Nice ones! What stone/strop did you finish with? Also, did you add a microbevel? It seems the edge of the edge is slightly different from the rest of the edge.
These are just a few shots I took to show how the microscope is used as a tool… these are not mirrored or anything.. the edge is very obvious from the rest of the blade. It took me fair amount of time to just get the microscope to work on my windows 10 machine ( 64 bit ).
I was about to throw in the towel with this microscope, when I decided to use my Logitech Web cam software ( windows 10 / 64 bit ) to host the microscope. The software that came with the microscope said compatible with both Windows and Mac… but it did not work, and the user manual file was in Chinese only. I use the microscope to remove the toothiness… this helps to remove only the minimal amount of steel from the blade. is also verifies a complete burr.