Marc H replied to the topic New from Georgia in the forum Welcome Mat 5 years, 10 months ago
Richard, for the new users it’s often not one thing to single out, that you may be doing wrong. First, as you know, the stones take time to break-in. Then the stones will continue to give improved results as your technique and skills improve.
Often, I believe the new user stops short of bringing the two knife sides together at the apex, that i…[Read more]
Marc H replied to the topic Are you guys this nuts, or is it me? Angles and burrs in the forum Advanced Techniques and Sharpening Strategies 5 years, 10 months ago
For me the DLFs are to smooth and polish the bevel to be mirror reflective. Since the two smoothed bevel sides intersect at the knife edge, the knife edge may become narrower, too.
The strops I use to refine and smooth the cutting edge and add just that extra bit of sharpness. By refine, I mean smooth out the rough, draggy or edge catching fe…[Read more]
Marc H replied to the topic Strop Mounting in the forum Stropping 5 years, 10 months ago
Leather strops are directly mounted to the new handles. The nanocloths appear to have a backing plate of some sort, possibly a hard plastic plate.
Marc H replied to the topic Are you guys this nuts, or is it me? Angles and burrs in the forum Advanced Techniques and Sharpening Strategies 5 years, 10 months ago
They both use the same edge trailing strokes, that is up and off the knife edge. The different mediums behave differently. The microfine abrasives are affixed to the films, just like the other sharpening stones. The abrasives are embedded in the strops but can and do roll between the strop and the edge steel leading to the burnishing ef…[Read more]
Marc H replied to the topic Are you guys this nuts, or is it me? Angles and burrs in the forum Advanced Techniques and Sharpening Strategies 5 years, 10 months ago
phillyjudge: the stropping process is more flexible then the sharpening process. We back off the strop angle 2 degrees or so to avoid rounding off the edge. Some of us have found 1.5 degrees works best for us. Others use 2 degrees and still, others may use only 1 degrees. My point it is that it’s subjective and influenced by technique. Ther…[Read more]
Marc H replied to the topic We need your help! – Wicked Edge Learning Experience Survey in the forum Off Topic 5 years, 10 months ago
Marc H replied to the topic Angle cube variability/inconsistency and jumpiness in the forum Advanced Techniques and Sharpening Strategies 5 years, 10 months ago
I was wrong, no YouTube video demonstrating the Calibration procedure.
This is the best I can offer:
The calibration procedure is at the end of the manual starting on page 16 and ending on 19. (There are more instructions after page 19 for more advanced f…[Read more]
Marc H replied to the topic Angle cube variability/inconsistency and jumpiness in the forum Advanced Techniques and Sharpening Strategies 5 years, 10 months ago
I believe I had viewed a YouTube video with the calibration procedure. Search “dxl360s calibration”. The instructions are indeed cofusing to read in the manual. I did it a few times to figure it out. After reading the instructions and trying it a few times you’ll get the understanding of the stepwise procedure. Each step calibrates a diffe…[Read more]
Marc H replied to the topic Are you guys this nuts, or is it me? Angles and burrs in the forum Advanced Techniques and Sharpening Strategies 5 years, 10 months ago
Ditto what Pinkfloyd said. I never found the the VTSAs effective. Especially now with better toleranced guide rods and stones, and more precise 3 axis digital cubes, (dxl360s), there are no reasons not to check and micro-adjust with each grit change, to take full advantage of the improved precision.
I visually monitor my progress with a USB m…[Read more]
Marc H replied to the topic Angle cube variability/inconsistency and jumpiness in the forum Advanced Techniques and Sharpening Strategies 5 years, 10 months ago
First thing, I’d restore the DXL360S to the factory default. Then I’d re-inigialize/re-calibrate it following the step by step procedure precisely. I found myself repeating it several times till I was confident in my calibrating process.
Then, try to use a locked stone stop to hold the handle up at the height on the guide rod so it leans on th…[Read more]
Marc H replied to the topic First good knife on the WEG3Pro in the forum Knife Photos 5 years, 10 months ago
Thanks Jim for your clarification.
You might sometimes want to try stropping your 18º 1000 grit micro bevel at 16º or 16.5º, as a final step. You may find you’ll get the toothyness and durability you desire and the smoothness to still slice paper cleanly, with addition of stropping.
Marc H replied to the topic First good knife on the WEG3Pro in the forum Knife Photos 5 years, 10 months ago
Jeff, I am asking for clarification of your terminology a “few degrees steeper”. I understand this to mean an angle less than the bevel sharpened angle. For instance if your edc bevel was sharpened to 20º are you saying you apply your micro-bevel at 17 or 18º, a few degrees steeper, to give your very polished bevel a toothier feel.
A stee…[Read more]
Marc H replied to the topic Base Material? in the forum Techniques and Sharpening Strategies 5 years, 10 months ago
Marc H replied to the topic New from KY in the forum Welcome Mat 5 years, 10 months ago
I think that was a wise and practical decision. The combination of all those mediums will allow for sharp and shiny knife edges. Once you learn how to do it. You’ll certainly have everything in your arsenal to get it done without having to order any extra goodies.
Marc H replied to the topic Generation 3 Pro vs. Pro Pack III? in the forum Getting Started 5 years, 10 months ago
Welcome to the Wicked Edge Forum, Carlen.
You did indeed, as Organic said, break down the differences succinctly.
I am in agreement with you and Organic. You can do everything with the WE130 model in the Pro-Pack III that you can do with the Gen 3 Pro, and more. This includes “convex bevels”, just not as simply. The Pro-Pack III includes j…[Read more]
Marc H replied to the topic New from Georgia in the forum Welcome Mat 5 years, 10 months ago
Welcome to the Wicked Edge Forum, Richard.
Marc H replied to the topic Does Angle Gauge Cause Loading? in the forum Techniques and Sharpening Strategies 5 years, 10 months ago
Ralph your description of your digital device sounds like the Wixey Model Angle Cube. As airscapes says you will get use to it quickly and the math will be second nature. It does work quite well and it’s faster to lock in then many other comparably priced model. I used it for a long time.
To address your quoted question the Floureon D…[Read more]
Marc H replied to the topic First good knife on the WEG3Pro in the forum Knife Photos 5 years, 10 months ago
Good job on your Benchmade, Ralph.
I have discussed with Kyle at Wicked Edge, them adding a “Gen 3 Pro Pack” to the current model line. It may be in the future. It would only need a few more accessory items to be outfitted as comprehensively as the Pro Pack 3. Since it comes with the hard case it would be easy enough to ship everything.
Marc H replied to the topic Sacto CA new member. in the forum Welcome Mat 5 years, 10 months ago
Welcome Jon. I’m glad you finally decided to jump in. It’s almost endless the accessories you can add. With the PP3 you have a really good start as it comes with everything you’ll need and most of the extras you might want to have to get started. I’d suggest you learn how to use your setup and with what you’ve got. That in itself with the…[Read more]
Marc H replied to the topic New from KY in the forum Welcome Mat 5 years, 10 months ago
Welcome to the W.E. Forum and our knife sharpening community.
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