Timm replied to the topic Chisel / Plane blades & Wicked Edge Mods in the forum MODS 2 months, 3 weeks ago
Here’s what I’ll call “the cheap barstid’s chisel and plane iron” adapter:
The thing holding the plane iron–from a Stanley Rabbet plane–is one of these: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0BZGHZ79R/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&th=1
I bought it to be used as intended on flat bench stones, but the coarsest grit I have in…[Read more]
Timm replied to the topic Bevel Angle Change Question… in the forum Getting Started 2 years, 10 months ago
Eager to see how that works out!
Timm replied to the topic ID A Japanese knife. A learning experience. in the forum Techniques and Sharpening Strategies 2 years, 10 months ago
Thanks, Brandon.
Here’s the micro-bevel:
Timm replied to the topic ID A Japanese knife. A learning experience. in the forum Techniques and Sharpening Strategies 2 years, 11 months ago
The owner mentioned that the tip had been broken off, so you’re on the money.
At least it’s now sharp all the way to the re-shaped tip:
Timm replied to the topic New Guy here looking for info on a USB scope in the forum Main Forum 2 years, 11 months ago
I recently purchased the Pluggable ‘scope after reading the reviews on the WE forum. https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00XNYXQHE/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1
Here’s a sample of what you can expect from it:
Scratch pattern of a 2,200 grit WE stone.
What’s the magnification?
This is 5mm:
These pics are down-sized for…[Read more]
Timm replied to the topic ID A Japanese knife. A learning experience. in the forum Techniques and Sharpening Strategies 2 years, 11 months ago
Morning, Tom.
I’d agree that the original bevel was convex. The 12 dps setting hit the center of the bevel, so it was what I went with. You can see I didn’t have a lot to work with at the beginning. You can also see that my bevel is a little wider than the original.
I added a 15 dps micro bevel using about 10 strokes each side with the 1,500…[Read more]
Timm replied to the topic ID A Japanese knife. A learning experience. in the forum Techniques and Sharpening Strategies 2 years, 11 months ago
OK, Marc, so maybe rewarding, but far from easy.
Here’s a couple of pics from sharpening this knife:
After starting with 200 grit.
Later with 400 grit:
Still peeling edge off.
600 grit, still peeling the edge.
800 grit, starting to get a real edge:
1,000 grit, still some edge breakout, but better:
After 15 minutes or so of 1,000…[Read more]
Timm replied to the topic ID A Japanese knife. A learning experience. in the forum Techniques and Sharpening Strategies 2 years, 11 months ago
Some idea of what I’m up against here, pictures from heel to tip:
I started with 200 grit and have made about 15 strokes each side, edge-leading 12 dps measured. I seem to have already hit the apex, except, of course, for the chips and gouges.
I hope he takes better care of this after I sharpen it!
Timm started the topic ID A Japanese knife. A learning experience. in the forum Techniques and Sharpening Strategies 2 years, 11 months ago
A co-worker (kitchen manager at the pub) wants this sharpened:
Close-up of blade inscription:
Any idea? What steel?
All I know is that he says it was expensive and the steel is very hard. Double-straight grind, symmetrical from what I can tell.
Edge currently looks like a cross-cut saw through my hand loupe. There seems to be enough of…[Read more]
Timm replied to the topic Favorite Folding EDC under $15-$20 in the forum Knife Specific Discussion 2 years, 11 months ago
Reviving this thread two years later….
Seems the price point may have to come up a little with inflation since ’17. Maybe under $30 or so?
My favorites are the little Swiss army pocketknives–no bells nor whistles nor corkscrews: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0001P14ZE?psc=1&ref=ppx_yo2_dt_b_product_details Easy on the pocket and pocketbook.
Timm replied to the topic This is a knife! in the forum Knife Photos 2 years, 11 months ago
Marc: I use a lot of magnets around the shop, and also work a lot of magnetoferrous metals. I’ve found the best (only?) way to clean the magnets is a high volume, high pressure blowgun from my compressor. It really knocks those wads of filings for a loop.
Tom: Thanks! I’ve gotta sharpen a knife right now, but I’ll peruse those links later.
Timm replied to the topic The Honing Steel Adnauseam! in the forum Main Forum 2 years, 11 months ago
I need to do some before/after pics of a blade sharpened with the WEPS and then burnished on a smooth steel. In my experience, it makes for a much smoother-cutting knife, but I haven’t used it after the WEPS yet.
The steel is at home, and my sharpening/photography is done in the shop at work, so I need to get my feces cohesive.
Timm replied to the topic This is a knife! in the forum Knife Photos 2 years, 11 months ago
Thanks, all.
Marc: I found this mounting using the Sharpie method to find the “sweet spot”. It still didn’t match the old profile (probably not the original), but came much closer than mounting with the straight portion flat to the jaws. I checked angles on the stones at various points along the blade, and this was the best compromise for a…[Read more]
Timm replied to the topic Frog lube in the forum Knife Specific Discussion 2 years, 11 months ago
For my carbon steel (not stainless) blades, I use Renaissance Wax. It works incredibly well, even preventing the blade edge from oxidizing and losing its sharp in storage.
Food safe? It’s a few microns thick. “Food safe” is largely a matter of having the substance certified by the FDA, which is very expensive. I recall asking my LocTite tech…[Read more]
Timm replied to the topic This is a knife! in the forum Knife Photos 2 years, 11 months ago
I took the shelf unit off the Pro G3. I used some little rubber feet on the bottom and it seems to be very stable on the 3/8″ chunk of steel on my shop bench.
I’m much more comfortable keeping my hands down below my shoulders, but still standing. I spend about half of most of my days sitting in front of a computer screen, so try to stand when…[Read more]
Timm replied to the topic This is a knife! in the forum Knife Photos 2 years, 11 months ago
I’ve seen those. Cell phone support, right? I forget the brand, but probably a better solution than the do-all scissors jack. It’s just what I had around the shop, and it worked.
I really envy the set-up in the second picture. My workbench is also my workbench for work, so I have to set up and break down every time I use the WEPS.
I also work…[Read more]
Timm replied to the topic This is a knife! in the forum Knife Photos 2 years, 11 months ago
I can’t wait to get them! I’m currently using a “bulldog” paperclip to hold the stone centered on the blade when measuring for angles.
Here’s the so-far finished knife:
In its hand-tooled sheath:
Marc–that looks like part of a tripod. It would need something to anchor it to the benchtop. Maybe something as simple as a plumbing…[Read more]
Timm replied to the topic Holy tomato slicer, Batman! in the forum Knife Photos 2 years, 11 months ago
1,500/2,200 stones should be here on Monday, so we’ll see if that makes any noticeable difference.
Timm replied to the topic Hinderer XM18 3.5" Skinner in the forum Knife Photos 2 years, 11 months ago
That’s a nice looking knife and a fine job of sharpening!
I’ve had plenty of experience with carbon blades dulling in storage. I now apply a coat of Renaissance Wax after sharpening and it solves the problem nicely. Also makes clean-up much easier.
Timm started the topic This is a knife! in the forum Knife Photos 2 years, 11 months ago
I was given this back in the late seventies while visiting a rancho high in the central mountains of Baja Sur, where they made these blades. The steel is Chevy truck leaf spring–they were very specific about that, including the year and model (which I’ve somehow forgotten).
All the tools were hand-powered, with the exception of the blower for…[Read more]
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