Readheads says this was a full reprofile starting at 100 (prob 300+) scrub strokes per side until I got the full burr (seems like forever sometimes but it will happen) + single edge leading for burr removal with 200. It was a first time blade so I used a sharpie, but after the first full burr I went 25-50 edge trailing strokes per side thru full progression 400, 600, 800, 1000, 1500, 3 diamond films, 2 leather ever so light. Each 25x per side after full burr. Did not bother with sharpie/scope/burr after each progression cause I trust the jig and quickly feel finger/nail test. I also do not care if there is a “rogue” scratch left from a previous grit as long as the edge catches my thumb nail. Diminishing returns. The end results in cutting scallops from shiny newsprint which is good enough for me.
Plus it was a new knife I never had before. Time was 30-45 mins. It was also from my dentist and I had 3 root canals last year. Sa la vie.