Last month I revived my rusted out Sugimoto No.6 cleaver and put an edge with the WE diamond stones. Under magnification the blade was micro chipped so I switched to Chosera whetstone. The chips totally disappeared! I don’t know why but the virgin carbon steel didn’t like diamond.
I thought KME has a curved rod specifically for convex edge sharpening. Clay, is this the route your design team thinking or something even more elegant?
To update everyone I get this fetish with cleavers. Ordered this Deng clan cleaver. The spine and taper have the same profile as the ones posted above. Will there be a special version of the WE120 for an odd blade profile like this in the future? Thinking of putting in pieces of wood and leather into the clamp.
I am tempted to add the scissor attachment to a current order but will wait until further design changes to come along without the need of using the low angle adaptor.