Lenny replied to the topic Strop Choice After 1.4/0.6 Micron Ceramics in the forum Stropping 6 years, 1 month ago
Yes, I know about lapping film and use them when I am going for a truly mirrored edge. I am not interested in achieving a perfectly mirrored edge in this instance for economies sake. My question was more in regards the experience users have with following the ceramics with 4/2 micron and 1/0.5 micron strops and if they were to use only one, which…[Read more]
Lenny replied to the topic Strop Choice After 1.4/0.6 Micron Ceramics in the forum Stropping 6 years, 1 month ago
Sure, but what I was getting at was that if 1/0.5 micron strops (with a less aggressive compound) wasn’t a good fit to follow the Micro Fine Ceramics because they are not aggressive enough, why wouldn’t have they opted for the 5/3.5 micron strops instead?
Lenny replied to the topic Strop Choice After 1.4/0.6 Micron Ceramics in the forum Stropping 6 years, 1 month ago
Thanks for all the thoughts guys. I’m going to mess around with it some on a few test knives I have. I just noticed that the Pro-Pack II transitions from the 1.4/0.6 ceramics to 1/0.5 micron pastes. From what I have heard, the emulsions are more effective than pastes of a given grit.
I have actually thought of a powered systems (like a Tormek…[Read more]
Lenny started the topic Strop Choice After 1.4/0.6 Micron Ceramics in the forum Stropping 6 years, 1 month ago
I’ll start with my motivation: I sharpen knives on the side and have been toying with ways to improve sharpening times, efficiency, finish, and edge sharpness. Currently, I start with the finest stone I feel I can use to reset the apex in a reasonable amount of time and continue through the 1000 grit diamond stone. From there, I use both sets of…[Read more]
Lenny replied to the topic Micro Fine Ceramic Lapping in the forum Ceramic Stones 6 years, 1 month ago
I figure I should post an update.
I found a piece of float glass and attached the 1.5 and 0.5 micron lapping films to it; multiple pieces of each were used to give a larger working surface. I used both small amounts of light weight mineral oil and later trend lapping fluid. I worked in a figure 8 pattern with hands on either end of the stones,…[Read more]
Lenny replied to the topic 3 Film Lapping Film Progression in the forum Techniques and Sharpening Strategies 6 years, 1 month ago
Thanks for the info guys. The photos in the thread are helpful. I don’t think I’ll be working the 9 micron films in my progression unless I feel the need to buy a whole new set of blank handles.
Lenny started the topic 3 Film Lapping Film Progression in the forum Techniques and Sharpening Strategies 6 years, 1 month ago
I think I’m in a spot that a lot of people are. I bought the 1500 grit stones and an extra set of blank glass platens. I also have the 4/2 and 1/0.5 emulsion strop pack.
I’m currently using 6,3, and 1 micron films; I went 3 to 1 instead of 3 to 1.5 because I’ve never had a problem with that progression when using 3m diamond films before and…[Read more]
Lenny replied to the topic Sharpening Progressions in the forum Techniques and Sharpening Strategies 6 years, 2 months ago
Yeah, I think that the plates are pretty flat and produce something close enough to a v bevel to let the films take care of the rest. Of course, a bevel doesnt have to be V cut in the first place to be sharp.
Lenny replied to the topic Sharpening Progressions in the forum Techniques and Sharpening Strategies 6 years, 2 months ago
I don’t disagree with that at all and this is not my first sharpening method. This is why I say that the glass backed lapping films produce what is closest to a true V bevel.
Lenny replied to the topic Sharpening Progressions in the forum Techniques and Sharpening Strategies 6 years, 2 months ago
I think that having good technique and attention to detail is needed but while looking at many of my diamond stones they are clearly not flat. Not hugely concave or convex, but noticeably not flat. I don’t see this issue with my lapping film blanks.
Lenny replied to the topic Sharpening Progressions in the forum Techniques and Sharpening Strategies 6 years, 2 months ago
Yes, that has been my experience as well with the ceramics and films and not just on the WE. I find that the lapping films are the most consistent medium. I also feel they give the closest thing to a true V Bevel as we can get since they are glass backed.
Lenny replied to the topic Sharpening Progressions in the forum Techniques and Sharpening Strategies 6 years, 2 months ago
Have you noticed any break in with them like in the super fine ceramics (if you have used those stones)?
Lenny replied to the topic Sharpening Progressions in the forum Techniques and Sharpening Strategies 6 years, 2 months ago
How long have you been using your micro fine ceramics?
Yes, I’ve noticed that too. I think a lot of water stones use a coarser grit rating for a given numeric value, for example, the 1000 grit WE stone sits between the 5000 and 8000 grit Shapton according to the grit comparison table.
Lenny replied to the topic Ceramics…What To Expect… in the forum Techniques and Sharpening Strategies 6 years, 2 months ago
Yes, Organic is correct, play around with it. The diamond stones are the foundation of any sharpening progression I use on the WE. From there, I will proceed with lapping films, ceramics, or more straight to strops. I do not use the lapping films and ceramics together and no do I use strops after my lapping films because I finish with a 1 micron…[Read more]
Lenny started the topic Sharpening Progressions in the forum Techniques and Sharpening Strategies 6 years, 2 months ago
I’m wondering what are some of your preferred sharpening progressions and for what applications you use them for.
I’n general, I won’t omit abrasives of a certain grit if I have that abrasive in my collection and I started with an abrasive of the same class. That is, I won’t omit the 600 grit diamond stones and jump to the 800 ones if I started…[Read more]
Lenny replied to the topic Ceramics…What To Expect… in the forum Techniques and Sharpening Strategies 6 years, 2 months ago
My 1200 grit ceramics do not produce a “scratch” to my eye. Instead its more of a dull luster; these are obviously still scratches but I wanted to describe it in a way relevant to your question.
Lenny replied to the topic Scratch Pattern Read, Please… in the forum Techniques and Sharpening Strategies 6 years, 2 months ago
I really like the 14/10 strops on balsa. I like the finish they give after the super fine ceramics. I’ve been experimenting using them between my 1500 grit stone and 6 micron films when I’m going the lapping film route.
Lenny replied to the topic Micro Fine Ceramic Lapping in the forum Ceramic Stones 6 years, 2 months ago
Yes, that might work. I have some trend lapping fluid which is made specifically for use with diamond abrasives.
Did you try any intermediate grits before taking the ceramics to the 1.5 micron lapping films?
Lenny replied to the topic Micro Fine Ceramic Lapping in the forum Ceramic Stones 6 years, 2 months ago
That’s true. I’ll first try rubbing like stones together. I’m moving away from 1.5 Micron film though so I might still give that a shot. I’ll report back if I do.
Lenny replied to the topic Micro Fine Ceramic Lapping in the forum Ceramic Stones 6 years, 2 months ago
Yes, that’s what I am getting at. Since the stones are rated at 1.4/0.6 microns using 1.5/0.5 films seems reasonable. I had a pair or the micro fine and while to the eye they seemed flat, they were not.
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