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Axe with curved 400 600 stones

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  • #51827
    • Topics: 11
    • Replies: 26

    Just wondering what your thoughts one using the 400 600 grit curved stones on an axe are?  So you think they could work well with axes?

    Marc H (Wicked Edge Expert Corner)
    • Topics: 82
    • Replies: 2766

    The curved stones are for concave edges.  More of an issue is you’d need to use a Wicked Edge model that uses the standard vise.  Then using longer screws you may be able to clamp an axe head for sharpening.  The W.E. models with the Gen 3 vise would not open wide enough to clamp and sharpen an axe head unless it’s only less than 1/4″ thick.  Even then you’d need the extra wide accessory jaws for the gen 3 setup.

    (MarcH's Rack-Its)

    • Topics: 38
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    Marc’s right about the convex stones being intended for concave edges.  When used on an edge with a belly, the amount of stone making contact with the actual blade is approaching point contact.  While it will work, it will take a long time to remove an appreciable amount of steel.

    With the standard 3/4″ wide stones, the amount of abrasives contacting the edge during a given stroke will be the same , but it does so for every point along the 3/4″ wide face of the stones.

    • Topics: 11
    • Replies: 26

    Thanks guys. That is what I was wondering. So with the axe just as long as I can clamp it with my 1/4 adapter go ahead and use the regular stones to,put the edge on.  This is a really nice axe with deer antler handle so I want to make sure it looks really good for him.  He is in his 70’s and it was his dad’s axe.  So very old.

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