Brewbear replied to the topic Dual grit edges? in the forum Techniques and Sharpening Strategies 4 years ago
I agree with @airscapes, only the apex will do the cutting and finishing the shoulders at different grits is a gimmic at best. Microbevels are a different story all together. They provide a toothier edge while protecting the said edge if you are not using a super steel but prefer an acute sharpening angle. Case in point, one of my knives is VG10…[Read more]
Mark posted an update 5 years, 1 month ago
@airscapes , Thanks for the stone stoppers. They are excellent. My WE 130 can let the stone go below the bevel creating scratches. your stops eliminate that possibility. Great product
HMAK started the topic Another Newbie to WE sharpening in the forum Welcome Mat 5 years, 2 months ago
Got the Propack II for X-mas and hopefully it arrives in the coming week. I’m looking forward to breaking in the stones and hopefully starting to get a feel for the system. I asked the relatively small community where I live for old knives to start out on and got 7 knives funny enough 3 of them were globals I could keep (They’ll wait until I…[Read more]
Brewbear replied to the topic Best WE setup for a beginner? in the forum Getting Started 5 years, 3 months ago
I’ll have to echo the others, the WE 130 is a bit more versatile and a good place to start. Each model has its pros and very few cons but the WE 130 is the one I chose and am very happy with. Besides the stones and strops already suggested, you might consider a set of long arms, a low angle adapter and the stone sops/micro adjusters from @airscapes…[Read more]
Gregg Houston posted an update 5 years, 3 months ago
@airscapes need airscapes email to send money via PayPal for nylon stops. Have the PayPal account but instructions say need email.
Brewbear replied to the topic Bitten by the Bug! in the forum Welcome Mat 5 years, 6 months ago
Welcome to the slippery slope Chazz. I have the WE130 and love it. I had the same constraint as you when I bought my setup, but I purchased the low angle adapter (filet knives and folding knives) the 800/1000 and 1500/glass sets as well. At the time the 1500/2200 and 3000/glass were not available but would have been my choice. The 800/1000 and low…[Read more]
Brewbear replied to the topic New kid on the block in the forum Welcome Mat 5 years, 11 months ago
@airscapes, thank you very much for the heads up. I will be very careful. On a happy note, my WE130 arrived today but I will not be able to play until Sunday late afternoon. I will let you all know how it went.