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  • #59122
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    I would love to own one of these sharpeners.  I know how this will play to the Kool-Aid crowd, but I feel the need to say that the WE pricing model is truly disgusting!  I can buy a Winch-ster Repeating Rifle for the same cost of this realtively cheap aluminum bodied sharpener with two pivot points for the arms.  I wonder which has more precision parts and exactness in its engineering.   I wonder which is more durable.  I wonder if Winch-ster ever produced a produced a product where you needed to find your own wood to carve the stock and mount it to the frame.  I wonder if you realize that you alienate 98% of your potential customer base by insulting our intelligence about it’s actual worth.  Obviously the WE Corp. is  making so much money that they don’t even care about my money or millions of others, whose cash you will never see.  You are marketing geniuses.

    Shame on you

    Marc H
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    Welcome to the forum.

    Are you looking for an argument, an agreement, yes, yes.  All you said is correct. Including the marketing part. But, They really do care. The prices have come down.

    But they’re really good knife sharpeners. Really well engineered and well made. The more expensive models are easier to use the precision these things offer. They do what they say with excellent support.

    Yes I’m a fan and a long time user. If it’s something you can get how to use, pick it !up, not everyone does, it really allows the user, the actual “knife sharpener” the ability to use these sharpening systems to achieve edge sharpness you never could before. Truly.

    Hey, about the gun story…when in college I met a guy who was an amateur gun smith. He said buy this Remington bolt action $79 rifle. He made for me a marksman capable rifle after refining, customizations and accessories. The WE base models have those bones. The newest WE40 base model is $185. My story was 40 yrs ago….


    (MarcH's Rack-Its)

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    I see nothing wrong with the Wicked Edge prices. I own a fountain pen that costed more than the WE60 base model. WE sharpener systems are original and made in the USA. They are not building from the research & development of other companies – they do their own research & development. And as Marc pointed out, they have come down on a lot of their prices since Covid when nearly everyone else has gone up in price.

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    Have you priced a Japanese knife, or eve quality US made Pocket Knives??

    The WE is not a gun manufacture that has been around since  1873 so you can not really compared the manufacturing capabilities and vendor buying power of global giant gun manufacture to a US Small business  The WE is  also made in the US like many guns are.   My buddy said to me when I bought the WE about or 6 years ago, “You know, you could buy a new set of knives every year for quite a few years for what you are paying to sharpen the ones you have!”   He was not wrong..

    It is a tool, good tools that are well made and accurate cost more than those that are not.

    Buy it or  don’t buy it.  If you can not justify the expense then why bother commenting, it’s like going to the  a Corvette forum and complaining about the cost of the the car.. is it worth what they charge.. depends on  who you are.. my 20 year old Pacifica is a lot more comfortable to drive on a 400 miles trip but not as much fun..    It costs a lot of money to keep a small business running, so if we want stuff made in the US, then as a consumer we need to pay for it, so the companies  can  stay in business and keep employing people..

    If you really do want one, you can always look at use, these things last for decades.  People buy them and like many hobbies, lose interest after a year  or 2 and then sell them.  Many of  used units are virtually just broken in and ready to use (New stone take a good bit of use to get fully broken in).   It does take some time an effort to lean to use the tool correctly to get repeated results each time.  It is not plug and play and not a power tool, so takes time to use..


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    What do you use the Pen for?   BTW, the past tense of cost is cost.  Looks like you put the cart before the horse when you purchased that writing implement.
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    A great patriot once coined the phase “Penny wise, Pound foolish”
     …..Translated to 2024 speak….if you see no problem wasting money frivously…you will end up driving a 20 year old version of what is arguably the worst automobile Chrysler ever produced.  Maybe, you can purchase the fountain pen mentioned in the other post.  You must need it for sending holiday cards to you mechanic.
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    Thanks for the reply.  In your opinion my best option is to hand over $200.00 to purchase the cheapest and least effective sharpener in the WE line up?
    May I ask for another product tip, please?  How do I achieve the hair whitteling “wicked edge” that I see so many of you bloviating about with a 300 and 600 grit stone?
    I must be doing something wrong because that is usually where I start, and not where I end the sharpening process.  I guess I could throw in a few hundred more and purchase more stones to go with the wonky outdated base model.
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    Know your worth

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    It all depends upon your priorities. I hope that you don’t plan on charging me for the spelling lesson… LOL!

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    Hey Kurt,

    My name’s Ryan and I’m one of the 9 team members here at Wicked Edge.

    Your thoughts and opinions are ones we hear often. We know our products are expensive, especially our higher-end models. We work as hard as possible to keep our pricing as low as possible, but we refuse to give up quality, precision, or liveable wages for those who work with us. We know a Generation 4 Pro won’t be in every person’s home because that model, our flagship, and all of our products were made for those who value a USA-made, hand-assembled, multi-point quality checked machine, and that’s an expensive commitment. All of our products are priced around the fact that each one receives several years of R&D, up to 150 precision-designed/engineered/manufactured parts, a lifetime warranty, the longest-lasting Diamond Stones on the market, and a team that’s highly trained and hands-on with every step of the process.
    We are releasing the Carbon-WE40 for the exact reasons you’re pointing out. We have never been the company people go to because they’re looking to save some money. We’ve always been a product that few could afford and that’s not fair. We believe everyone deserves the sharpest, most durable edges possible on the blades that they use every day. We are constantly working to make our machines better and more affordable.

    If you have any ideas about what features you’d be willing to give up in our products to make them more affordable, we are always listening for feedback and know that those who ‘haven’t drank the Kool-Aid’ are those who often have the most impactful ideas. You can email me directly at

    Thank you for your feedback and I look forward to hearing what ideas you have to make our products more attainable.



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    🙂  Certainly not.  Especially since I typo’d frivolously and an “r” in your


    I thought the Statue of Liberty was right handed? 

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    Sometimes I misspell words on purpose to see if someone will jump on it like a dog on a bone. But in that case I saw it but didn’t think that it was worth the time to correct it.
    I thought that the Statue of Liberty was ambidextrous.

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    Naah!  My thing is more grammar and speaking up against disingenuity.  I never could spell worth a ….
    <h3 class=”factsheet-section-header”></h3>

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    Well, you chose the wrong company to speak out against. I can’t believe that WE have managed to keep their prices down when just about everything else has gone up. You should be congratulating them.

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    Oh I meant to ask.  “Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, the wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door!”

    Is your profile picture making a pronouncement that she should shoot them?

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