sksharp replied to the topic New (Happy) Owner in the forum Welcome Mat 7 years, 2 months ago
Welcome Scott,
Glad to hear you like your system, nice job on your stone rack as well, looks good. Look forward to kicking things back and forth in the future.
sksharp replied to the topic It's time to GO!!! in the forum Main Forum 7 years, 2 months ago
Welcome Dave and let us know if you fixed your problem.
Hello Chester, since you already have the 800/1000 stones I would recommend the 1500/glass platen stone before you dive into the world of ceramics. If you do decide to go the 1500 route the 6 mic. or the 3 mic. lapping film is a excellent choice for the glass platen and will impress you as…[Read more]
sksharp replied to the topic It's time to GO!!! in the forum Main Forum 7 years, 2 months ago
Hello Chester,
I was wondering what stones you have with your GO? Just the 200/600 stone? If you don’t have the 800/1000 I would absolutely get those first. The 1200/1600 ceramics are good stones for me but I would much rather have a complete set of diamond stones before I invested in the ceramics.
sksharp replied to the topic Just signed up! in the forum Welcome Mat 7 years, 2 months ago
Welcome Sir,
This is a tough question to answer and I agree with all of what MarcH wrote.
The PP1 is $450 and a good system and enough to get some VERY sharp knives.
Every step up has advantages so your budget will be in the end your determining factor. From the GO at $199 to the PP3 at $1199 or the GEN3PRO at $849.
The Gen 3 clamp (we130,…[Read more]
sksharp replied to the topic Yet another warning about gloves. in the forum Off Topic 7 years, 2 months ago
Good point Justin,
Anything that helps with safety is probably a good idea. You are so right about the edges with the WE compared to what we have experienced it the past. It is hard to “re-learn” how we handle these knives and I really can’t thank you enough for putting your mishap out there to maybe help remind us of the dangerous aspect to this…[Read more]
sksharp replied to the topic Yet another warning about gloves. in the forum Off Topic 7 years, 2 months ago
Thank you for sharing your mishap Justin and I hope you heal quickly. I don’t like to see stuff like that but it is a great reminder that we are working with something that is inherently dangerous and care needs to be taken at all times when operating these machines. Whether you use shields, gloves, stops or what ever. I’ve told the story before,…[Read more]
sksharp replied to the topic Reddit discussion: sharpening a cheap knife with whetstones in the forum Off Topic 7 years, 2 months ago
The steel in “some” of the “cheap” knives might surprise you, both good and bad! For me that is the major issue with inexpensive knives. It’s very difficult to know what you are working with. Some are quite good, other are terrible but most fall some where in between and that for me is the major issue with these and cheap is what I see the…[Read more]
sksharp replied to the topic Dealing with the Bolster? in the forum Basic Techniques and Sharpening Strategies 7 years, 2 months ago
Unless you are going to eliminate the full bolster completely the sharpening problem will always reoccur. I would not buy a knife with that type of bolster but companies like Wusthof and Zwilling/Henckels sell knives like these at a cheaper price and a lot of people buy them. The issue of the blade bellying is from sharpening without dealing with…[Read more]
sksharp replied to the topic Do you test sharpness while still in the vise? in the forum Basic Techniques and Sharpening Strategies 7 years, 2 months ago
I do test the sharpness in the vise after each grit, starting at 200 or 400 and then every progression after. I use a sheet of phone book paper held between my first two fingers and my thumb. Starting at the heel at a 45 deg. angle I push the paper into and along the length of the blade. When the blade starts to get sharp you can tell from…[Read more]
sksharp replied to the topic New, very pleased user in the forum Welcome Mat 7 years, 2 months ago
From one Stephen to another welcome! I too was very impressed when I received my PP3 10 or so months ago. Wait my friend, when the stones break in and you find more and more techniques and methods it gets better and better. Don’t be afraid to ask for and give help and advise, this is a great forum.
sksharp replied to the topic Wicked Edge GO, deluxe bag, and bundle package in the forum Main Forum 7 years, 2 months ago
Certainly Organic I will let you know what I think of it. I’ve only done one old junk knife just to familiarize myself with it’s setup, use and to start breaking the stones in.
Initial thought…it’s better constructed that I thought and I was expecting quite a bit. I think the redesign was spot on and worth the wait. Sets up quick, very solid…[Read more]
Marc H (Wicked Edge Expert Corner) and
sksharp are now friends 7 years, 2 months ago
sksharp replied to the topic It's time to GO!!! in the forum Main Forum 7 years, 2 months ago
Received mine today as well and can’t wait to give it a spin. Have to wait to open it though…Wife thought that was a good Idea…argh! Glad to hear you had a good experience out of the box tacocat. Ask for help as questions or problems arise, most of these guys are good at helping and very willing as well.
sksharp replied to the topic Wicked Edge GO, deluxe bag, and bundle package in the forum Main Forum 7 years, 2 months ago
Just received my GO today so looking forward to experiencing it. I have a WE130 but wanted to experience this and demonstrate it to others. I believe this could compete with sharpeners that are far inferior and at $199 is affordable.
I think the deluxe bag and the 800/1000 stones would be a great bundled offering. Maybe keeps the price at a good…[Read more]
sksharp replied to the topic Help with tip sharpening. Trying not to blunt the tip in the forum Techniques and Sharpening Strategies 7 years, 2 months ago
One thing I concentrate on is to keep my strokes as vertical as possible. If the blade is more than 3 inches or so I’ll use 2 or 3 strokes to make a pass. This has helped me blend the heel of the blade in better and makes it easier to keep the integrity of the tip.
developer (ChrisB) and
sksharp are now friends 7 years, 2 months ago
sksharp replied to the topic What's the most important thing you've learned (about sharpening with the WE?) in the forum Welcome Mat 7 years, 2 months ago
Welcome Joseph, you’ll love it!