DaveG replied to the topic Challenges of low blade height in the forum Techniques and Sharpening Strategies 5 years, 5 months ago
Thank you all for the responses. This is a great forum with a weath of knowledge.
Airscapes… I don’t have the standard vise so will have to make due with what I have.
Marc… Thanks for the confirmation. At least I am headed in the right direction and can do a little more adjusting with my current setup. Sounds like the LAA probably won’t help…[Read more]
DaveG started the topic Challenges of low blade height in the forum Techniques and Sharpening Strategies 5 years, 5 months ago
First… the question… Will the LAA help in this scenario?
I am helping a relative with sharpening his fillet knife. We are doing some experimenting with both the angle of sharpening as well as how sharp we get the edge for filleting a fish. ie: does the angle the blade is sharpened or the sharpness of the blade perform better when filleting a…[Read more]
DaveG replied to the topic Using 50/80 stones in the forum Techniques and Sharpening Strategies 5 years, 7 months ago
TC… thank you!! & Marc…brilliant!! I am going to try that with mine. I have the same problem and that will speed up the process. You guys are all a wealth of knowledge.
DaveG replied to the topic Using 50/80 stones in the forum Techniques and Sharpening Strategies 5 years, 7 months ago
TC, you’ve probably mentioned this elswhere, but what digital microscope do you use to examine your knife edge? Your photos have great detail.
DaveG replied to the topic the official WE t-shirt in the forum Suggestion Box 6 years ago
I’m sure you’ve all imagined Michael Meyers sitting with his classic kitchen chefs knife mounted in the WEPS with the caption… “Only WEPS for the tools of your trade!!” or “WEPS… when sharp isn’t sharp enough!”
DaveG replied to the topic Replace Leather on Platen in the forum Strops 6 years, 8 months ago
Marc… always a wealth of knowledge. Thank you for the quick reply!!
DaveG started the topic Replace Leather on Platen in the forum Strops 6 years, 8 months ago
What is the best method to remove and replace the leather strip on a stropping platen?
I think I read in the knowlede base to use a hot glue gun to attach them. Any advice on the best method or things to watch out for when removing and/or attaching the leather strip? I have cow leather if that makes a difference.
Thank you!
DaveG replied to the topic Angles – To Re-profile or not??? in the forum Basic Techniques and Sharpening Strategies 6 years, 8 months ago
Thank you all for your comments! I am definitely willing to spend the time and to learn. It’s reassuring to know that I am at least moving in the right general direction. Marc & Organic, I can see how each individual will develop their personal ‘method’ if you will. Thats how it should be. I appreciate the suggestions as they definitely will help…[Read more]
DaveG started the topic Angles – To Re-profile or not??? in the forum Basic Techniques and Sharpening Strategies 6 years, 8 months ago
Brand new to the WEPS! and having a ball. My setup – ProPack III – so the WE130 clamp. My knives are a collection of folders mostly Spyderco, ZT, Kizer, etc. plus a set of Henkels Professional S kitchen knives.
I’ve spent the past couple months breaking in the stones and learning. Mostly working on older kitchen knives that I could reprofile…[Read more]
DaveG started the topic New member from Utah in the forum Welcome Mat 6 years, 9 months ago
Another newb diving in head first!
I received my WE130 about a month ago and have been having a lot of fun learning. I have to say thanks to Wicked Edge for taking great care of me. I initially bought the Pro-Pack II, (which I never opened) but after the realization that almost all my knives are flat grind, I could see the value of the much…[Read more]
DaveG became a registered member 6 years, 9 months ago