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We need your help! – Wicked Edge Learning Experience Survey

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  • #49829
    Kyle Kaplan
    • Topics: 6
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    Hi everyone,

    We’re conducting a survey about experiences in learning how to use the Wicked Edge and we’d love for everyone to participate. It’s a short survey, 10 questions, and only takes a couple of minutes. We greatly appreciate your time and your feedback. You can take the survey by following this link:

    Thanks again!

    Marc H (Wicked Edge Expert Corner)
    • Topics: 84
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    Kyle when I click the link I get a screen that says, “Yon Need Permission”!

    (MarcH's Rack-Its)

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    I also was denied access.

    Scott DF
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    Maybe it’s fixed now, but I got in without problem

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    Okay, it is working now for me.

    1 user thanked author for this post.
    Kyle Kaplan
    • Topics: 6
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    Sorry about that. It’s been fixed.

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    Dennis Hibar
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    Sent mine in…hope you report on the results.

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    I am a total newbie, I’ve only sharpened 2 cheap knives so far, I took the survey. I didn’t answer the question asking how many knives I’ve sharpened before I reached a comfort level using it because I have yet to reach that point. I’ve read my owners manual cover to cover 3 or 4 times and watched many videos and it’s still a bit confusing. Every time I feel I’m doing it right I come across another video contradicting something I’m doing.

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    Chuck you are not alone!  Here is a video that was passed on to me by MarcH in and email.   It was very helpful in explaining the strokes and finding a technique that works for me.  It is ongoing experimentation with each knife finding what works best for me..

    I don’t think MarcH will mind if I paste in his explanation of the video  from the email, along with the link.
    Here’s a Youtube video showing three sharpening methods incorporated together.  The videos are supposed to be about using whetstones.  It’s a two video set.  In the first video, I linked, Tom discusses the whetstones but really only sharpens with the diamond stones. Tom utilizes good sharpening technique, IMO.  This is probably of the best technique explaining video I’ve ever found.  I have developed my technique utilizing some of his methods while emulating his style.  You’ll notice his technique is slow and deliberate. There is a lot of attention put on the placement and contact between the stones and the knife and the applied pressure.  You don’t see or hear any slapping.  Nothing is erratic.”
    I think it would better  if the WE site had videos like the above explaining the different techniques in detail along with  and best practices.  MarcH was very helpful to me and I really appropriate the  time he has invested in assisting me.  This forum is an excellent learning environment with answers to most questions asked and answered many time.  Unfortunately it is not easy to learn what questions to search for when you are a total new user.    Hopefully this survey and thread will assist WE with updating the training info.
    • This reply was modified 5 years, 12 months ago by airscapes.
    • This reply was modified 5 years, 12 months ago by airscapes.
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    Airscapes, thank you for posting that link, I found it very helpful. I’m going to see if I can find part 2.

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    Marc H (Wicked Edge Expert Corner)
    • Topics: 84
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    Part 2

    (MarcH's Rack-Its)

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    Kyle Kaplan
    • Topics: 6
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    Hey everyone,

    Thank you for your responses! We’re learning a lot and will post the results when we wrap up this project.



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    I did it! I filled the survey and really the best answers were from forum members either directly or by links to videos. MarcH, Organic and tcmeyer, you deserve my thanks for all your help but really all of the forum members are a helpful bunch. I wish Mr. Curry was still participating, his videos are very good. I feel the WE is a hands on type of thing, you get better as you practice.

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