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  • #50514
    Michael Blakley
    • Topics: 29
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    Currently, I finish a knife with this:

    1500 grit

    Diamond lapping





    I do not have
    <p class=”page-title “>Micro Fine Ceramic Stones Pack.</p>
    If I were to add, the MicroFine stones, could I skip any of the above steps because they would not be necessary?


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    From posts I have seen more than a few time, I would say no.  Those who own both seem to  say the ceramic grit cutting pattern is different than Diamond.  Some folks like them and some say they don’t fit into that progress well at all.    If you go to the top of the forum and hover  over  the work FORUM towards the right side, you will see a link to Recent posts, click that and see if there aren’t some posts with a similar question.


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    Marc H (Wicked Edge Expert Corner)
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    Michael,  I suggest you check your source for your “Diamond Lapping Films”.  From the micron grits you have listed I’m thinking they may be another abrasive medium other then diamonds.  Here’s a 3M source for the various grits 3M makes and it doesn’t appear to coincide with your grits. W.E. offers only: 9, 6, 3, 1.5, 1, & 0.1µ DLFs.  Jende offers these grits:  80, 60, 45, 30, 15, 9, 6, 3, 1, 0.5 micron.   Many sellers don’t readily disclose the abrasives compounds used in the lapping films they sell.  It can be misleading what you’re purchasing.

    That being said that doesn’t mean that non-DLF materials won’t work.  They just are not aggressive in cutting harder steels and won’t last as long either.

    The normal suggested progression some W.E. users, myself included, have found to work well is 1500 grit >> 6µ DLF, >>3 >>1.5 to 1µ DLFs.

    I am in the “school of thought” that airscapes mentioned that feels it’s an “either/or” proposition.  1500 grit to ceramics to strops, or 1500 grit to DLFs to strops.

    (MarcH's Rack-Its)

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    This was very helpful to me.  Thanks Marc.

     1500 grit to ceramics to strops, or 1500 grit to DLFs to strops.

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    For those that may be reading this, to be clear, I believe the response below is in the context that the OP already has lapping films and not that the ceramics do not have a place at all in the sharpening grit progression.

    I’d also say no, do not buy the ceramics.

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