Excellent, Josh…. Thanks for doing this video….
It was just over 10 minutes long. How long would it normally take you to do that knife?
I feel like I, figuratively, bumped my head on the thought of stopping at 600 grit…… I want to shout…. “but what about all the other, finer grits, stones & strops?!!?”
I recently have been re-reading Leonard Lee’s “The Complete Guide To Sharpening”.
“Sharpness for a cutting tool could be defined as two surfaces meeting at a line of zero width.”
That being said, cutting is the application of sharpness to the material being cut.
And as you point out, the 600 grit shaves and cuts and, I’m guessing doesn’t dull quickly.
Thanks for posting the video….
For Now,
"Everyday edge for the bevel headed"
"Things work out best for those who make the best out of the way things work out."