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Wood carving knives

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  • #50638
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    I apologize if this has been discussed before.  I Googled and searched the forum but could not find any answer.

    My carving knives are flat ground to about 12 degrees.  Is there a way to sharpen these using the Wicked Edge?


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    I believe you would need the chisel attachment and it will only do straight blades nothing curved.  Other with more experience will fill in anything I am missing.

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    Marc H (Wicked Edge Expert Corner)
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    I am as brand loyal to WEPS as any one here. I will tell you just what I told the last guy posting the same question, There are other sharpeners better suited for the small and intricate blade edges and various knife shapes seen in wood carving knives.  Many have a knife end blade similar to a chisel while others have curved small scalpel like blades and curved handled offset blades.  The Wicked Edge Chisel adapter maybe helpful for sharpening some of these style knives. if it were available at this time.

    I think a Tormek Sharpener may be better suited for your needs:


    (MarcH's Rack-Its)

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    I agree with Marc. The Tormek is the tool you should look at. Their primary market is woodworking tools and they have a great reputation. If you were asking about kitchen cutlery, pocket knives, or hunting blades the answer would be Wicked Edge.

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    Thanks.  That item is backordered at present.

    I am actually using knives,  but at a low angle.

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    I am as brand loyal to WEPS as any one here. I will tell you just what I told the last guy posting the same question, There are other sharpeners better suited for the small and intricate blade edges and various knife shapes seen in wood carving knives. Many have a knife end blade similar to a chisel while others have curved small scalpel like blades and curved handled offset blades. The Wicked Edge Chisel adapter maybe helpful for sharpening some of these style knives. if it were available at this time. I think a Tormek Sharpener may be better suited for your needs:


    Already have Tormek.  Was looking for something to give consistent reproducible low angle grind on knives.

    Marc H (Wicked Edge Expert Corner)
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    If you can post photos of your personal wood carving knives it may help.  I’m making a recommendation based on google photos.  Possibly your knives are shaped differently.

    If your knives are of straighter bladed style, you may be able to sharpen them on the Wicked Edge using the Tormek small knife adapter to hold them in the Wicked Edge vise jaws to achieve the low bevel angles you seek.

    (MarcH's Rack-Its)

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    If you can post photos of your personal wood carving knives it may help. I’m making a recommendation based on google photos. Possibly your knives are shaped differently.

    Here are several.


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    Marc H (Wicked Edge Expert Corner)
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    Your knives look as though you could  hold them in the Tormek Small Knife Holder then clamp the holder in the Wicked Edge jaws for sharpening.  That would help you achieve the low bevel angles you stated you wanted to sharpen these knives at.  Without utilizing the Tormek Small Knife Holder I don’t believe you can use the Wicked Edge for your knives.

    (MarcH's Rack-Its)

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    Your knives look as though you could hold them in the Tormek Small Knife Holder then clamp the holder in the Wicked Edge jaws for sharpening. That would help you achieve the low bevel angles you stated you wanted to sharpen these knives at. Without utilizing the Tormek Small Knife Holder I don’t believe you can use the Wicked Edge for your knives.

    Thanks Marc.  I have the Tormek holder.  Would I need the WE low angle adaptor also?

    Marc H (Wicked Edge Expert Corner)
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    I wouldn’t think so.  The Tormek holds the knife out in front and away from the vise allowing very low guide rod angle settings where the stones won’t contact the vise.  You should be fine without the LAA.

    (MarcH's Rack-Its)

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    I wouldn’t think so. The Tormek holds the knife out in front and away from the vise allowing very low guide rod angle settings where the stones won’t contact the vise. You should be fine without the LAA.

    Using the Tormek jig,  would it matter which WE to purchase, ie GO, 100 or 120?


    Marc H (Wicked Edge Expert Corner)
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    The models , with the higher number designate, have features allowing for better and more precise control and angle adjustments to yield easier and quicker sharpening set-ups.  All WEPS models can achieve the same precise results.  It’s simply quicker and easier with the better equipped models.

    Of the models you’ve listed the WE120 will be the easiest model to use.  Although, the WE130 with it’s Generation 3 vise system would be the quickest and easiest model to clamp and hold the Tormek small knife holder then any other Wicked Edge model, including the WE120.  The WE130 has exactly the same angle adjustment features as the WE120,  just a simpler and tighter clamping vise.  The tension adjustment feature of the WE130  may come in handy considering you’ll be using the Tormek small knife holder which is clamped offset, out and away from the vise.  The WE130’s added clamping pressure control may offset the torque sharpening will create with that offset clamping position.  Both the WE120 and WE130 will sharpen knives with the same motion, techniques, actions and results, when used with similar effort and attention to detail.

    (MarcH's Rack-Its)

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    Lvarner, I would suggest you go for the 130.  I  just wanted a sharpener to keep the wife’s kitchen knives sharp and bought the WE 120.. shortly after I spent a lot more money adding the angle cube, 800/1000, 1500,/glass, set of strops and emulsifier, Diamond lapping film, then I wished i had the Gen 3 vice and longer rods… Which I now have..

    Another option is to hang loose and monitor the used forum here on this site and wait from a rig to be sold used.  I wish I had done that.  Folks get the gear and then don’t use it and unlike me, sell what they don’t use.   You will need to do some research as you would want to buy the Newer setup.  There is a buying post that is a sticky.. read over that to understand the history of the product.   I expect if you are a wood carver you will end up really loving the WE and want more than the Go or 120.    Of the 2 I would say the 120 as you can make a very nice base from a 2×12 and  you will be on the same course as myself.

    Please keep in mind it takes some time to break in the stones, 8-15 8″ knives before you are going to get really amazing results.


    • This reply was modified 5 years, 8 months ago by airscapes.
    • This reply was modified 5 years, 8 months ago by airscapes.
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    Something that I’ve not seen suggested here is that the Tormek small knife adapter can be used on the WEPS to sharpen at virtually any angle – one side at a time.  Just rotate the knife so that the stone angle and the blade angle add up to the desired angle.

    I’m not sure about the knives shown, but similar ones I’ve seen were chisel-edge, making that even more convenient

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