000Robert replied to the topic KaBar USMC in the forum Main Forum 3 years, 1 month ago
I just checked the WE120 under “Specs”, and it says that, “longer screws can be used to enable clamping of even thicker blades”. So, it seems to me that the screw should come out. I wonder if there’s a thread that got buggered up that is keeping the screw from wanting to come on out? I would ask someone from WE to be sure. Anyway, the…[Read more]
000Robert replied to the topic 2016 Pro Pack 1 in the forum Getting Started 3 years, 2 months ago
You need to get an Advanced Alignment Guide. That will make it easier to put your knives back at the same position in the clamp.
I rarely sharpen a knife more than 1000 grit anymore. And that will push-cut printer paper. I would use some paper towel or printer paper to test the sharpness of the blade while it is still in the clamp. But…[Read more]