Read more]
Marc H (Wicked Edge Expert Corner) replied to the topic Reprofile angles don’t match in the forum Basic Techniques and Sharpening Strategies 4 years ago
I log my clamping position the first time I sharpen a knife, along with the profile angle used. A photo is helpful save, too.
For touchups I clamp the knife in that recorded position. Setting the adjusters at the same angle setting. I inspect my bevels with a USB microscope. I’m able to skip using a marker most times.. I can clearly see if I…[Read more]
Marc H (Wicked Edge Expert Corner) replied to the topic Reprofile angles don’t match in the forum Basic Techniques and Sharpening Strategies 4 years ago
I would double check the set angles if you changed the profile, when you’re close to done with the first grit. Then in the event that the steel removed made any difference to the angle setting, you can do a little more stone work to get it where you expect it to be. That’s when you can visually inspect the bevel heights and adjust them to look h…[Read more]
Marc H (Wicked Edge Expert Corner) replied to the topic Modification Kit! in the forum MODS 4 years ago
Welcome to the W.E. forum, Buddy.
I share your sentiment.
Marc H (Wicked Edge Expert Corner) replied to the topic Benchmade Vector 496 in the forum Benchmade 4 years ago
Welcome to the Wicked Edge Forum Kyle.
Maybe this’ll help. The blade shape looks similar, enough:
Marc H (Wicked Edge Expert Corner) replied to the topic multiple problems with wicked edge gen pro 3 in the forum Main Forum 4 years ago
I suggest you spend more time, effort and pay closer attention to details, with each and every grit, before you move on to the next grit. With time and practice you will see the difference in the scratch patterns between not enough and done right.
The results you’re seeing sounds to me like your on the right track. Just work at it more with e…[Read more]
Marc H (Wicked Edge Expert Corner) replied to the topic multiple problems with wicked edge gen pro 3 in the forum Main Forum 4 years ago
Using leather strops after the 1000 grit will bring out better sharpness and noticeable improvement slicing phone book paper.
Marc H (Wicked Edge Expert Corner) replied to the topic multiple problems with wicked edge gen pro 3 in the forum Main Forum 4 years ago
Looks good…if the scratch pattern appears the same on both sides of the knife it should be good.
Appearance is not everything. Some terrible looking bevels are really scary sharp.
Are you happy with the results? Does it feel sharp to you? Does it cut well?
Marc H (Wicked Edge Expert Corner) replied to the topic New WE130 owner in the forum Welcome Mat 4 years, 1 month ago
Welcome to the W.E. Forum, Larry
Marc H (Wicked Edge Expert Corner) replied to the topic multiple problems with wicked edge gen pro 3 in the forum Main Forum 4 years, 1 month ago
“pirate”, I suggest you take the time to read these most recent posts to this forum. These threads are really a compilation of helpful discussion on issues facing many if not most new W.E. users. There is some repetition and overlap in subject matter. Many of the answers are similar because the issues that come up when doing a similar pr…[Read more]
Marc H (Wicked Edge Expert Corner) replied to the topic multiple problems with wicked edge gen pro 3 in the forum Main Forum 4 years, 1 month ago
You need to clamp your knife in a position that allows your sharpening stones to reach the knife edge completely and efficiently. This position is called the “sweet spot”. Read the first post at the very top of this page and the knowledge base article on sweet spot and clamping positions.
The amount of strokes I use with each grit stone is…[Read more]
Marc H (Wicked Edge Expert Corner) replied to the topic multiple problems with wicked edge gen pro 3 in the forum Main Forum 4 years, 1 month ago
Here’s a couple YouTube videos.
This first one should explain how to operate the Gen 3 Pro
This second video explains some common sharpening strokes and how to use them. Don’t worry that the model sharpener he uses is not the Gen 3 Pro. All the same sharpening strokes are use to sharpen knives on all the differ W.E. models.
Marc H (Wicked Edge Expert Corner) replied to the topic multiple problems with wicked edge gen pro 3 in the forum Main Forum 4 years, 1 month ago
Wow, that’s really a bent screw. Wicked Edge will replace it. Call or submit a service ticket. The bent screw is US Standard thread 1/4-28″. You may find a hex head bolt to use until you can get the proper replacement with the knurled knob end.
The exposed threads on the guide rods will not affect angle settings or how the W.E. sharpeners fro…[Read more]
Marc H (Wicked Edge Expert Corner) replied to the topic multiple problems with wicked edge gen pro 3 in the forum Main Forum 4 years, 1 month ago
Welcome to the ” the crazy pirate”
Photos would be very helpful to see what you describe.
Save digital photo files you take to the device you are using to participate on the forum.
Click “Select File” button down below on left. Browse your device for photo file, click to attach. Click “Add another file” to browse, find and attach additional p…[Read more]
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