Bob replied to the topic How I find the "Sweet Spot" (4 Parts) in the forum Basic Techniques and Sharpening Strategies 6 years, 6 months ago
Thank you Organic. That is a valuable piece of info and exactly where I will start today. Not having a starting point and literally just guessing on the 1st clamp kind of effects my confidence right out of the gate. I will now have a starting point. As I think about your 75% reference to the rear of the clamp I already know that will eliminate…[Read more]
Bob replied to the topic How I find the "Sweet Spot" (4 Parts) in the forum Basic Techniques and Sharpening Strategies 6 years, 6 months ago
Ok, thank you. It makes sense and is much clearer now at this time of day, rather after a 12 hour work day and into the 16 th hour of my day. It was the 1st time this knife was in in my WE and I seemed to have become afixated on perfection. I know exactly what your saying here and probably read your post over 3 times ignoring the obvious last…[Read more]
Bob replied to the topic How I find the "Sweet Spot" (4 Parts) in the forum Basic Techniques and Sharpening Strategies 6 years, 6 months ago
Hi MarcH, can you help me with 2 areas I’ve ran into unsuccessful progress? In your process when you are setting up the knife and you can tell the Sharpie ink at the tip has been left on below the bevel, you “loosened the vice and rotated the tip down while keeping the knife heel resting on the one forward key pin” how much do you (let’s use…[Read more]
Bob replied to the topic official owner of a Wicked Edge sharpener in the forum Getting Started 6 years, 7 months ago
Hey William, welcome as well. I told Bob from Oldawan when i was talking to him on the phone how i had just read your post about you purchasing your WE from him! I ordered mine a couple days later. This forum is like having your own personal hotline directly to the most knowledgeable people in the industry, with archive access. “wicked” cool! I…[Read more]
Bob started the topic official owner of a Wicked Edge sharpener in the forum Getting Started 6 years, 7 months ago
Hello forum family! Its happened. I am the proud owner of a Wicked Edge sharpener! Before i made the leap i had a lot of questions (thank you MarcH & tcmeyer) and watched hours of videos and read and reread the articles and post in the forum. I wanted a decent spot in my home to set up my sharpener and believe it or not that launched me into a…[Read more]
Bob replied to the topic Who had the lengthy? reply sorta, about which WE in the forum Getting Started 6 years, 8 months ago
Thanks Organic, I cant find the video that i refereed to. Could’ve swore it was HarleyWood or Simple little life (youtube) but i think i figured it out what they were referring to and your right it must’ve been Gen 1 or 2. Where the style of the blade was not the same thickness along the spine. it was thicker at the back of the blade and it…[Read more]
Bob replied to the topic Who had the lengthy? reply sorta, about which WE in the forum Getting Started 6 years, 8 months ago
Hi Marc,
Thank you so much for sharing and helping me along on this journey! I value your opinion (& really do rely on it) and i’m grateful your willing to share your experienced knowledge. You are the first person to suggest, or “if it were me” to go for the Gen 3 set up. Reading that reinforces my confidence in my direction. Out of all the used…[Read more]
Bob replied to the topic Who had the lengthy? reply sorta, about which WE in the forum Getting Started 6 years, 8 months ago
Hopefully this link will work I can’t open it at work to try, it’s being blocked, I think because it has “knife” in the verbiage. I am curious to your opinions to this thread. I have and continue to read up on as much information I can. Perhaps there are people who don’t realize there opinions have such an impact on people like me. The money…[Read more]
Bob replied to the topic Who had the lengthy? reply sorta, about which WE in the forum Getting Started 6 years, 8 months ago
Yes gladly. On the road right now, stand by.
Bob replied to the topic Who had the lengthy? reply sorta, about which WE in the forum Getting Started 6 years, 8 months ago
tcmeyer, sorry for the delayed response. Can only reply (i guess) from a computer and not my phone. I received an email notifying me that my response to you was not received. Thanks for responding. I found what i was looking for and i made a mistake it was not from this forum, my apologies.
Bob started the topic Who had the lengthy? reply sorta, about which WE in the forum Getting Started 6 years, 8 months ago
Greetings my family when I’m not with my 1st family. Can you help me find a reply to a forum question? The response was pretty indepth (informative) and at one point the author wrote something like”if your head didn’t explode yet” or something really similar. The answer was great and he talked about and owned all 3 versions of the WE and the pros…[Read more]
Bob started the topic breaking the ice.. in the forum Welcome Mat 6 years, 8 months ago
New guy on the block. hello everyone. what a great community y’all have here. Peaked in and read a little before signing up. What a wealth of knowledge we have here! looking forward to learning from you and probably buy a used WE sharpener from one of ya. cheers! Bob
Bob became a registered member 6 years, 8 months ago