Clayton replied to the topic Another Pennsyltucky Knife Nut! in the forum Welcome Mat 5 years, 5 months ago
Hey all, sorry for the suuuuuper late reply! I didn’t realize I wasn’t subscribed to my own thread and haven’t been back to check for a while.
The Pennsyltucky thing is just how we sometimes like to joke about the rural parts of PA. There is a saying that PA is “Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, and Kentucky in-between”.
I’m from a rural central part of…[Read more]
Clayton replied to the topic Thumbscrew tightening/loosening on the Go in the forum Wicked Edge GO 5 years, 5 months ago
Sorry folks, I just realized I wasn’t subscribed to my own thread so I never noticed any replies. Popped back in here a couple of months later and saw these followups.
I’ll give a try on using some washers to see if that tightens up the thumb screw situation!
Clayton started the topic Thumbscrew tightening/loosening on the Go in the forum Wicked Edge GO 5 years, 8 months ago
Hey all,
I’ve had a GO for 5-6 mo now and have had a great time using it. My one hardware question or complaint is this – I have had a hard time getting the angle adjustment thumbscrews tight enough to stay in place, but still able to be loosened by hand. Typically I can really crank them down by hand and not have problems, but then I really…[Read more]
Clayton started the topic Another Pennsyltucky Knife Nut! in the forum Welcome Mat 5 years, 8 months ago
Good morning folks! I purchased a WE GO shortly after Christmas this year with some holiday funds and quickly added the 800/1000 stones and 3/5 micron strops. I’ve had a pretty good time learning the system and have been getting better at maintaining a consistent edge height per side based largely upon a lot of reading that I’ve found here -…[Read more]
Clayton became a registered member 6 years ago