Every finer stone added to your sharpening progression will refine, smooth and improve the preciseness of the bevel’s intersection at the apex. When done with good proper sharpening technique, this can result in improved edge sharpness and a more polished appearance. The level of edge refinement you seek is a personal thing that goes beyond simple function and necessity. A properly applied edge with a well broken in set of diamond stones ending with the 1000 grit stone is suuficient to produce a very sharp and practical cutting edge.
With the initial sharpening of a knife with the Wicked Edge the 1000 grit is a good functional finishing place in the first sharpening progression. With subsequent touch ups of that same knife you should be able to begin the touch up with a higher grit and achieve good results with less effort and quicker. This is when I’d be open to adding higher grits to the sharpening progression. Then you’ll have the experience from using that knife from it’s previous sharpening to 1000 grit and a basis for comparison if you add finer grits to the touch up progression.
Expect to see improved results with knives sharpened through a 1000 grit progression as your stones continue to break in and as your technique improves, also. Improving your sharpening technique with improved consistency in your stone angles, and sharpening strokes and proper attention to detail will contribute more to quality of edge sharpness, right now, then would adding additional finer grits to your progression.
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