LV replied to the topic Best WE setup for a beginner? in the forum Getting Started 5 years, 3 months ago
130 pro pack fwiw
When I first started out with the WE I chose the WE100
since thenI have upgraded and upgraded now the only thing original to my kit is the base and a whole lot more money spent than if I would have gotten the 130pp
Whichever system u go with i would at the very least get the 10 inch guide rods
Each system has it own…[Read more]
KCS and
LV are now friends 6 years ago
LV replied to the topic the official WE t-shirt in the forum Suggestion Box 6 years ago
I would like to see a shirt with the logo and under the logo. Printed”nuff said”
LV replied to the topic A New Old Guy in the forum Welcome Mat 6 years ago
I have the safety shields and the cut resistant gloves both of which are new
send me a pm (private message) with shipping details and you are more then welcome to have them
LV replied to the topic Looking for someone in the Grand Rapids area in the forum Main Forum 6 years, 2 months ago
- If u can’t find anyone to sharpen and reprofile it I will be happy to do it for u I’m located n Ohio
LV replied to the topic How "unflat" is problematic with the diamond stones? in the forum Getting Started 6 years, 11 months ago
If it was me I would send the stone back and ask for another one I believe the problem probably lies in the paddle its self seeing how its plastic or the glue
funny how most are dead set on using the digital angle gauge etc. and then when the paddle is out of whack its “ok”
Clearly the item is defective and should be replace
LV replied to the topic Recommend some EDC knives/steels in the forum Tips for Specific Knife Grinds and Styles 6 years, 11 months ago
The difference between s 30v and s35v is that s35v will chip more due to it chemical make up so u have to be a little more careful on what and how u cut
As far as edge holding goes I feel they are pretty equal in that respect
- This is my opinion from my experience
LV replied to the topic Recommend some EDC knives/steels in the forum Tips for Specific Knife Grinds and Styles 6 years, 11 months ago
My edc’s are a zt in Elmax and a cold steel in ctx xhp also a spyderco in s30
The Elmax is the one I use the most but harder to sharpen
The s30v and the xhp I feel are similar with a nudge towards the xhp
LV replied to the topic Stropping Theory in the forum Stropping 7 years, 1 month ago
as Mr.Burns on the Simpson’s would say
Lovn his belt sander vids
- Thanks
LV replied to the topic New to forum – Keep getting asymmetric grinds in the forum Welcome Mat 7 years, 1 month ago
Uneven and asymmetrical are one in the same especially when followed with the same wording hence uneven grind or asymmetrical grind are in fact the same.
I think an asymmetricaly sharpened edge would be more appropriate
All I was trying to do was point out to the OP was fact that most not all factory sharpened edge has an uneven grind or…[Read more]
LV replied to the topic Running laps in the forum Techniques and Sharpening Strategies 7 years, 1 month ago
I do I have several (different edges) to choose from
I just got the microscope so I can better understand what is going on with the edge. Sure beats the loupe
its a big difference going from hand to the WE system and for sure quicker .
Although new to the site I’m not new to sharpening been a hobby since I was around 15 now 52
Just been doing…[Read more]
LV replied to the topic Running laps in the forum Techniques and Sharpening Strategies 7 years, 1 month ago
Its customer dependant
If they want a sharp edge with workablity I normally just run up to 1500 grit and stop there
But u do get some who like to have a pretty edge
And it’s good for business as it bring extra coinage to the table
And I to am in that list it is nice to show off sometimes after all we are males lol
LV replied to the topic Running laps in the forum Techniques and Sharpening Strategies 7 years, 1 month ago
Sk sharp
I recall the debate about the lapping film around 6 months or so as I recalled it was with WE brand at that time I did not own the machine as I was still doing it all by hand but using Nanolap films in the process. once I acquired the WE and igot t hestones broke in properly I decided to give the films a try and have been liking the…[Read more]
LV replied to the topic New to forum – Keep getting asymmetric grinds in the forum Welcome Mat 7 years, 1 month ago
I don’t think I was mentioned but prior to sharpening did you notice if the knife itself already had an asymmetric grind?
Some knives I have sharpened in the past had an uneven grind right from the factory
LV replied to the topic Spyderco Native – Maxamet in the forum Spyderco 7 years, 1 month ago
Clay, please do keep us updated as I have been looking into purchasing that same knife in the same steel
LV started the topic Running laps in the forum Techniques and Sharpening Strategies 7 years, 1 month ago
Just wondering how many actually lap. Thier blades and process
My process is; After finishing with 1500 I move to 6 Mic then to 3 then 1 and .5 and .1 diamond film
Finish off stropping with 1/4 diamond and .10 diamond spray using balsa (imagine that)
Producing an extremely sharp edge and under 200x mag. Blade is clean so far I’m loving the results