Bob replied to the topic Newbie introduction 🙂 in the forum Welcome Mat 1 year, 2 months ago
Welcome to the forum
Bob replied to the topic Hello All in the forum Welcome Mat 4 years, 6 months ago
Welcome Wayne, you’re gonna love your pro pack
Bob replied to the topic Hello in the forum Welcome Mat 4 years, 6 months ago
Welcome Ben
Bob replied to the topic Rapala Knives in the forum Welcome Mat 6 years, 2 months ago
Thanks tcmeyer, it looks like it works great. Â Since I have a wooden workbench I would look for a screw down base instead of a suction cup mount, which hopefully will work just as well.
Bob replied to the topic Rapala Knives in the forum Welcome Mat 6 years, 2 months ago
tcmeyer, Â is tne RAM mount something that you put together or bought complete? Â Either way could you post a link as to where to get it? Â Looks like it will really do the trick.
I thought I posted this before but I can’t seem to find it anywhere. If I did I’m sorry for my redundancy
Bob replied to the topic New from Michigan in the forum Welcome Mat 6 years, 3 months ago
Thanks Marc for the marker tip.
I purchased the standoffs at Suburban Bolt & Supply in Roseville Michigan.  I originally bought them for some magnetic locks that I was installing and had them left over from that job, the original hole was 3/16 I drilled it out to 17/64,  then I drilled and tapped them with a 10/32 tap.  The screws were also pur…[Read more]
Bob replied to the topic New from Michigan in the forum Welcome Mat 6 years, 3 months ago
Marc, Worked like a charm,  fortunately it held tight because there really isn’t any room to put leather in it, maybe a piece of a rubber glove if it starts to slip.
Bob replied to the topic New from Michigan in the forum Welcome Mat 6 years, 3 months ago
Thanks for your reply Marc,
I guess I use the wrong word, flex is what I mean.  The vice hold the blade quite securely, but because of the thinness  of the blade it has a lot of flex.  What is was thinking about doing,  is cutting some 1/16  angle stock 2 x 1/4 and clamping the knife between those two pieces.  When I get it done I will post a pic…[Read more]
Bob started the topic New from Michigan in the forum Welcome Mat 6 years, 3 months ago
<p style=”text-align: right;”></p>
 Hello everyone, bought a WE 130 last week, what fun!  I have been sharpening knives for many years, but never with the consistency,  and attention to detail that the WE provides.I sharpen some knives that I had laying around the house, and realize I need to buy the low angle adapter.  I can tell already tha…[Read more]
Bob became a registered member 6 years, 3 months ago