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  • #54508
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    Why do we have to have so many passwords for Wicked Edge? I have to have a password for the main website, and then another password for the forum, and I guess I have to set another password to see tickets because neither of the other two will work to see tickets. It’s ridiculous…

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    Hmmm…  I only have one password.

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    Not me, I have two and will have to get a third if I want to look at the ticket that was created. I signed in at the main webpage the first time. And when I went to the forums page, it made me select a new password for it. And awhile ago when I received an email from them on the ticket that I created and clicked on the spot to “view ticket”, it told me to sign in. Neither one of my two usernames and passwords would work for it.

    Marc H (Wicked Edge Expert Corner)
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    I also have used only the one same username/password for everything.

    (MarcH's Rack-Its)

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    All three areas do require a password and they don’t talk to each other, so it is ridiculous and we’re working to change it but haven’t had a lot of success so far. We’ve tried a few developers and they haven’t been able to make it work. We’ll keep trying. The issue is that the website is hosted on Shopify. The forum is on WordPress and our support system is on ZOHO.

    It is possible to use the same username and password for all three areas so you don’t have to keep track of multiples.



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    All three areas do require a password and they don’t talk to each other, so it is ridiculous and we’re working to change it but haven’t had a lot of success so far. We’ve tried a few developers and they haven’t been able to make it work. We’ll keep trying. The issue is that the website is hosted on Shopify. The forum is on WordPress and our support system is on ZOHO. It is possible to use the same username and password for all three areas so you don’t have to keep track of multiples.

    I kinda figured it was something like that. I don’t like to use the same password for different systems. Guess I should’ve made an exception in this case.

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    I kinda figured it was something like that. I don’t like to use the same password for different systems. Guess I should’ve made an exception in this case.

    Look in to a passwd manager Lastpass is a good one that has a free version for pc use or a very inexpensive yearly fee to use on all devices

    You remember 1 master passwd and don’t need to know the site passwds, been using for a few years and could not live without it now.

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    I kinda figured it was something like that. I don’t like to use the same password for different systems. Guess I should’ve made an exception in this case.

    Look in to a passwd manager Lastpass is a good one that has a free version for pc use or a very inexpensive yearly fee to use on all devices You remember 1 master passwd and don’t need to know the site passwds, been using for a few years and could not live without it now.

    Thanks, but I don’t trust that either. I don’t want anything on the Net holding my passwords. The Chicoms already got about everything else. Just a matter of time before they have your passwords also, that’s assuming that they don’t already have them. When you signed up to Lastpass, did you actually read the TOS and privacy policies, or just click, ” I accept”, like 99.9% of the people do? I would bet a Franklin to a donut that you gave them permission to give your information to, “third parties”.

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    Well I will take my chances.. beats passwd123 so I can remember .. Being a Sr IT engineer it is my job to trust tech.. Face it, not much that can’t be broken into when companies don’t update their hardware and software cause it cost money.. Bad guys don’t hack passwords there are simpler ways to gain access.

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    Yeah, but no sense in making it easy for them. I don’t use the same passwords, and I write them all down on paper, not on the web or cloud.

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    Yep, if you live along and don’t trust tech, that would be better than using weak memorable passwords, but if you are interesting in some more info on the subject, a quick google returned this page that has some solid security info about pass words.'s%20probably%20against%20your%20company's,it's%20probably%20not%20terribly%20secure.

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    There’s always somebody here so I’m not worried about it that much. I just don’t want them all setting online waiting for the, “third parties”. And I don’t use FB, Twitter, or any of that crap.

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