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11/01/2020 at 5:32 pm #55166
Exactly. Well said TC.
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10/24/2020 at 9:19 am #55120Two of the kitchen knives were from the 3 knife Shun starter set I bought last year. They have lifetime free sharpening and I already sent them back 6 months ago as a tiny tip on the mid sized one had broken off. They sharpened all 3 and repaired the tip. I’m not surprised that a tip broke as they use VG-Max steel and it seems very brittle as this is the second time a tiny piece of tip broke off and both times I don’t remember how I possibly snapped it off? Takes at least 3 weeks round trip plus shipping, so I figured I’m done with sending them back and I finally work up the courage to sharpen them myself.
A google showed Shun uses a 16 degree angle, so I profiled them at 16 starting with the 400’s. Surprisingly I raised a burr in a short period of time. I was expecting hard steel to take a lot longer. Brought them up to the 1,000 grit and stopped. These knives at 16 degrees don’t show much of a bevel, so it did not take me very long including the re-profiling as compared to sharpening my collection of Chris Reeve CPM S35VN folders or Benchmade, Spiderco etc.
07/01/2020 at 5:47 pm #54452“Surprise, surprise – knife blocks are one of the germiest things in the kitchen! But the slots are easy to clean if you wedge a pipe cleaner in there.
Find out more about how to clean your knife block on this blog link below:
Expidia: This is why I switched to the magnetic knife strips. But for those of you that still own knife blocks, I just came across this cleaning article: https://www.onegoodthingbyjillee.com/how-to-clean-your-knife-block/
04/26/2020 at 4:22 pm #54115His review (as you mentioned) is using a $900 model instead of your Go model. So I left this comment:
P Stone:I own a Wicked Edge Gen 3 Pro for its ease of use and it makes the hobby that much more enjoyable. But you fail to mention Wicked Edge also makes a $225 Wicked Edge Go model that can put the “exact same edge” on a blade as their $900 model does. Makes your review simply smack of sensationalism comparing a $9 device to a $900 model. If you were being honest you would have used the $225 Wicked Edge Go as a comparison to the other devices.5 users thanked author for this post.
04/08/2020 at 7:22 pm #53918Great price for a total good to go system. Won’t last long!
03/11/2020 at 4:59 am #53700Update: I ordered and received the 8.5 inch $18 Mercer Fillet knife since I already have a thin and narrow 6 inch Wusthof for a boning situation. The Mercer is as flexible as the Rapala I keep in my fishing box.
Thanks for all of your feedback.
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03/08/2020 at 7:04 am #53680As an oddball comment, I thought I’d mention recently seeing a fellow on TV filleting fish with a serrated fillet knife. Has anyone here seen one? Dumb question. Google shows a bunch of them, including Rapala, Bubba, BergHOFF and all of the electric filleting knives.
In my search for Fillet knife reviews the portableLithium Ion battery powered units are popular. But I tend to think they leave excess meat on the bone or injure the tender fillets more. They are definitely the way to go when doing quality.
Took some friends out for lunch at Sharky’s restaurant back in December in Venice Fl. A Tiki style restaurant (great food) right at the foot of a free to walk out on long fishing/tourist pier. They have filleting tables at various spots along the pier. I stood there watching a fisherman filleting his catch and he was using the Rapala Lithium Ion model. They run from $50 to $150, but the negative reviews are too plentiful. Serrated blades I’m sure damages the fillet meat more. Serrated is a pain to sharpen. Serrated to me probably better suited for a bread knives or quickly slicing up a big T-day turkey. I use a similar to one of these $10 bread slicing stands with a Cuisinart elctric knife.
One thing I noticed while at the pier . . . there were “no waves”. Tampa Bay was very flat too. Totally flat ocean bay in Venice, yet it was breezy out. I’m sure there are days it kicks up depending on the winds direction. But I’d hate to be selling surf boards in Venice! . A few hours earlier, the ocean on the Fort Lauderdale side and for the two weeks we were there was always very wavy and rough. West coast seems a lot more relaxed (along with the people too).
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03/07/2020 at 6:05 pm #53674Thanks for that reply and comment on the square guard. 60 years old wow! Interesting link too.
When I was looking at this Shun line-up the Boning/Fillet knife is the only model with that style guard. Some brands are pointed, some are squared off. Looks like its as you said. . . . just a finger guard.
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03/07/2020 at 2:57 pm #53667Marc, on your pictured boning/fillet knife on the right side of the pic . . . what is the meaning or design of the squared off part of the knife that drops down in front of the knife’s handle? My friend asked me as most of his fillet knives have that area dropping down to a point. I said I’d ask in the forum.
Thanks, Paul
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03/07/2020 at 11:16 am #53666Realize thin, narrow, long and flexible filet knives present clamping and sharpening issues with the W.E. More so then stiffer bladed knives. As a fisherman who has cleaned thousands of fish over the years, I never found a fish I couldn’t filet well with my preferred, stiffer boning style fish cleaning knife, over the thinner, longer, more flexible, filleting style knife.
Thanks for your comment Marc. So far I’m leaning towards the Shun Classic Fillet with the non VG 10 steel with the AUS8A stainless steel blade.
I also already have a narrow 6.5 Wusthof that I could use for boning/filleting. I’ve used a 7 inch flexible folding blade Rapala for my Trout catch for years, but I have that in my tackle box for cutting up bait. I don’t expect to have to sharpen a Shun all that often and Shun has their free lifetime sharpening service.
**By the way, could you post or link to a pic of that double vice set up you use for long blades**.
I was trying to explain that set up for long blades to my office mate who uses a WE system and already has two vices. He brought in several of his fillet knives for me to check out. His favorite was this Leechy (linked to below), but it’s not made anymore. This one on Ebay looks pretty beat up for $129 plus shipping (and seller has a less than ideal rating).
02/24/2020 at 7:07 pm #53610Hi Jake. Welcome to the forum. Your best bet is to go right to the horses mouth and ask Clay the owner of the Wicked Edge system.
If you click on the thread link below and scroll down to post #53419 (Numbered on right side ) you will see his pic. Then click on his member name “Wicked Edge” and another page opens and then click on “private message” and ask him your question. He pops into various threads with likes and comments from time to time.
He will respond back to you but he may be at a blade show and then it takes him a little longer. Post back in your thread to let others know what he said about bringing out the next generation.
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02/18/2020 at 4:30 am #53552Expedia, I simply Googled “custom Japanese knife handles” and found the Esty location. As for handle removal it’s relatively simple but requires a bit of less than tender force!! LOL I placed the blade in a vise with padding for the blade and used a section of 2X4 longer than the blade. See the video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-TLOpxONsh0 Cheers
I pictured how to do before I watched the vid (until his last step). That blow torch scared me. I said “whats he gonna do with that”? Then I saw he just uses it to heat the tang so it burns its way into its own hole. Vid looks good until he started whacking the bottom with a wooden block . . . Yikes!
Scroll through these beauties . . . Wowsa . . . it would be an honor to slice mushrooms up with “any” of these handles Danielson (wax on wax off). Thx again Howie.
02/17/2020 at 4:54 pm #53546Here is a link to the handle. I didn’t make the handle myself but instead ordered it. Esty has a great selection of pre-made and materials. My choice might not be for some but thought it really enhances the blade. I do agree that the pictures of the blade do show the Damascus as being dark but as you mentioned mine is the same as yours (shiny). The knife does appear to be offered through a few different outlets (mine from Hocho). https://i.etsystatic.com/18724768/r/il/d93830/2156620892/il_794xN.2156620892_14wv.jpg
Wow, that is an amazing handle. Congrats. Great choice. I’m going to check Esty out. What method did you use to tap off the OEM handle?
Howie, could you link me to the Etsy page that shows the handles. If I have the correct site they show 250 pages of kitchen stuff.
02/17/2020 at 6:28 am #53541I just recently acquired the Yu Kurosaki in 240 mm VG10 Damascus (second from the left in Marc’s picture). The Damascus pattern is “Fujin” said to be the god that controls the wind. Truly exquisite. I’ve added a custom handle to mine since I felt the original just didn’t do the blade justice. Amazingly sharp.
I too would agree with your assessment of the handle looking in my words “cheap”. Looked like no comparison to their picture I purchased it from. My Shun’s are 1/2 the price and their handles are first class The company I originally ordered from (Honcho Knife) did not send me the handle I ordered as pictured. The represented it as a Rosewood handle and a “light reddish Honduras Ferrule. The knife that they sent me especially for its high cost came totally different than pictured with a Black Ferrule. Also another disappointment “for me” is if you view the knife pictures in Marc’s link https://www.hocho-knife.com/yu-kurosaki-vg10-damascus-fujin-wa-rs8h-chef-knife-gyuto-210mm-with-brown-ring-octagonal-handle/ they also represent their Damascus steel in dark colors which really brings out the highlights of the Damascus. I own many high end folders with similar dark Damascus blades and thats what I thought I was buying for my $428. True, all of this is aesthetics and has nothing to do with the knife’s design and handling. I don’t know if they are connected but Japanny Knifes also carry the Yu Kurosaki brand (I’m probably going to use them when I add two more Yu’s to my collection). If anyone is thinking of purchasing a Yu knife I would have them send you pics of the actual knife they are sending you because if you buy these knives directly from a company in Japan you can’t send them back if you find they darkened their blade pics or (Note) the handles are a different color if you feel they miss represented what the knife actually looks like because you have to insure it and the U.S. Post office won’t accept it as they consider a kitchen knife a weapon.
From (note) above: they do note at the bottom of their description that because the ferrule is a natural product that it may differ possibly from the image pictured in color. To my eyes there is a striking difference between light Red and “Black”. Then to also have darkened all the their pics of their Damascus blades well that was way too much for me to accept especially with the bright bright bright silver looking blade. . . I flipped out when I opened the box.
Please post a pic of the handle you made. I’d luv to see it.
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02/15/2020 at 7:55 am #53535Mounted the 2nd magnetic strip. Still have two Shun’s coming back from their sharpening service, but had to start to filling in the added space with kitchen accessories. Glad I was able to come up with this mounting space by screwing the strips into the window casement instead of over the greasy stove. Clearly now I “NEED TO BUY MORE KNIVES” . . . :o)
- And thanks for all your input regarding the magnetic knife holding strips.
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