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  • #58798
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    Hi Everybody! I’m new to the forum but not new to my gen 3 pro. I was hoping someone here might know where to find replacement stabilizer feet? I seem to have lost one making the base very tippy and can’t find anything on the interwebs about replacement feet. Anybody know where to find them?

    Thanks All!

    Marc H
    • Topics: 78
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    Welcome to the W.E. Forum, Paul.

    Call W.E. or better, submit a support ticket. If they have the replacement part, W.E. will provide it. It may well be the same rubber insert used on the new Gen4Pro.


    (MarcH's Rack-Its)

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    Hi Paul!  If you are totally stuck and out of options, I can make you one if you can provide exact measurements in mm with a digital caliper or mail me one of the existing feet so I can copy it.

    I am guessing WE has what you need!

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    Welcome to the forum, Paul!

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