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Upgraded to Gen 3, One Stone "Sticks"

Recent Forums Main Forum Techniques and Sharpening Strategies Upgraded to Gen 3, One Stone "Sticks"

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  • #44798
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    I recently upgraded my WE100 to the WE130 with the new rods and clamp and I noticed one of my original 100/200 stones sticks on both rods. It’s almost as if the plastic hole isn’t perfectly straight. None of my other stones stick this way. Any idea why this is happening or what I can do to fix it? I emailed Kyle at WE but I haven’t heard back yet.

    Marc H (Wicked Edge Expert Corner)
    • Topics: 82
    • Replies: 2766

    Welcome to the Wicked Edge Forum, sulaco.

    This is what TCMeyer, one of our regular Forum participant and contributor did to solve tis same issue.

    I gave copied and pasted this from his original post:

    “I was then surprised to find that these rods, at only 0.002″ bigger in diameter, wouldn’t move freely through the bores in two of my ten handles.  It seemed as though something was obstructing the bores about midway through the handles.  I did a bit of digging through my shooter supplies and I found a fresh bronze .243 rifle cleaning brush.  I mounted it to a single section of cleaning rod and again, using a cordless drill, pushed the brush into the approximate center of the handles, gave it a few very short spins and was amazed to see how quickly bits of plastic began to show.  This instantly solved the problem and all the handles now work smoothly over the new rods.”

    (MarcH's Rack-Its)

    • Topics: 1
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    Hmm, so the consensus is there is extra plastic which needs to be removed from inside the bore on this stone? Is this just a QC issue? It’s had no more or less use than the other stone which works fine, so I’m thinking that must be the issue.

    The plastic body seems really soft so I’m a little uncertain about using a hard abrasive like a phosphor/bronze bore brush on it. I’ll have to think on that one.

    Thanks for the welcome!

    Marc H (Wicked Edge Expert Corner)
    • Topics: 82
    • Replies: 2766

    For my sticking handles I pulled a small square of thin rag that I saturated with silicone spray lubricant, through the bore hole with a loop of thin cord. I made the loop out of dental floss.  I put an opened large wire paper clip, folded in half on the loop to serve as a weight.  I drop the paper clip weight done the handles bore hole from the top.  Then I pulled the lubricating patch through the handles by the dental floss loop.  You will have to cut your rag swatch to the size that snuggly fits the hole but still is able to be pulled through using light to moderate force. I repeated this process with the silicone patch a couple times each in through both the stone ends. This silicone lubrication took the sticking out of all my handles so now they slide freely.

    Just so you know TCMeyer is an engineer.  He considers the damage his actions may cause before he puts his fix into practice.

    (MarcH's Rack-Its)

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