Barry started the topic MDF Vs Leather in the forum Basic Techniques and Sharpening Strategies 4 years, 11 months ago
I have a small knife sharpening business I use a 1/30 leather stropping belt. The belt works very well but takes to much time. Can any one give me some advice . Thanks
Barry started the topic Curved Chinese cleavers in the forum Sharpening as a Business 6 years, 8 months ago
I have a customer that gave me a Chinese cleaver with a straight edge and want me to resharpen with a curved edge. Does anyone know if there is a stencil or online information. He wants just a slight rocker curve to his cleaver. Not sure if anyone has had the same request. Thanks
Barry started the topic Sharpening T420 Rada knives in the forum Techniques and Sharpening Strategies 6 years, 10 months ago
Wondering if anyone has any luck re- sharpening T420 stainless steal( Rada Knives) What grits are the proper ones for this type of steel . The Manufacturer has recommended 180 Grit at 33 degree angle. I have tried but not happy with the edge. I can not get the razor sharp edge back like when I received the knives.
Barry started the topic Double Edge Serrated in the forum Techniques and Sharpening Strategies 6 years, 11 months ago
Can double sided serrated knives be sharped? Not sure if they can be done on the wicked edge
Barry started the topic WE- Whetstones??? in the forum Tips for Specific Knife Grinds and Styles 7 years ago
I saw one of Clay’s video’s where he is sharpening a Japanese knife with whetstones using the WE. Where do you buy the stones ? He doesn’t have them advertised on the stones section of his site. Can someone steer me in the right direction.
Barry started the topic Wicked Edge Promotional Material in the forum Sharpening as a Business 7 years ago
Does Wicked Edge sell any hat or shirts that customers can buy online????
Barry started the topic Knife Edge Chart??? in the forum Sharpening as a Business 7 years ago
Is there a website on life where I can download a list of edges for specific makes of knives. If anyone can steer me in the right direction I would much appreciate it.
Barry started the topic Mirrored Edge in the forum Techniques and Sharpening Strategies 7 years ago
What is the best sequence to get the final mirror edge. I have a new WE-130 100, 200, 400, 600. I also have a 1×30 belt sander with a leather belt. Can I accomplish a mirror result, or am I not taking the right approach. I would like to give my customers back there knife with a mirrored edge. Can someone please steer me in the right direction.
Barry started the topic WE-130 Questions???? in the forum Techniques and Sharpening Strategies 7 years ago
I have a new WE-130 . I have a couple of issues and concerns. When I first start sharpening and haven’t found the proper angle at times the stones will drag across the blade of the knife and put small scratches on the blade of the knife and the top of the clamp. Has anyone also put felt or cloth in the inside of the clamp to prevent scratches if…[Read more]
Barry replied to the topic Remove Scraches from High carbon steel in the forum Abrasives 7 years ago
have used buffing componds with buffing wheel and also have tried a wet stone at 6000 grit . Just want to see if I can get the scratches removed and a flat finish.
Barry started the topic Remove Scraches from High carbon steel in the forum Abrasives 7 years ago
Having troble remove scratches from a high carbon cleaver. Can someone give me advice ?????
Barry became a registered member 7 years ago