Modernflame replied to the topic Stropping, Angles and Dumb Luck in the forum Stropping 4 years, 7 months ago
I am grateful to everyone for your feedback. Thank you.
Modernflame replied to the topic Stropping, Angles and Dumb Luck in the forum Stropping 4 years, 7 months ago
Thanks for the warning. I’m fully aware that I can stop at 400 grit, then strop on the inside of my leather belt. I could also sharpen freehand and make lots of Uncle Randy comments on the internet about sharpening on river rocks, but then I would not be a WE customer. I’ve chosen to use all of the media for two reasons. First, they need to be…[Read more]
Modernflame replied to the topic Stropping, Angles and Dumb Luck in the forum Stropping 4 years, 7 months ago
Thanks, Marc. I’ll check out that video. Pretty sure it’s the last step, though. Otherwise a few passes on a submicron strop wouldn’t clear it up. Last night I sharpened a cheap santuko with the above listed media, but I skipped the WE strops and went straight to the freehand paddle strops. True, I don’t own the edge on up, but I achieved my…[Read more]
Modernflame replied to the topic Stropping, Angles and Dumb Luck in the forum Stropping 4 years, 7 months ago
Very interesting. I’ve been programmed to use leather strops with minimal pressure, so my first thought was that I had backed off too far and thus was not cleaning the apex. But maybe I’m actually rounding off the apex because I haven’t backed off far enough. Maybe I’m just stropping too much? I know I don’t need all of that polish, but I like the…[Read more]
Modernflame started the topic Stropping, Angles and Dumb Luck in the forum Stropping 4 years, 7 months ago
My strategy with recent knives is to run diamond stones up to 3000, then micro ceramics, balsa wood strops, 3 micron lapping films, then leather strops at 14, 10, 4, 2, 1, and 0.5 micron. When I move to leather, I back off the sharpening angle by 2 degrees. The result is a very shiny edge. However, the edge is not as sharp as I would like. Once I…[Read more]
Modernflame replied to the topic Can you use the WE to sharpen a sword? in the forum Techniques and Sharpening Strategies 4 years, 7 months ago
The height of the blade is not likely to pose an issue. If you were to build a “big rig” with multiple units in tandem, then neither is the curvature of the blade. In fact, these would easily be taken in stride. The real issue is the length of the blade and the time invested in each sharpening venture. The WE is a precision system, the stuff of…[Read more]
Modernflame replied to the topic Can you use the WE to sharpen a sword? in the forum Techniques and Sharpening Strategies 4 years, 7 months ago
You would need to reposition the sword in the clamp at least a couple of times in a standard WE. A couple of advanced users on this forum are sporting a “big rigs,” which means that they can sharpen longer knives in one go. I’ll let them elaborate, but I think the sword might still be too long without repositioning. This can be done, albeit with…[Read more]
Modernflame replied to the topic KaBar USMC in the forum Main Forum 4 years, 7 months ago
Best advice on the internet, my friend. I will look into this.
Modernflame replied to the topic KaBar USMC in the forum Main Forum 4 years, 7 months ago
I’m still unclear on how to approach the heel of the blade on a knife like this. Doesn’t the ricasso prevent the stone from reaching the entire edge? I’ve decided I don’t want to cut off the plastic finger guards on the platons. Do some people carve a small choil into the edge? How would you approach a knife like this if it belonged to someone…[Read more]
Modernflame replied to the topic Growing Pains in the forum Welcome Mat 4 years, 7 months ago
A great leap forward! I changed the order of my sharpening media, not by grit but by substrate, and it made an immediate difference in the finish of my bevels. Whether it improved sharpness is another question, as I don’t have the Edge On Up (yet). My perception is that this edge on my XM18 skinny skinner (sharpened tonight) is sharper than my…[Read more]
Modernflame replied to the topic Growing Pains in the forum Welcome Mat 4 years, 7 months ago
Much appreciated, sir.
Modernflame replied to the topic Growing Pains in the forum Welcome Mat 4 years, 7 months ago
I’m resurrecting this thread because of the discussion regarding ceramics. The consensus seems to be that (a) the break in period is longer and (b) they do something quite different than the diamond stones. WE recommends using them after diamond stones and before balsa strops and lapping films.
What are some philosophies of use that have been…[Read more]
Modernflame replied to the topic My new Buck 120 General in the forum Knife Photos 4 years, 7 months ago
Yes! That’s why I keep this gem. Yes, that’s Frog Lube clouding the finish of the knife. A2 tool steel is not stainless, so I have to keep it oiled in long term storage. It lives in my knife drawer, awaiting the zombie apocalypse.
Modernflame replied to the topic My new Buck 120 General in the forum Knife Photos 4 years, 7 months ago
It’s a beautiful knife, sir. I like the hollow grind particularly. Large outdoor style knives are hardly a necessity for my suburban life style, but that does not stop me from wanting them!
Modernflame replied to the topic Last few scratches in the forum Techniques and Sharpening Strategies 4 years, 7 months ago
Fair enough. The official number is only ten. Two of these were kitchen knives. I’ll just keep rolling with what I’ve got for a while. Adding a couple of lapping films would be about $100. Not really a big deal, but I’m married. Sometimes it’s not about what I can afford, but what I can get away with.
Modernflame replied to the topic Last few scratches in the forum Techniques and Sharpening Strategies 4 years, 7 months ago
This thread has helped me a great deal. I realize it’s okay to do something like 3 micron, 1.5 micron and 1 micron DLF, then go to 4 and 2 micron leather strops. Then I can finish on 1 micron and 0.5 micron leather. That is, unless I’ve completely misunderstood, which is certainly possible.
I bought the 1.6 and 0.9 ceramics because I thought they…[Read more]
Modernflame replied to the topic What is Sharpness? in the forum Techniques and Sharpening Strategies 4 years, 7 months ago
I think part of this discussion is the proper use of serrated knives. As a rule, I don’t really like them, but I recognize their utility. Sometimes a plain edge knife is not the right tool for the job. As a suburb dwelling office drone, I admit that I don’t often encounter rope or tree roots in my daily cutting tasks, so I’m planning to get a few…[Read more]
Modernflame replied to the topic Friends ZT in the forum Knife Photos 4 years, 8 months ago
Guys, this is really next level thinking and engineering. Way beyond my skill level. My first thought would be to find a way to use Tormek long knife jig to stabilize some of those longer blades, but your solution is far better because it will allow the stones to follow the existing profile.
Another thought. I use the KME, Tormek T8, and now the…[Read more]
Modernflame replied to the topic What is Sharpness? in the forum Techniques and Sharpening Strategies 4 years, 8 months ago
Fair enough. I suspect, however, that there are myths among these accepted truths. They cannot all be true simultaneously.
Modernflame replied to the topic "Big Rig" Dual-Vise Multi-Carriage Modular Set-up in the forum MODS 4 years, 8 months ago
It’s…It’s…knife sharpening heaven. Please hold while I collect my chin from the floor.
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