NickedEdge replied to the topic Christmas is Early: Gone boi! in the forum Off Topic 6 years, 9 months ago
Tom & Expidia
Back up for some air….
Lol! It’s Caribbean Kriol…”Gone boi” (pronounced gan bwoi )
Couple of meanings contest dependent 1) its all gone (boy) as in, there is no more bait or 2) I’m outta here!
NickedEdge started the topic Christmas is Early: Gone boi! in the forum Off Topic 6 years, 9 months ago
A certain box showed up today. I promptly squirreled the WE130 away to its temporary home until my workshop its finished. Its amazingly well machined, finished, and assembled. I’m likely to simply disappear for a while as I (try to) apply the theory I’ve learned so far. I think MarcH calls it “getting experience”. 😎
NickedEdge replied to the topic I've learned to move slowly and not just "Wing it" in situations like this one. in the forum Techniques and Sharpening Strategies 6 years, 9 months ago
Pink, I really like the format of the notes/settings attachment you included. Is that using One Note or another app?
NickedEdge replied to the topic New member from Memphis in the forum Welcome Mat 6 years, 9 months ago
NickedEdge replied to the topic Dead Link in the forum Forum Usability Notes and Requests 6 years, 9 months ago
Morning Marc, Yes thanks I saw that. I assumed the link I mentioned (on my Home Page) would get me to the same place as “See all Articles” on the Wicked Edge Knowledge Base main page under “General Topics”. But when the link “Articles” is clicked on on my Home Page I get nada.
The word “Articles” may be mistakenly set up as a link or perhaps it…[Read more]
NickedEdge started the topic Dead Link in the forum Forum Usability Notes and Requests 6 years, 9 months ago
Hi guys,
I really couldn’t find a means of sending a note to the WEUSA webmaster so perhaps you could relay this?
I use the Knowledge Base quite frequently and I found that in Home Page I have this line:
Most Recent Activities : ArticlesThe word “Articles” is indicating it’s a hyperlink which I assumed brought up the webpage of all the…[Read more]
NickedEdge replied to the topic 1500 Grit Diamond Stones in the forum Abrasives 6 years, 9 months ago
Ha Ha Ha! Funny man Marc…but…I DID!! Lol! Actually on your and other’s recommendation I got gloves and the safety shields PLUS I’m bringing in some dude from Florida to do the actual sharpening…no safety issues here! and you better believe the edges are going to be crisp!
NickedEdge replied to the topic 1500 Grit Diamond Stones in the forum Abrasives 6 years, 9 months ago
Unbeknownst to me MarcH had written his response here when I was querying him along similar lines off forum. It’s a great reply. Organic touched on the “counterintuitive” aspect of going back up in grit size when you change medium and abrasive.
Theres a great article in the Wicked Edge Knowledge Base about grit progression and perhaps you’ve…[Read more]
NickedEdge replied to the topic Shapton Glass Stones in the forum Want to Buy 6 years, 9 months ago
MarcH you constantly amaze me with your willingness and ability to enhance a thread.
NickedEdge replied to the topic Shapton Glass Stones in the forum Want to Buy 6 years, 9 months ago
Thanks OG, I’ve been burning up the wires and internet trying track these down. Now Jende used to have them but the link from their press announcement about the WE ShapGlass ends up at a dead page on their website. Tom at Jende is my next call…and if I can get just the stones in the grits I want I’ll buy the newer handles and mount the stones…[Read more]
NickedEdge started the topic Shapton Glass Stones in the forum Want to Buy 6 years, 9 months ago
Anyone have any for the WE they’d want to sell I’d entertain buying them if the grits were compatible with handle menagerie I already have started.
NickedEdge replied to the topic Digital Protractors: Resolution in the forum Getting Started 6 years, 9 months ago
Just so MarcH, I have no issues with a +/-0.01-0.02 degree zero either. The way it behaves on a consistent basis is what important. For me I have a mechanical issue: the effort necessary to zero and 2) I’m now seeing zero drift well above that spec and thats not good…funny its almost like it developed the zero drift after a while….maybe…[Read more]
NickedEdge replied to the topic Digital Protractors: Resolution in the forum Getting Started 6 years, 9 months ago
That doesn’t surprise me MarcH. The 360S seems to be very stable once zero’d and of course having your WEPS permanently situated lends to consistent measurements. Yes the click twice seems to be working better than the single. I’m still not getting a 00.00 reading after 2x click but 1 or 2/100ths of a degree is a pretty minimal deviation and w…[Read more]
NickedEdge replied to the topic Digital Protractors: Resolution in the forum Getting Started 6 years, 9 months ago
Ha! Well obviously TC my international translation thesaurus was off that day! For the life of me I couldn’t come up with the word they intended to use.
Sounds like yours has a much softer touch. Right now its taking me multiple attempts to zero the unit simply because of the button resistance. If I can’t get used to it I’ll probably ask for a…[Read more]
NickedEdge replied to the topic Digital Protractors: Resolution in the forum Getting Started 6 years, 9 months ago
So I coughed up the bucks for a DXL360 after reading several reviews… Well actually I used some reward points from my AMEX card so it wasn’t painful at all! The DXL 36oS unit is well made Very fast to settle into a stable reading and repeat that stable reading time after time equally fast. What is really impressive is this unit has a calibration…[Read more]
NickedEdge replied to the topic Digital Protractors: Resolution in the forum Getting Started 6 years, 10 months ago
Morning TC,
Your mention of the stabilization of the reading with less bounce (good stasis) is probably more important to me than the .05 resolution spec. Its really a pain when that reading is taking time to stabilize. Thanks again!
NickedEdge started the topic Digital Protractors: Resolution in the forum Getting Started 6 years, 10 months ago
I own either a Wixy or AccuRemote battery powered digital protractor (can’t recall which offhand). I recently picked up on a recommendation for a digital protractor while doing some searches on the forums. I think someone mentioned that they recommended the Floureon DXL360S (Floureon’s current version on Amazon) over the one that WE sells (similar…[Read more]
NickedEdge replied to the topic Any chemists around here? Isopropanyl alcohol in the forum Suggestion Box 6 years, 10 months ago
Hi Shelley! I’ll chime with support for the basic sentiments expressed since your post here…nix the idea of brake cleaner entirely…I know for a fact it will affect the polyethylene plastic in the handle and more than likely dissolve the adhesive used on affixing the platen to the handle.
Simple Green, and other citrus oil based cleaners…[Read more]
NickedEdge replied to the topic Little bit lost.. need your advice please in the forum Getting Started 6 years, 10 months ago
A great guide to any beginner Sultan, I should know, I am one! My own basic needs are to sharpen kitchen knives and those of my family and friends.
Based on my own needs I bought the WE130 w/ Aluminum Base and the following from MarcH’s list above.
- 12″ Rods
- Safety Shields
- Safety Gloves I did buy these Amazon to save a few$
- Extra Fine…
NickedEdge replied to the topic WE 120 vice issue… in the forum Sharpener and Accessory Maintenance 6 years, 10 months ago
Hi Travis,
Welcome of course! Interesting issue and I have a question but I wanted to make a comment before I get to that. I think one of the reasons I was willing to “invest” in a Wicked Edge system is the support quality I kept reading about. Second to none made it much easier to push that “compete transaction” button. Obviously I’m very happy…[Read more]
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