Belt sander/grinder/sharpener
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- This topic has 37 replies, 1 voice, and was last updated 12/24/2019 at 4:45 pm by
07/02/2019 at 2:39 pm #50863
Not sure what they are called.. see them in videos of knife sharpeners.. would like to buy something I can use to fix tips, fix the bolster as well as other non knife uses. Want something versatile that I can get belts for and won’t take up a lot of room. won’t get used much and will probably look to buy used
07/02/2019 at 5:14 pm #50864Airscapes, are you thinking of something made by Worksharp?
07/02/2019 at 5:47 pm #50865I have no clue, it is like a 1.5″ or so belt sander, something like what this guy is using.. Maybe not as large as I am limited on flat surfaces and places where things can free stand.. too much stuff already but I need more!
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07/02/2019 at 5:56 pm #50867Check out :
It’s cheap but you get what you pay for. For the light touch up jobs you suggest it’ll probably be sufficient. It’s a little too narrow for edge grinding.
For that I’d look to: Central Macinary 4″ X 36″
Both machines are light duty, inexpensive and lack features like variable speed seen it better price point models.
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07/02/2019 at 6:11 pm #50868Thanks Mark, I did go back and see that his is a Viel and found that one new for $289 which is more than I would want to spend
I do have some HF stuff, if fact I have a good bit. Was kind of hoping to find something used of a better quality at a reasonable price.. Although I am guessing these only get sold when the estate gets liquidated.. 🙂 Have a the craftsman version of the 4×36 may stop at HF and look at he smaller one just for fun. Have a ebay search set up for Viel.. hope someone can provide others I can look for as well.
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07/03/2019 at 6:33 am #50871Airscapes,
Below is a well written article on belt/grinder sharpening. It’s a long detailed article so I posted the conclusions for those who want the CliffsNotes.
I have 1X42 Kalamazoo belt sharpener that sees very little use. Even using a knife rest, I just cannot get a nice even bevel or an evenly sharpened knife. When I have a knife that has significant edge damage I use a WEN and the Kally. Once the edge is uniform, I then use the WE to do the sharpening.
The knives in the pictures were “fixed” using the WEN sander. The gentleman was very happy with the result but I probably did over heat the edges.
Ed K.
Summary and Conclusions
Knife edges are easily overheated during powered grinding due to the small volume of the edge and the friction buildup from grinding. This softens the edge and worsens edge retention. The use of steels capable of high temperatu tempering treatments help to some extent since they can withstand more heat. Hand sharpening or water cooled sharpening are the best methods for preventing overheating of edges.
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07/03/2019 at 7:11 am #50876Thanks Ed! That repair looks great! I have one with a broken tip to do when I get around to it as well.
I have no intentions of sharpening knives on a belt, I know I could never ever develop that kind of muscle control.. I guess I had just better buy some new belts for my Craftsman disc/belt sander and use that. That thing just seem to run too fast and I have no control in the horizontal position of the belt. I was hoping a vertical narrow belt and maybe speed adjustable would be a better fit for what I would like to use it for. Like non knife things you may go to the bench grinder for even though it is too coarse and has insufficient support. I did order the 50/80 grit stone, so hopefully they will make faster work of heavy chipped bevels that I really want to take a file or sander to while I research something powered. If my memory serves me, there was a 1″ belt sander in my uncles basement when is passed 15 years ago that I did not take, as I had no idea what it was for or what i would use it for.. Hate when I remember doing dumb stuff like that and can’t remember where I left the screw driver I just had in my hand!
This reply was modified 5 years, 8 months ago by
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07/03/2019 at 1:53 pm #50879There’s also this one:×30-Knife-Sharpener
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07/10/2019 at 1:37 pm #50966I just ordered a Dewalt DW-756 6″ bench grinder with a 5/8 HP motor. I also went with the Razor Sharp Edgemaking 8″ Deluxe Blade Sharpening Kit. Everything was under $200 bucks. Got awesome reviews.
07/13/2019 at 7:39 pm #51052I had the same need for a reasonably cheap grinder to fix chips, tips, bolsters, thinning, polishing, etc before going to WEPS for fine tune edging. I wanted flexibility and variable speed. Viel and the like started at $300 & up (way up). That wasn’t for me as a garage once in a while sharpener. If I was trying to make $$, then I understand investment.
So after a bunch of Google help, I found a $75 solution, it takes a HF 1×30, throw out the motor and get yourself a treadmill motor (DC, variable speed, reversible, high torque/low speed). Pretty much every other house in America has one and most are not used. Plenty of people give them away and the motor +electronics (important) are easy to rip out. It takes some reasonably straight forward wiring, mounting, redrilling, etc but is very doable.
You end up with a 1×30, DC, variable speed, reversible, vertical or horizontal setup for $75. I’ve even used it to remove serrations. As a bonus, there is a second output shaft for a buffer.
I am not the first and definitely not the last.
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07/13/2019 at 7:42 pm #51056A vidInShot_20190713_211824059
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07/13/2019 at 9:42 pm #51059Now that is my kind of speed! Will need to source a treadmill and was contemplating buying the HF unit even before seeing this.
Will surely be in touch via PM once I get the parts needed!
07/14/2019 at 2:46 am #51061Check out Cliff Curry’s Youtube videos. He’s done a ton of mods for a bunch of HF 1X30’s he has. He’s CurryCustomCutlery here on the forum as well as on Youtube as Curry Custom Cutlery.
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07/14/2019 at 7:25 am #51063That was very helpful! The more I watch the more I just want to go buy a quality machine and be done and happy. After googling the WEN and Rikon It looks like they are all set up for wood working with tables. I don’t see that sharpening guide in any of the literature, is that an after market part or something custom?
07/14/2019 at 9:14 pm #51079 -
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