-Terry replied to the topic Sharpening in the forum Basic Techniques and Sharpening Strategies 5 years ago
Like I was told, you have to do what gives you the results you desire. However, I do scrubbing to form the burr, then edge leading, heel to tip strokes, and continue those strokes until all or close to all evidence of the previous grit, have disappeared. I also hold about a third of the way up from the bottom of the stone. With…[Read more]
-Terry started the topic Sharpening in the forum Basic Techniques and Sharpening Strategies 5 years ago
I’m sure this applies mostly to beginners, but I discovered something today. I noticed that there is a small bit of play with the stones on the guide rods a while back, but today, I noticed that if you hold your stones too close to the top, the knife edge acts as a pivot point for that little bit of play. This causes the knife edge to be…[Read more]
-Terry started the topic Shout-out in the forum Main Forum 5 years ago
I’d just like to take a minute to give a shout-out to Marc H. Thank you for putting so much time and effort into helping me better understand the process of knife sharpening. My knives are starting to look and function much better than previously, but I still need to fine tune my process. Your emails definitely are a big help. People like you are…[Read more]
-Terry replied to the topic Getting a burr in the forum Techniques and Sharpening Strategies 5 years ago
That was incredibly informative, thank you. It would be great if there was an experienced member near the 14616 zip. I’m a much better visual learner.
-Terry replied to the topic Getting a burr in the forum Techniques and Sharpening Strategies 5 years ago
Sorry Readheads, I didn’t see your post as I was typing mine. My bad.
-Terry replied to the topic Getting a burr in the forum Techniques and Sharpening Strategies 5 years ago
In my limited experience with creating a burr, the burr us much harder to detect as you progress to higher grits. You can still feel it, but it’s not as easy. I usually run a finger from spine, to edge on both sides, and can usually feel the difference. Just be sure you feel that difference from heel to tip. Then repeat the process on the other…[Read more]
-Terry replied to the topic Getting a burr in the forum Techniques and Sharpening Strategies 5 years ago
I’m actually trying to look for a reflection on my knife edges, and it looks like I’m seeing reflection from the sides (bevels) not the actual edge. I have a USB microscope coming Tuesday, I guess I’ll have to wait for that.
-Terry replied to the topic Getting a burr in the forum Techniques and Sharpening Strategies 5 years ago
Ok, well that’s almost exactly how I do it, so either were both right, or both wrong. Lol
-Terry started the topic Getting a burr in the forum Techniques and Sharpening Strategies 5 years ago
Ok, so I’m aware that everyone has their techniques, but I have a question. Is creating a burr between each grit, really necessary? I’ve seen a million videos on sharpening, some better than others for sure, but …. Anyhow, some vids show getting a burr between grit, some not. Even some of the vids by Clay himself, don’t show that. I understa…[Read more]
-Terry replied to the topic Positioning in the forum Techniques and Sharpening Strategies 5 years ago
Yes, I agree. I use my cube for each grit change. I also noticed that there is upwards of .3 to .4° slop in the stone on the guide rod too. I adjust for the position I hold the stones the most.
-Terry replied to the topic Positioning in the forum Techniques and Sharpening Strategies 5 years ago
Perfect, thanks.
-Terry replied to the topic Positioning in the forum Techniques and Sharpening Strategies 5 years ago
So as long as my cube indicates the desired angle, thats all that matters? Good to know. Thanks everyone.
-Terry replied to the topic Positioning in the forum Techniques and Sharpening Strategies 5 years ago
- Ok, so I put my knife at position F6, set the table to 15°, and the micro adjustment will not allow me to get an actual 15dps. However, if I set the table to 16°, I can get to 15 dps using micro adjustments. Is this normal?
-Terry started the topic New stones in the forum Techniques and Sharpening Strategies 5 years ago
Ok, so I began my system with 100-1000 grit stones, and I believe they are pretty much broken in. I just got new 1500/2200 stones. These are obviously not broken in. My concern is that when I finish with my 1000 grit, I’d like to progress to 1500, but with those stones not being broken in, it seems I would be going backwards with grits. How can I…[Read more]
-Terry replied to the topic Positioning in the forum Techniques and Sharpening Strategies 5 years ago
FYI, I’m using the Wicked Edge Gen 3 Pro.
-Terry started the topic Positioning in the forum Techniques and Sharpening Strategies 5 years ago
Hi everyone,
This question kind of has a a couple parts, but it is all part of the same question.
I was looking at the list of submissions for what others have used for blade positioning. None of these positions are in agreement with other users with the same knife, particularly the Spyderco PM 2. One will say position B2, another will say J5,…[Read more]
-Terry replied to the topic Gen 3 Pro in the forum Main Forum 5 years ago
So I’ve taken my system apart, and noticed 2 things. I have 6 washer sets, as opposed to the 5 I see in the instructions (Could be why my clamp is tight at the lowest tension setting with a regular pocket knife).
Secondly, a 1 inch long, by 1/ 8 inch diameter piece of rubber fell out of the clamp mechanism, and i don’t know where (again, not in…[Read more]
-Terry started the topic Gen 3 Pro in the forum Main Forum 5 years ago
So I’ve noticed that my clamping mechanism has a lot of stone/metal filings in it. I can hear it using the clamping lever. How do you clean this out? Thanks
-Terry started the topic Where are you in the forum Main Forum 6 years ago
- Does anyone here live in the Rochester NY area? I could really use some one on one assistance. Im having a bit of trouble getting an edge. Im not sure if I can fix the aftermath of the mistakes I’ve made while practicing, and this is making it seem like even if I get my techniques right, I won’t know because the edge Im working with is so…
-Terry replied to the topic Not centered? in the forum Main Forum 6 years ago
- Ya, I lifted the blade, and it no longer hits the clamp. Most of my blades are close to the same size, so illI have to remember to lift em all a bit higher than resting on the pins. Thanks
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