I’m sorry Philip, I thought Johannes was asking for personal opinions. I also don’t have any test sensitive enough to tell the diffrence so I have to go by how it “feels”
I don’t know if this is typical, but for me the CBN seems to work better. I was using 1,.5 and .25 PCD and while they work great the .75 CBN just gives me a better feeling edge. I don’t know how to describe it, It just feels “crisper”?
No, for some reason I was hitting the width adjustment screw. The blade is very thin (1/16) so the threads of the screw stick out about 1/8. I cleared the bottom screw just fine. Probably because it was tighter to grip the thin blade.
I just tried a Forshner legging knife, 7/8 wide 5″ long and the best I could get without the extension was 14.8 degrees. Using the same settings with the extension I was able to get 9.6 on one side but couldn’t clear the top screw on the other. I had to back it off to 10.3 to clear everything. I have a chinese cleaver at 2 5/8 wide that I am going to try later.
Lots of people have had this problem. Some of the solutions were to use a drop of purple (low strength) loctite on the screws or to wrap them with teflon tape. I just make it a part of my routine to check them after 20-30 strokes.