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  • #50880
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    I was looking through the articles at the excellent blog Knife Steel Nerds ( and I found this quiz. I thought it would be fun to post here and see what kinds of scores y’all are getting.

    I got 10/11 without using the Google.


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    I only got 6/11, so guess I’m not a steel nerd!  Cool quiz though fun to take.



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    I also took the quiz cold without Google.  Yes, I am a steel nerd and proud of it!  Science and Chemistry have always been more than interesting to me. Since my days in high school electronics and chemistry classes, I rely on the principles of the scientific method. Anecdotal evidence is good but I do like to find the science behind the result.

    Ed K.


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    Wow, 11/11! You are indeed a steel nerd.

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    I’m not a steel nerd, not yet! I scored 8/11 without the Google helping hand. Thank you Organic, that was not only fun, but educational too.

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    I’m a nerd (10/11) but I guessed at least four of them.  I owe thanks to our US Navy, of 1963, where they actually taught us how to take a multiple choice test.  The reason was that promotions in the Navy were/are all based on fleet-wide testing, twice per year.  Unfortunately,  there are individuals who, for one reason or another, simply do not do well on tests.  To even the playing field, they taught us a number of tricks to make everybody feel comfortable under the time-constrained testing.  They even taught us how to guess.

    I attribute at least part of my passing the Professional Engineer’s exam, without having attended college, to the methods I was taught.  I’ve  also had a 10 point increase in my IQ score, testing before and after this training.

    BTW, the one question I got wrong was the one on air-hardening steel.  And that’s the one steel I use for making knives.  Aaarrrgh!

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